Nombre de messages : 1266 Age : 70 Localisation : Limoges Date d'inscription : 21/09/2008
| Sujet: Le génie et le crocodile Mer 8 Mar 2023 - 11:13 | |
| Pour ceux qui voudraient utiliser l'éditeur Geany avec le Crocodile BASIC, voici le fichier de paramétrage de l'éditeur, à sauvegarder sous le nom filetypes.fbcroco - Code:
# For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation [styling] # Edit these in the colorscheme .conf file instead default=default comment=comment number=number_1 word=keyword_1 string=string_1 preprocessor=preprocessor operator=operator identifier=identifier_1 date=number_2 stringeol=string_eol word2=keyword_2 word3=keyword_3 word4=keyword_4 constant=identifier_2 asm=type label=label error=error hexnumber=number_1 binnumber=number_1
[keywords] # all items must be in one line keywords=? abs acos acosh active add_style adr airy and any arc asc asin asinh atan atan2 atanh atn b3d_camera b3d_color b3d_cube b3d_cylinder b3d_light b3d_load_texture b3d_mesh b3d_move b3d_plane b3d_point b3d_position b3d_rotate b3d_scale b3d_sphere b64_decode b64_encode besselj besselj0 besselj1 bessely bessely0 bessely1 beta bin bitreset bitset bitvalue box_type_str buffer buffer_file_load buffer_file_save buffer_insert buffer_length buffer_line_end buffer_line_start buffer_remove buffer_remove_select buffer_replace buffer_search_backward buffer_search_forward buffer_select buffer_text_range buffer_unselect buffer_word_end buffer_word_start cabs cabs2 cacos cacosh caption caption_align caret_position carg case casin casinh catalan_const catan catanh cbrt cconj ccos ccosh ceil ceil cexp cfrac cfrac_deriv chart_add chart_clear chart_insert chart_replace chart_set_bounds chart_set_type checked chr cint cinv clog closecom closein closeout cls cmplx cneg color_caption_fl color_caption_rgb color_chooser_dialog color_chooser_get_hsv color_chooser_get_rgb color_chooser_set_hsv color_chooser_set_mode color_chooser_set_rgb color_connector_fl color_connector_rgb color_cursor_fl color_cursor_fl color_cursor_rgb color_cursor_rgb color_fl color_numlines_fl color_numlines_rgb color_rgb color_selection_fl color_selection_rgb color_text_fl color_text_rgb colormap colwidget colwidget_self command const container_bars container_begin container_end container_scroll contour copy_text_to_clipboard cos cosh cot coth cpoly cpoly_deriv cpoly_derivs creal croot csc csch csgn csin csincos csinh csinhcosh csqrt ctan ctanh curdir data date day_of_week dec def digamma dilog dim dim_3d dim_buffer dim_static dim_widget dir_change dir_exists dir_make dir_remove draw drawr editor_copy editor_cut editor_get_insert_pos editor_numlines editor_paste editor_redisplay_range editor_set_buffer editor_set_insert_pos editor_set_stylebuffer editor_show_insert_pos editor_wrap else elseif end end_enum end_function end_if end_select end_sub end_while enum eof eqv erase erf erfc euler_const even execute exepath exit exit_for exit_function exit_repeat exit_sub exit_while exp exp10 exp2 expint expm1 extract fact fadr false fb_print fdate fdatetime file_copy file_delete file_dialog file_exists file_extract_disk file_extract_extension file_extract_name file_extract_path file_find_first file_find_next file_rename fill fill_pattern fl_arc fl_draw fl_drawr fl_font fl_frame fl_init_canvas fl_move fl_mover fl_pen_color fl_pen_style fl_pie fl_plot fl_plotr fl_rectangle fl_rectangle_fill fl_rgb fl_text_extension fl_text_justify fl_text_print flip floor floor flush font_caption font_list font_list_monospace font_text for form_begin form_end form_iconize form_minsize form_setmodal frac freefile ftime function gamma gen_style get get_caption get_caption_align get_caret_position get_coord get_img_size get_ink get_mouse get_mpfr_prec get_position get_size get_text get_xywh gosub goto handle_event hex hide hint hsvtorgb hviewer_file_load hypot if iif imag img_crop img_load img_load_trans img_resize img_rotate img_save img_to_txt img_transfo imp inactive ink inkey input instr instrrev int is is_monospace label left len line list_clear list_file_add list_file_load list_file_save list_item_add list_item_count list_item_delete list_item_index list_item_insert list_item_read list_item_replace list_item_select list_item_selected list_sort_ascending list_sort_descending list_tab lngamma loc locate lof log log10 log1p log2 log2_const logdec logint lower ltrim mark_off mark_on matwidget matwidget_self max menu_clear menu_item_add menu_item_checked menu_item_count menu_item_index menu_item_insert menu_item_read message message_choice message_input message_password mid min mod mode mode_3d mouse_x mouse_y move mover mpfr mpfr_to_dbl mpfr_to_int mpfr_to_str next not num_font odd opencom openin openout or origin paper peek peek_integer peek_real peek_string pen pi pi_const pictochar pie plot plotr poke poke_integer poke_real poke_string polar position position_range preserve print put pythag randomize read real rectangle rectangle_fill redim redraw render_world repeat replace resize restore return reverse rgb rgba rgba_a rgba_b rgba_g rgba_r rgbtohsv right rnd round rowwidget rowwidget_self rtrim screenlock screenset screensync screenunlock sec sech see_eval see_initeval see_setfunction see_setvariable seek select serial_input serial_input_byte serial_print set_box_type set_coord set_focus set_mpfr_prec set_resizable set_scheme set_size sgn shell shl show shr sin sinh sleep space spc split sqr square start step str str_to_date str_to_datetime str_to_time string sub swap symbcol symbol t1adr t2adr tab tabs_begin tabs_end tan tanh test testr text then time timer timer_interval timer_remove to trace tree_clear tree_close tree_connector_style tree_item_add tree_item_count tree_item_delete tree_item_index tree_item_is_selected tree_item_read tree_item_select tree_item_spacing tree_open tree_reason tree_select_mode tree_sort_order tree_widget_margin trim true trunc txt_to_img ubound until update_world upper using val wend while widget widget_delete widget_draw widget_exists widget_redraw widget_save_img widget_self widget_set_img widget_type write xor zeta zetan preprocessor=#include #compile #define # user definable keywords user1= user2=
[settings] # default extension used when saving files extension=bas
# the following characters are these which a "word" can contains, see documentation #wordchars=_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
# single comments, like # in this file comment_single=' # multiline comments comment_open=/' comment_close='/
# set to false if a comment character/string should start at column 0 of a line, true uses any # indentation of the line, e.g. setting to true causes the following on pressing CTRL+d #command_example(); # setting to false would generate this # command_example(); # This setting works only for single line comments comment_use_indent=true
# context action command (please see Geany's main documentation for details) context_action_cmd=
[indentation] #width=4 # 0 is spaces, 1 is tabs, 2 is tab & spaces #type=1
[build_settings] # %f will be replaced by the complete filename # %e will be replaced by the filename without extension # (use only one of it at one time) compiler=\FBCroco\fbcroco.exe "%f" run_cmd="./%e"
La procédure est la suivante : 1. Faire une copie de sauvegarde du fichier filetypes.freebasic qui se trouve dans le sous-répertoire data\filedefs du répertoire d'installation de Geany 2. Renommer le fichier filetypes.fbcroco en filetypes.freebasic et le copier dans le sous-répertoire data\filedefs3. Si nécessaire, modifier le chemin du programme fbcroco.exe dans le nouveau fichier filetypes.freebasic (par défaut : \FBCroco\fbcroco.exe) | |