Nombre de messages : 77 Age : 60 Localisation : Germany Date d'inscription : 31/07/2010
| Sujet: [english]Inline assembler convert real to float and OpenGL Lun 30 Avr 2018 - 12:24 | |
| Normally Panoramic can't call DLL's with float as parameter but with a litle bit inline assembler it's posible now :-) Only for fun as a short test I created a OpenGL render context where the OpenGL command glClearColor needs 4 float values. glClearColor red, green, blue, alpha Of course you can use Float() for other DLL's also. But see self my friends. DJ - Code:
LIBRARY 1,"kernel32" ' params: dstAddress%, srcAddress%, nBytes% COMMAND "copy","RtlMoveMemory",1,"III","stdcall"
LIBRARY 2,"user32" ' params: pProcAddress%, hWin%, hMSG%, wParam%, lParam% COMMAND "CallWindowProc","CallWindowProcA",2,"IIIII","stdcall" ' params: hWIN%, hDC% COMMAND "ReleaseDC","ReleaseDC",2,"II","stdcall"
LIBRARY 3,"gdi32" ' params: hDC% COMMAND "SwapBuffers","SwapBuffers",3,"I","stdcall" ' params: hDC%, nFormat%, adr(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) COMMAND "SetPixelFormat","SetPixelFormat",3,"III","stdcall"
LIBRARY 4,"opengl32" ' params: hDC%, hRC% COMMAND "wglMakeCurrent","wglMakeCurrent",4,"II","stdcall" ' params: hRC% COMMAND "wglDeleteContext" ,"wglDeleteContext",4,"I","stdcall" ' params: left%, bottom%, width%, height% COMMAND "glViewport" ,"glViewport",4,"IIII","stdcall" ' params: (float) red, green, blue, alpha COMMAND "glClearColor","glClearColor",4,"IIII","stdcall" ' params: GL_XXX_BUFFER_BITS (color,depth,stencil ...) COMMAND "glClear","glClear",4,"I","stdcall" ' params: GL_XXX COMMAND "glEnable","glEnable",4,"I","stdcall" ' params: GL_XXX COMMAND "glDisable","glDisable",4,"I","stdcall"
' params: primitive% GL_XXX (points,lines,triangles,quads, ... COMMAND "glBegin","glBegin",4,"I","stdcall" ' params: none COMMAND "glEnd","glEnd",4,"","stdcall" ' params: real x,y,z COMMAND "glVertex3d","glVertex3d",4,"RRR","stdcall"
LIBRARY 5,"winmm" ' params adr(adr("file.wav")), flag% COMMAND "sndPlaySound","sndPlaySoundA",5,"II","stdcall"
label labRealToFloat,main,timerProc label resize,close
labRealToFloat: : ' convert a Panoramic real (double) to float data "55" : ' push ebp data "89","e5" : ' mov ebp,esp data "8b","75","0c" : ' mov esi,DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc] data "dd","06" : ' fld QWORD PTR [esi] data "8b","75","08" : ' mov esi,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8] data "d9","1e" : ' fstp DWORD PTR [esi] data "5d" : ' pop ebp data "c2","10","00" : ' ret 0x10 data ""
dim opcode$,asmRealToFloat$,pRealToFloat%
' put the hex opcodes from data lines ' in string asmRealToFloat$ restore_label labRealToFloat read opcode$ while len(opcode$)>0 asmRealToFloat$ = asmRealToFloat$ + chr$(hex(opcode$)) read opcode$ end_while ' get address of the assembler code p =*p pRealToFloat% = adr(asmRealToFloat$) copy adr(pRealToFloat%),pRealToFloat%,4
' jump over the functions goto main
' convert a real number to float and store it as integer fnc Float(real) dim_local float% CallWindowProc pRealToFloat%,adr(float%),adr(real),0,0 result float% end_fnc
' create OpenGL render context hRC% from device context hDC% ' with 24 bit color buffer 24 bit depth buffer and 8 bit stencil buffer fnc InitOpenGL(hDC%) dim_local res%,hRC%,type$,p%,ptr% if hDC%<>0 type$ = string$(40,chr$(0)) p% = adr(type$) copy adr(ptr%), p%, 4 : ' ptr = *p poke ptr%,40 : ptr%=ptr% + 2 : ' WORD wSize sizeof(tagPIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) poke ptr%, 1 : ptr%=ptr% + 2 : ' WORD wVersion poke ptr%,37 : ptr%=ptr% + 4 : ' DWORD dwFlag DOUBLEBUFFER 1 or DRAW_TO_WINDOW 4 or SUPPORT_OPENGL 32 poke ptr%, 0 : ptr%=ptr% + 1 : ' BYTE iPixelType PFD_TYPE_RGBA poke ptr%,24 : ptr%=ptr% +14 : ' BYTE cColorBits poke ptr%,24 : ptr%=ptr% + 1 : ' BYTE cDepthBits poke ptr%, 8 : ptr%=ptr% + 2 : ' BYTE cStencilBits poke ptr%, 0 : ptr%=ptr% + 1 : ' BYTE iLayerType PFD_MAIN_PLANE copy adr(ptr%), p%, 4 : ' ptr = *p dll_on "gdi32" res% = dll_Call2("ChoosePixelFormat",hDC%,ptr%) dll_off if res%<>0 SetPixelFormat hDC%,res%,ptr% dll_on "opengl32" hRC% = dll_call1("wglCreateContext",hDC%) dll_off if hRC%<>0 wglMakeCurrent hDC%,hRC% end_if end_if end_if result hRC% end_fnc
' ' main ' main: dim Form% on_resize Form%,resize on_close Form%,close
' full_space Form%
dim hWIN%,hDC%,hRC%
dim RederTarget% : RederTarget% = number_objects+1 ' container RederTarget% panel RederTarget% gosub resize dim Button% : Button% = number_objects+1 button Button% : parent Button%,RederTarget% left Button%,50 top Button%,50 caption Button%,"OpenGL"
hWIN% = handle(RederTarget%) dll_on "user32" hDC% = dll_call1("GetDC",hWIN%) dll_off if hDC% = 0 then stop : ' TERMINATE
' init OpenGL render context from device context hRC% = InitOpenGL(hDC%) if hRC%=0 then stop : ' TERMINATE
glViewport 0,0,width(RederTarget%),height(RederTarget%) SwapBuffers hDC%
dim tmr% : tmr% = number_objects+1 timer tmr% timer_interval tmr%,1000/60 on_timer tmr%,timerProc
dim w
' go in main message loop end
close: ' unbind the OpenGL render context wglMakeCurrent 0,0 ' delete the render context wglDeleteContext hRC% ' release the device context ReleaseDC hWIN%,hDC% return
resize: left RederTarget%,50 top RederTarget%,50 width RederTarget%,width_client(Form%)-100 height RederTarget%,height_client(Form%)-100 return
timerProc: glClearColor Float(0.5 + sin(w)*0.5),0,0,Float(1.0) glClear hex("4000") : ' GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BITS SwapBuffers hDC% w = w + 0.1 return
Dernière édition par d.j.peters le Lun 30 Avr 2018 - 18:32, édité 2 fois | |