Nombre de messages : 8635 Age : 53 Localisation : Bretagne Date d'inscription : 15/02/2010
| Sujet: PhoneBook ( ISAM Database ) Dim 2 Aoû 2015 - 15:57 | |
| Voilà le résultat de mon apprentissage de ISAM database mis à notre disposition par Klaus via KGF.dll. Un petit PhoneBook. J' en avais assez des carnets d' adresses où on nous propose de stocker des tonnes d' infos plus inutiles les unes que les autres. C' est une base simple, apprentissage oblige, les champs sont : Id(4 caractères),Nom(30 caractères),Prénom(30 caractères),Tel fixe(10 caractères), Tel Portable(10 caractères), Mail(255 caractères). Des sécurisations sont en cours mais il est utilisable en faisant attention de ne pas dépasser le nombre de caractères alloués à chaque champ. - Code:
hide 0 Variables_ISAM() Variables_fichiers() Variables_objets() Variables_application() Labels() Init() Gui() show 0 end
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' DECLARATION DES VARIABLES APPLICATION ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB Variables_application()
' nombre d' enregistrements dim inbase% ' nombre de clés dim keyinbase%
' mode dim mode% ' bouton toolbar cliqué dim tbchoix%
' Evénements dim clic% dim change% dim dclic%
' Caractères dim CarPlus$ dim CarMoins$ dim Car$ END_SUB ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' VARIABLES FICHIERS ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB Variables_fichiers()
dim Path$ path$=".\" dim kgf$ : kgf$ = Path$+"fic\KGF.dll"
dim ico1$: ico1$= Path$+"ico\Add.ico" dim ico2$: ico2$= Path$+"ico\Save.ico" dim ico3$: ico3$= Path$+"ico\Trash.ico" dim ico4$: ico4$= Path$+"ico\Previous.ico" dim ico5$: ico5$= Path$+"ico\Next.ico" dim ico6$: ico6$= Path$+"ico\Search.ico" dim carte$ : carte$ = Path$+"fic\carte.jpg"
dim police$: police$ = "C:\Windows\Fonts\PhoneBook.ttf" END_SUB ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' VARIABLES OBJETS ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB Variables_objets() dim_local i%
dim no% dim mm% : no% = no%+1 : mm% = no% dim sm%(6) : for i% = 0 to 6 : no% = no%+1 : sm%(i%) = no% : next i% dim frame0% : no% = no%+1 : frame0% = no% dim frame1% : no% = no%+1 : frame1% = no% dim frame2% : no% = no%+1 : frame2% = no% dim frame3% : no% = no%+1 : frame3% = no% dim tbedit% : no% = no%+1 : tbedit% = no% dim Class% : no% = no%+1 : Class% = no% dim Feuil1% : no% = no%+1 : Feuil1% = no% dim Feuil2% : no% = no%+1 : Feuil2% = no% dim Alph%(6): for i% = 1 to 6 : no% = no%+1 : alph%(i%) = no% : next i% dim ID% : no% = no%+1 : ID% = no% dim Nom% : no% = no%+1 : Nom% = no% dim Prenom% : no% = no%+1 : Prenom% = no% dim Tel% : no% = no%+1 : Tel% = no% dim Port% : no% = no%+1 : Port% = no% dim Mail% : no% = no%+1 : Mail% = no% dim carte% : no% = no%+1 : carte% = no% dim Group% dim Butt%(4): for i% = 1 to 4 : no% = no%+1 : Butt%(i%) = no% : next i% END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' VARIABLES DATABASE ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB Variables_ISAM() dim support$ dim ISAM_vers$ dim ISAM_IdentSize% dim ISAM_id% dim ISAM_nam$ dim ISAM_exist% dim ISAM_RecLen% dim ISAM_Record$ dim ISAM_NbRec% END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' DECLARATION DES LABELS ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB Labels() Label Clic Label Change Label DClic Label VisuTab Label Close END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' INITIALISATIONS ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB Init() dim_local res%,def$,defkey$,kgf_vers$,version%,a$,b$ a$="Le fichier de police PhoneBook.ttf n' est pas sur votre ordinateur" b$="Voulez vous l' installer maintenant ?" if file_exists(Police$)=0 if message_information_yes_no(a$+chr$(13)+b$)=1 execute_wait Path$+"fic\PhoneBook.ttf" Police$="PhoneBook" CarPlus$ ="A" CarMoins$="B" Car$ ="C" else Police$ ="Arial" CarPlus$ =">" CarMoins$="<" Car$ ="R" end_if else Police$ ="PhoneBook" CarPlus$ ="A" CarMoins$="B" Car$ ="C" end_if
' activation de kgf dll_on kgf$ kgf_vers$= string$(25," ") version% = DLL_call1("KGFdllVersion",adr(kgf_vers$)) ' message kgf_vers$
' initialisation de l' environnement isam res% = dll_call0("InitIsam")
' recup de le version isam ISAM_vers$ = string$(25," ") res% = dll_call1("GetIsamVersion",adr(ISAM_vers$))
' création de l' identifiant isam ISAM_IdentSize% = dll_call0("GetIsamIdentifierSize") support$ = string$(ISAM_IdentSize%," ") ISAM_id% = dll_call1("CreateIsamIdentifier",adr(support$))
' vérif de l' existence de la base ou pas ISAM_nam$ =Path$+"fic\PhoneBook" ISAM_exist% = dll_call1("IsamFileExists",adr(ISAM_nam$))
if ISAM_exist% <0 ' création des champs def$ ="6,4,30,30,10,10,255" res% = dll_call2("SetIsamFields",Isam_ID%,adr(def$)) ' création des cles ' par ID defkey$ ="1,1,1" res% = dll_call2("SetIsamKeyFields",Isam_ID%,adr(defkey$)) res% = dll_call0("GetIsamOk") if res%<0 : MessageErreur(res%) : end_if ' Par Nom defkey$ ="2,0,2" res% = dll_call2("SetIsamKeyFields",Isam_ID%,adr(defkey$)) res% = dll_call0("GetIsamOk") if res%<0 : MessageErreur(res%) : end_if ' Par Prenom defkey$ ="3,0,3" res% = dll_call2("SetIsamKeyFields",Isam_ID%,adr(defkey$)) res% = dll_call0("GetIsamOk") if res%<0 : MessageErreur(res%) : end_if ' Par Tel_fixe defkey$ ="4,0,4" res% = dll_call2("SetIsamKeyFields",Isam_ID%,adr(defkey$)) res% = dll_call0("GetIsamOk") if res%<0 : MessageErreur(res%) : end_if ' Par Tel_Portable defkey$ ="5,0,5" res% = dll_call2("SetIsamKeyFields",Isam_ID%,adr(defkey$)) res% = dll_call0("GetIsamOk") if res%<0 : MessageErreur(res%) : end_if ' Création des fichiers ISAM res% = dll_call2("CreateIsamFile",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_nam$)) else ' Ouverture des fichiers ISAM res% = dll_call2("OpenIsamFile",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_nam$)) end_if ' recup de la longueur d' un enregistrement ISAM_RecLen% = dll_call1("GetIsamRecordLength",Isam_ID%) ISAM_record$ = string$(ISAM_RecLen%," ")
' recup du nombre d' enregistrements dans la base inbase% = dll_call1("GetIsamRecordCount",Isam_ID%)
' recup du nombre de clés keyinbase% = dll_call1("GetIsamKeyCount",Isam_ID%)
' détermination du mode (visualisation ou création) if inbase% = 0 mode% = 1 else if inbase% < 0 message str$(inbase%) else mode% = 3 end_if end_if END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' INTERFACE UTILISATEUR ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB Gui() dim_local h%,w%,res%,hint$,icon$,vID%
height 0,330 width 0,440 top 0,(screen_y-height(0))/2 left 0,(screen_x-width(0))/2 font_name 0,"Arial" font_size 0,8 caption 0,"My Phone Book" on_close 0,close main_menu mm% sub_menu sm%(0) : parent sm%(0),mm% : caption sm%(0),"Mode" sub_menu sm% (1): parent sm%(1),sm%(0) : caption sm%(1),"Enregistrer" : on_click sm%(1),clic sub_menu sm% (2): parent sm%(2),sm%(0) : caption sm%(2),"Modifier / Supprimer" : on_click sm%(2),clic sub_menu sm% (3): parent sm%(3),sm%(0) : caption sm%(3),"Voir" : on_click sm%(3),clic sub_menu sm% (4): parent sm%(4),sm%(0) : caption sm%(4),"Rechercher" : on_click sm%(4),clic sub_menu sm% (5): parent sm%(5),sm%(0) : caption sm%(5),"-" sub_menu sm% (6): parent sm%(6),sm%(0) : caption sm%(6),"Quitter" : on_click sm%(6),clic Panel frame0% full_space frame0% h% = height(frame0%) w% = width(frame0%) Panel frame1% parent frame1%,frame0% height frame1%,26 width frame1%,w% Panel frame2% parent frame2%,frame0% height frame2%,h%-52 width frame2%,w% top frame2%,26 Panel frame3% parent frame3%,frame0% height frame3%,26 width frame3%,w% top frame3%,height(frame1%)+height(frame2%) edit tbedit% hide tbedit% on_change tbedit%,change res% = dll_call4("CreateToolbar",handle(frame1%),handle(tbedit%),handle(frame2%),0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",7,16,21,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",2,0,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,0,1,2) hint$= "Nouveau" icon$= ico1$ res% = dll_call4("AddButtonToToolbar",1,0,adr(hint$),adr(icon$)) hint$= "Enregistrer" icon$= ico2$ res% = dll_call4("AddButtonToToolbar",2,1,adr(hint$),adr(icon$)) hint$= "Supprimer" icon$= ico3$ res% = dll_call4("AddButtonToToolbar",3,2,adr(hint$),adr(icon$)) hint$= "Precedent" icon$= ico4$ res% = dll_call4("AddButtonToToolbar",4,3,adr(hint$),adr(icon$)) hint$= "Suivant" icon$= ico5$ res% = dll_call4("AddButtonToToolbar",5,4,adr(hint$),adr(icon$)) hint$= "Nouvelle recherche" icon$= ico6$ res% = dll_call4("AddButtonToToolbar",6,5,adr(hint$),adr(icon$)) Group% = dll_call0("CreateObjectGroup")
alpha alph%(1) parent alph%(1),frame2% top alph%(1),15 left alph%(1),5 font_bold alph%(1) caption alph%(1),"Nom :" edit Nom% parent Nom%,frame2% width Nom%,200 top Nom%,30 left Nom%,5 Button Butt%(1) parent Butt%(1),frame2% height Butt%(1),20 width Butt%(1),20 top Butt%(1),30 left Butt%(1),210 font_name Butt%(1),police$ font_bold Butt%(1) caption Butt%(1),Car$ cursor_point Butt%(1) on_click Butt%(1),clic res% = dll_call2("AddObjectToObjectGroup",Group%,object_internal(Butt%(1))) alpha alph%(2) parent alph%(2),frame2% top alph%(2),55 left alph%(2),5 font_bold alph%(2) caption alph%(2),"Prénom :" edit Prenom% parent Prenom%,frame2% width Prenom%,200 top Prenom%,70 left Prenom%,5 Button Butt%(2) parent Butt%(2),frame2% height Butt%(2),20 width Butt%(2),20 top Butt%(2),70 left Butt%(2),210 font_name Butt%(2),police$ font_bold Butt%(2) caption Butt%(2),Car$ cursor_point Butt%(2) on_click Butt%(2),clic res% = dll_call2("AddObjectToObjectGroup",Group%,object_internal(Butt%(2)))
alpha alph%(3) parent alph%(3),frame2% top alph%(3),95 left alph%(3),5 font_bold alph%(3) caption alph%(3),"Tel (domicile) :" edit Tel% parent Tel%,frame2% width Tel%,85 top Tel%,110 left Tel%,5 Button Butt%(3) parent Butt%(3),frame2% height Butt%(3),20 width Butt%(3),20 top Butt%(3),110 left Butt%(3),95 font_name Butt%(3),police$ font_bold Butt%(3) caption Butt%(3),Car$ cursor_point Butt%(3) on_click Butt%(3),clic res% = dll_call2("AddObjectToObjectGroup",Group%,object_internal(Butt%(3)))
alpha alph%(4) parent alph%(4),frame2% top alph%(4),135 left alph%(4),5 font_bold alph%(4) caption alph%(4),"Tel (portable) :" edit Port% parent Port%,frame2% width Port%,85 top Port%,150 left Port%,5 Button Butt%(4) parent Butt%(4),frame2% height Butt%(4),20 width Butt%(4),20 top Butt%(4),150 left Butt%(4),95 font_name Butt%(4),police$ font_bold Butt%(4) caption Butt%(4),Car$ cursor_point Butt%(4) on_click Butt%(4),clic res% = dll_call2("AddObjectToObjectGroup",Group%,object_internal(Butt%(4)))
alpha alph%(5) parent alph%(5),frame2% top alph%(5),175 left alph%(5),5 font_bold alph%(5) caption alph%(5),"Mail :" edit Mail% parent Mail%,frame2% width Mail%,350 top Mail%,190 left Mail%,5 edit ID% hide ID% if text$(ID%)<>"" : vID%=val(text$(ID%)): else : vID%=0 : end_if picture carte% parent carte%,frame2% height carte%,200 width carte%,210 top carte%,5 left carte%,210 file_load carte%,carte$ stretch_on carte%
alpha alph%(6) parent alph%(6),frame3% top alph%(6),5 font_bold alph%(6) caption alph%(6),"Enregistrement : "+str$(vID%)+" / "+str$(inbase%) left alph%(6),w%-(width(alph%(6))+5)
SelectMode(mode%) END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' MENUS ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Clic: clic% = number_click
if clic% = sm%(1) : SelectMode(1) : mode%=1 : return : end_if if clic% = sm%(2) : SelectMode(2) : mode%=2 : return : end_if if clic% = sm%(3) : SelectMode(3) : mode%=3 : return : end_if if clic% = sm%(4) : SelectMode(4) : mode%=4 : return : end_if if clic% = sm%(6) : Quitter() : end_if
if clic% = butt%(1) :AffichRecordbyKey(Nom%,2,30) : return : end_if if clic% = butt%(2) :AffichRecordbyKey(Prenom%,3,30) : return : end_if if clic% = butt%(3) :AffichRecordbyKey(Tel%,4,10) : return : end_if if clic% = butt%(4) :AffichRecordbyKey(Port%,5,10) : return : end_if return
Change: change% = number_change if change% = tbedit% tbchoix% = val(text$(tbedit%)) select tbchoix% case 1 : NewRecord() case 2 : if mode%=1 :SaveRecord():else : ModifRecord():end_if case 3 : DeleteRecord() case 4 : NextPreviousRecord("P") case 5 : NextPreviousRecord("N") case 6 : EffaceChamps() end_select return end_if return
DClic: return
VisuTab: return
Close: Quitter() return
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ' FONCTIONS ET PROCEDURES ' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB SelectMode(m%) dim_local i%,res% for i% = 1 to 4 : mark_off sm%(i%) : next i% mark_on sm%(m%) select m% case 1 caption sm%(0),"Enregistrer" res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,1,1,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,2,1,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,3,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,4,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,5,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,6,0,0) res% = dll_call3("ObjectGroupFunction",Group%,1,0) inactive frame2% case 2 caption sm%(0),"Modifier / Supprimer" res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,1,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,2,1,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,3,1,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,4,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,5,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,6,0,0) res% = dll_call3("ObjectGroupFunction",Group%,1,0) active frame2% case 3 caption sm%(0),"Visionner" res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,1,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,2,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,3,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,4,1,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,5,1,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,6,0,0) res% = dll_call3("ObjectGroupFunction",Group%,1,0) AffichRecord() active frame2% case 4 caption sm%(0),"Rechercher" res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,1,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,2,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,3,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,4,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,5,0,0) res% = dll_call4("ModifyToolbar",4,6,1,0) res% = dll_call3("ObjectGroupFunction",Group%,1,1) EffaceChamps() active frame2% end_select END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB NewRecord() dim_local x% active frame2% x% = len(text$(id%)) if x%=0 text ID%,string$(3," ")+"1" else text ID%,right$(string$(4," ")+str$(val(text$(id%))+1),4) end_if ' message text$(id%) text Nom%,"" text Prenom%,"" text Tel%,"" text Port%,"" text Mail%,"" END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB ModifRecord() dim_local res%,s$,sf$,err%,a$
res% = dll_call1("IsamFileIsOpen",Isam_ID%) if res%<0 message "Le fichier ISAM est fermé !" exit_sub end_if ISAM_record$ = string$(ISAM_RecLen%,"*")
s$ =trim$(text$(ID%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ ID est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if s$ =trim$(text$(ID%)) : if len(s$)>4 : message "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum d' enregistrement !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,1,1,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Nom%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Nom est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,2,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Prenom%)): if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Prenom est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,3,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Tel%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Tel-fixe est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,4,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Port%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Tel-Portable est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,5,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Mail%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Mail est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,6,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$)) res% = dll_call3("UpdateIsamRecord",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_Record$),ISAM_NbRec%) if res%<0 err% = dll_call0("GetIsamError") message "Erreur en création "+str$(res%)+": "+str$(err%) exit_sub end_if
inbase% = dll_call1("GetIsamRecordCount",Isam_ID%) caption alph%(6),"Enregistrement "+str$(res%)+" / "+str$(inbase%) left alph%(6),width(frame0%)-(width(alph%(6))+5) message "Modification Enregistré ! END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB SaveRecord() dim_local res%,s$,sf$,err%,a$
res% = dll_call1("IsamFileIsOpen",Isam_ID%) if res%<0 message "Le fichier ISAM est fermé !" exit_sub end_if
ISAM_record$ = string$(ISAM_RecLen%,"*")
s$ =trim$(text$(ID%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ ID est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if s$ =trim$(text$(ID%)) : if len(s$)>4 : message "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum d' enregistrement !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,1,1,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Nom%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Nom est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,2,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Prenom%)): if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Prenom est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,3,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Tel%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Tel-fixe est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,4,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Port%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Tel-Portable est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,5,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
s$ =trim$(text$(Mail%)) : if len(s$)=0 : message "Le champ Mail est vide !" : exit_sub : end_if sf$ =" " res% = dll_call6("FillIsamField",Isam_ID%,6,0,adr(ISAM_Record$),adr(s$),adr(sf$))
a$="ID : "+text$(id%)+chr$(13)+"Nom : "+text$(nom%)+chr$(13)+"Prenom : "+text$(Prenom%)+chr$(13) a$=a$+"Tel : "+text$(tel%)+chr$(13)+"Port : "+text$(port%)+chr$(13)+"mail : "+text$(mail%) message a$
res% = dll_call2("AddIsamRecord",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_Record$)) if res%<0 err% = dll_call0("GetIsamError") message "Erreur en création "+str$(res%)+": "+str$(err%) exit_sub end_if
inbase% = dll_call1("GetIsamRecordCount",Isam_ID%) caption alph%(6),"Enregistrement "+str$(res%)+" / "+str$(inbase%) left alph%(6),width(frame0%)-(width(alph%(6))+5) END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB AffichRecord() dim_local res%,key$,v$,fill$
res% = dll_call1("IsamFileIsOpen",Isam_ID%) if res%<0 message "Le fichier ISAM est fermé !" exit_sub end_if
ISAM_record$ = string$(ISAM_RecLen%," ")
if len(text$(ID%))=0 text ID%,string$(3," ")+"1" key$ = string$(3," ")+"1" else key$ = right$(string$(4," ")+trim$(text$(id%)),4) end_if ISAM_NbRec% = dll_call4("ReadIsamRecordByKey",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_record$),1,adr(key$)) res% = dll_call0("GetIsamOk") if res% = 0 ' nom v$=string$(30," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,2,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Nom%,v$ ' prenom v$=string$(30," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,3,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Prenom%,v$ ' Tel v$=string$(10," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,4,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Tel%,v$ ' Port v$=string$(10," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,5,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Port%,v$ ' Mail v$=string$(255," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,6,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Mail%,v$
inbase% = dll_call1("GetIsamRecordCount",Isam_ID%) caption alph%(6),"Enregistrement "+str$(val(text$(id%)))+" / "+str$(inbase%) left alph%(6),width(frame0%)-(width(alph%(6))+5) else res% = dll_call0("GetIsamError") message str$(res%) end_if END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB DeleteRecord() dim_local res%,key$,v$,fill$
res% = dll_call1("IsamFileIsOpen",Isam_ID%) if res%<0 message "Le fichier ISAM est fermé !" exit_sub end_if
ISAM_record$ = string$(ISAM_RecLen%," ") key$ = right$(string$(4," ")+trim$(text$(id%)),4) ISAM_NbRec% = dll_call4("ReadIsamRecordByKey",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_record$),1,adr(key$)) res% = dll_call0("GetIsamOk") if res% = 0 res% = dll_call4("CreateIsamKey",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_record$),1,adr(key$)) if message_confirmation_yes_no("Etes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet enregistrement : "+chr$(13)+trim$(text$(nom%))+" ?")<>1 then return res% = dll_call3("DeleteIsamRecord",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_record$),ISAM_NbRec%) end_if inbase% = dll_call1("GetIsamRecordCount",Isam_ID%) caption alph%(6),"Enregistrement 0 / "+str$(inbase%) text id%,"" : text Nom%,"" : Text Prenom%,"" : Text Tel%,"" : text Port%,"" : text mail%,"" left alph%(6),width(frame0%)-(width(alph%(6))+5) END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB NextPreviousRecord(npr$) dim_local res%,key$,v$,fill$,rpi%,rni%,a$
res% = dll_call1("IsamFileIsOpen",Isam_ID%) if res%<0 message "Le fichier ISAM est fermé !" exit_sub end_if
key$ = string$(4," ") res% = dll_call4("CreateIsamKey",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_record$),1,adr(key$))
if npr$="P" rpi% = dll_call4("ReadPreviousIsamRecord",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_record$),1,adr(key$)) ISAM_NbRec% = rpi% else rni% = dll_call4("ReadNextIsamRecord",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_record$),1,adr(key$)) ISAM_NbRec% = rni% end_if
if ISAM_NbRec% >0 ' id v$=string$(4," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,1,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text id%,v$ ' nom v$=string$(30," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,2,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Nom%,v$ ' prenom v$=string$(30," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,3,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Prenom%,v$ ' Tel v$=string$(10," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,4,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Tel%,v$ ' Port v$=string$(10," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,5,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Port%,v$ ' Mail v$=string$(255," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,6,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Mail%,v$ else message "Oups... fin de fichier !" end_if
inbase% = dll_call1("GetIsamRecordCount",Isam_ID%) caption alph%(6),"Enregistrement "+str$(val(text$(id%)))+" / "+str$(inbase%) left alph%(6),width(frame0%)-(width(alph%(6))+5) END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB EffaceChamps() text id%,"" text nom%,"" text prenom%,"" text tel%,"" text port%,"" END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB AffichRecordbyKey(o%,k%,kcar%) dim_local res%,key$,v$,fill$
res% = dll_call1("IsamFileIsOpen",Isam_ID%) if res%<0 message "Le fichier ISAM est fermé !" exit_sub end_if
ISAM_record$ = string$(ISAM_RecLen%," ") key$ = left$(trim$(text$(o%))+string$(kcar%," "),kcar%)
ISAM_NbRec% = dll_call4("ReadIsamRecordByKey",Isam_ID%,adr(ISAM_record$),k%,adr(key$)) res% = dll_call0("GetIsamOk") if res% = 0 ' ID v$=string$(4," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,1,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text ID%,v$ ' nom v$=string$(30," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,2,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Nom%,v$ ' prenom v$=string$(30," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,3,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Prenom%,v$ ' Tel v$=string$(10," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,4,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Tel%,v$ ' Port v$=string$(10," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,5,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Port%,v$ ' Mail v$=string$(255," ") : fill$ =" " res% = dll_call5("ExtractIsamField",Isam_ID%,6,adr(ISAM_record$),adr(v$),adr(fill$)) text Mail%,v$
inbase% = dll_call1("GetIsamRecordCount",Isam_ID%) caption alph%(6),"Enregistrement "+str$(val(text$(id%)))+" / "+str$(inbase%) left alph%(6),width(frame0%)-(width(alph%(6))+5) else res% = dll_call0("GetIsamError") message str$(res%) end_if END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB Quitter() dim_local fin% fin% = dll_call1("CloseIsamFile",Isam_ID%) wait 100 fin% = dll_call0("FreeIsam") wait 100 fin% = dll_call1("KillProcessByHandle",handle(0)) END_SUB
' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
SUB MessageErreur(e%) dim_local a$,i% i%=e%*-1 select i% case 1 : a$="[1] La chaîne de définition es incohérente" case 2 : a$="[2] Le numéro de la clé est non numérique" case 3 : a$="[3] Le nombre de clés est invalide (<1 ou >(nombre de clés)+1))" case 4 : a$="[4] Le flag ''pas de doublons'' est non numérique" case 5 : a$="[5] Un numéro de champ est non numérique" case 6 : a$="[6] Un numéro de champ est invalide (<1 ou >(nombre de champ))" case 7 : a$="[7] Clé > 30 caractères" end_select message str$(res%)+chr$(13)+a$ END_SUB
Un zip sera dispo d' ici 5 minutes sur mon webdav. Si Klaus voit des erreurs ou des choses qui pourrait en produire dans le code... ...je suis tout ouïe | |