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| Problème avec les SUBS | |
| | Auteur | Message |
Nombre de messages : 1266 Age : 70 Localisation : Limoges Date d'inscription : 21/09/2008
| Sujet: Problème avec les SUBS Mer 28 Mai 2014 - 9:51 | |
| Afin de faciliter la programmation des images fractales, j'essaye de faire une bibliothèque de procédures pour le calcul des fonctions complexes. Le code suivant passe très bien avec l'interpréteur : - Code:
' ******************************************************************* ' Variables globales de la bibliotheque ' *******************************************************************
' Constantes mathematiques
dim MaxNum, MinNum, MaxLog, MinLog, Pi, PiDiv2
MaxLog = 709.78 : ' Argument max. pour EXP MinLog = -708.39 : ' Argument min. pour EXP MaxNum = exp(MaxLog) : ' Nb reel max. ~ 2^1024 MinNum = exp(MinLog) : ' Nb reel min. ~ 2^(-1022) Pi = 4 * atn(1) PiDiv2 = Pi / 2
' Resultats des calculs ' Partie reelle, partie imaginaire, module, argument, signe
dim r_x, r_y, r_mod, r_arg, r_sgn
' Code d'erreur ' 0 = pas d'erreur ' -1 = argument hors bornes ' -2 = singularite ' -3 = overflow ' -4 = underflow
dim ErrCode%
' ******************************************************************* ' Programme de test : Calcul de sin(z)^2 + cos(z)^2 ' *******************************************************************
dim x, y : ' z dim sx, sy : ' sin(z) dim cx, cy : ' cos(z) dim s2x, s2y : ' sin(z)^2 dim c2x, c2y : ' cos(z)^2
x = 1 : y = 2
Complex_Sin(x, y) : sx = r_x : sy = r_y
Complex_Cos(x, y) : cx = r_x : cy = r_y
Complex_Square(sx, sy) : s2x = r_x : s2y = r_y
Complex_Square(cx, cy) : c2x = r_x : c2y = r_y
Complex_Add(s2x, s2y, c2x, c2y)
print "z = " + str$(x) + " + " + str$(y) + " * i" print "sin(z) = " + str$(sx) + " + " + str$(sy) + " * i" print "cos(z) = " + str$(cx) + " + " + str$(cy) + " * i" print "sin(z)^2 = " + str$(s2x) + " + " + str$(s2y) + " * i" print "cos(z)^2 = " + str$(c2x) + " + " + str$(c2y) + " * i" print "sin(z)^2 + cos(z)^2 = " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i"
' ******************************************************************* ' Procedures de la bibliotheque ' *******************************************************************
sub Complex_Add(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Addition : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) + (b_x + i b_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x + b_x r_y = a_y + b_y end_sub
sub Complex_Sub(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Soustraction : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) - (b_x + i b_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x - b_x r_y = a_y - b_y end_sub
sub Complex_Mul(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Multiplication : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) * (b_x + i b_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x * b_x - a_y * b_y r_y = a_x * b_y + a_y * b_x end_sub
sub Complex_Square(a_x, a_y) ' Carre : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y)^2
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x * a_x - a_y * a_y r_y = 2 * a_x * a_y end_sub
sub Complex_Cube(a_x, a_y) ' Cube : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y)^3
dim_local x2, y2, x3, y3
ErrCode% = 0
x2 = a_x * a_x : x3 = x2 * a_x y2 = a_y * a_y : y3 = y2 * a_y
r_x = x3 - 3 * a_x * y2 r_y = 3 * x2 * a_y - y3 end_sub
sub Complex_Div(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Division : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) / (b_x + i b_y)
dim_local Temp
if b_x = 0 and b_y = 0 ErrCode% = -3 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 Temp = b_x * b_x + b_y * b_y r_x = (a_x * b_x + a_y * b_y) / Temp r_y = (a_y * b_x - a_x * b_y) / Temp end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Inv(a_x, a_y) ' Inverse : r_x + i r_y = 1 / (a_x + i a_y)
dim_local Temp
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 ErrCode% = -3 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 Temp = a_x * a_x + a_y * a_y r_x = a_x / Temp r_y = 0 - a_y / Temp end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Sgn(a_x, a_y) ' Signe complexe
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x > 0 r_sgn = 1 else if a_y < 0 r_sgn = -1 else if a_y > 0 r_sgn = 1 else if a_y < 0 r_sgn= -1 else r_sgn = 0 end_if end_if end_if end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Abs(a_x, a_y) ' Module : r_mod = |a_x + i a_y| ' Algorithme d'apres "Numerical Recipes"
ErrCode% = 0
dim_local AbsX, AbsY, R, C
AbsX = abs(a_x) AbsY = abs(a_y)
if a_x = 0 r_mod = abs(a_y) else if a_y = 0 r_mod = abs(a_x) else if AbsX > AbsY R = AbsY / AbsX C = AbsX else R = AbsX / AbsY C = AbsY end_if r_mod = C * sqr(1 + R * R) end_if end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Arg(a_x, a_y) ' Argument : r_arg = arg(a_x + i a_y) ' Resultat dans [-Pi, Pi) ' Equivaut a atan2(a_y, a_x)
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 r_arg = sgn(a_y) * PiDiv2 else ' 4e / 1er quadrant : -Pi/2..Pi/2 r_arg = atn(a_y / a_x) if a_x < 0 if a_y > 0 ' 2e quadrant : Pi/2..Pi r_arg = r_arg + Pi else ' 3e quadrant : -Pi..-Pi/2 r_arg = r_arg - Pi end_if end_if end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Sqrt(a_x, a_y) ' Racine carree : r_x + i r_y = sqrt(a_x + i a_y) ' Algorithme d'apres "Numerical Recipes"
dim_local X, Y, W, R
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else X = abs(a_x) Y = abs(a_y)
if X >= Y R = Y / X W = sqr(X) * sqr(0.5 * (1 + sqr(1 + R * R))) else R = X / Y W = sqr(Y) * sqr(0.5 * (R + sqr(1 + R * R))) end_if
if a_x >= 0.0 r_x = W r_y = a_y / (2 * r_x) else if a_y >= 0 r_y = W else r_y = 0 - W end_if r_x = a_y / (2 * r_y) end_if end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Log(a_x, a_y) ' Partie principale du logarithme complexe ' r_x + i r_y = ln(a_x + i a_y)
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 ErrCode% = -2 r_x = 0 - MaxNum r_y = 0 else ErrCode% = 0 Complex_Abs(a_x, a_y) Complex_Arg(a_x, a_y) r_x = log(r_mod) r_y = r_arg end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Exp(a_x, a_y) ' Exponentielle complexe : r_x + i r_y = exp(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local ExpX
if a_x < MinLog ErrCode% = -4 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else if a_x > MaxLog ErrCode = -3 ExpX = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 ExpX = exp(a_x) end_if r_x = ExpX * cos(a_y) r_y = ExpX * sin(a_y) end_if end_sub
sub Complex_RealPower(a_x, a_y, p) ' Puissance (exposant reel) : (a_x + i a_y)^p ' Resultat dans r_x, r_y ' Resultat aussi dans r_mod, r_arg si a <> 0
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 if r = 0 ' 0^0 = lim x^x quand x --> 0 = 1 r_x = 1 r_y = 0 else if p > 0 ' 0^p = 0 si p > 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else ' 0^p indefini si p < 0 ErrCode% = -2 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum end_if end_if else Complex_Abs(a_x, a_y) Complex_Arg(a_x, a_y) r_mod = power(r_mod, p) r_arg = r_arg * p r_x = r_mod * cos(r_arg) r_y = r_mod * sin(r_arg) end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Power(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Puissance (exposant complexe) : (a_x + i a_y)^(b_x + i b_y) ' Resultat dans r_x, r_y
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 if b_x = 0 and b_y = 0 ' 0^0 = lim x^x quand x --> 0 = 1 r_x = 1 r_y = 0 else ' 0^p = 0 si p > 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 end_if else ' exp(b ln(a)) Complex_Abs(a_x, a_y) Complex_Arg(a_x, a_y) Complex_Mul(b_x, b_y, log(r_mod), r_arg) Complex_Exp(r_x, r_y) end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Sin(a_x, a_y) ' Sinus complexe : r_x + i r_y = sin(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = sin(a_x) * hcos(a_y) r_y = cos(a_x) * hsin(a_y) end_sub
sub Complex_Cos(a_x, a_y) ' Cosinus complexe : r_x + i r_y = cos(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = cos(a_x) * hcos(a_y) r_y = 0 - sin(a_x) * hsin(a_y) end_sub
sub Complex_Tan(a_x, a_y) ' Tangente complexe : r_x + i r_y = tan(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local X2, Y2, Temp
X2 = 2 * a_x Y2 = 2 * a_y
Temp = cos(X2) + hcos(Y2)
if Temp <> 0 ErrCode% = 0 r_x = sin(X2) / Temp r_y = hsin(Y2) / Temp else ' a = Pi/2 + k*Pi ErrCode% = -2 r_x = MaxNum r_y = 0 end_if end_sub
sub Complex_ASin(a_x, a_y) ' Arc Sinus complexe : r_x + i r_y = asin(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local X2, XX, YY, Rp, Rm, S, T
X2 = 2 * a_x XX = a_x * a_x YY = a_y * a_y S = XX + YY + 1 Rp = 0.5 * sqr(S + X2) Rm = 0.5 * sqr(S - X2) T = Rp + Rm
ErrCode% = 0
Complex_Sgn(a_y, 0 - a_x)
r_x = asin(Rp - Rm) r_y = r_sgn * log(T + sqr(T * T - 1)) end_sub
sub Complex_ACos(a_x, a_y) ' Arc Cosinus complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = acos(a_x + i a_y) = Pi/2 - ASin(a)
Complex_ASin(a_x, a_y)
r_x = PiDiv2 - r_x r_y = 0 - r_y end_sub
sub Complex_ATan(a_x, a_y) ' Arc Tangente complexe : r_x + i r_y = atan(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local XX, YY, Yp1, Ym1, A1, A2
if a_x = 0 and abs(a_y) = 1 ' a = +/- i ErrCode% = -2 r_x = 0 r_y = sgn(a_y) * MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0
XX = a_x * a_x YY = a_y * a_y Yp1 = a_y + 1 Ym1 = a_y - 1
Complex_Arg(0 - Ym1, a_x) : A1 = r_arg : ' = atan2(a_x, - Ym1) Complex_Arg(Yp1, 0 - a_x) : A2 = r_arg : ' = atan2(- Ym1, a_x)
r_x = 0.5 * (A1 - A2) r_y = 0.25 * log((XX + Yp1 * Yp1) / (XX + Ym1 * Ym1)) end_if end_sub
sub Complex_Sinh(a_x, a_y) ' Sinus hyperbolique complexe : r_x + i r_y = sinh(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = hsin(a_x) * cos(a_y) r_y = hcos(a_x) * sin(a_y) end_sub
sub Complex_Cosh(a_x, a_y) ' Cosinus hyperbolique complexe : r_x + i r_y = cosh(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = hcos(a_x) * cos(a_y) r_y = hsin(a_x) * sin(a_y) end_sub
sub Complex_Tanh(a_x, a_y) ' Tangente hyperbolique complexe : r_x + i r_y = tanh(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local X2, Y2, Temp
X2 = 2.0 * a_x Y2 = 2.0 * a_y
Temp = hcos(X2) + cos(Y2)
if Temp = 0 ' a = i * (Pi/2 + k*Pi) ErrCode% = -2 r_x = 0 r_y = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 r_x = hsin(X2) / Temp r_y = sin(Y2) / Temp end_if end_sub
sub Complex_ASinh(a_x, a_y) ' Argument Sinus hyperbolique complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = asinh(a_x + i a_y) = -i*asin(i*a) ' i * (a_x + i a_y) = -a_y + i a_x
dim_local t
Complex_ASin(0 - a_y, a_x)
t = r_x r_x = r_y r_y = 0 - t end_sub
sub Complex_ACosh(a_x, a_y) ' Argument Cosinus hyperbolique complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = acosh(a_x + i a_y) = csgn(a_y + i(1 - a_x)) * i * acos(a)
dim_local t
Complex_Sgn(a_y, 1 - a_x) Complex_ACos(a_x, a_y)
t = r_x r_x = 0 - r_sgn* r_y r_y = r_sgn * t end_sub
sub Complex_ATanh(a_x, a_y) ' Argument Tangente hyperbolique complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = atanh(a_x + i a_y) = -i*atan(i*a)
dim_local t
Complex_ATan(0 - a_y, a_x)
t = r_x r_x = r_y r_y = 0 - t end_sub
En revanche, avec le compilateur, certains segments de code sont systématiquement dupliqués dans le code FreeBASIC généré (voir p. ex. la procédure COMPLEX_SIN) : - Code:
#include"" #include"" IncFile(DLLdata,"panoramic.dll") #lang "fblite" option gosub #include once"" dim shared _handl as HWND dim shared _library as HMEMORYMODULE _library = MemoryLoadLibrary(DLLdata) dim shared pc_init as sub stdcall _ (byval operand1 as handle) pc_init=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pc_init") dim shared pc_close as sub pc_close=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pc_close") DIM SHARED V_NUMBER_3D_OBJECTS AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_NUMBER_3D_TARGET AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_MAXNUM AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_MINNUM AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_MAXLOG AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_MINLOG AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_PI AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_PIDIV2 AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_R_X AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_R_Y AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_R_MOD AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_R_ARG AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_R_SGN AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_ERRCODE AS INTEGER DIM SHARED V_X AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_Y AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_SX AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_SY AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_CX AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_CY AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_S2X AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_S2Y AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_C2X AS DOUBLE DIM SHARED V_C2Y AS DOUBLE dim shared pf_abs as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_abs=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_abs") dim shared pf_asin as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_asin=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_asin") dim shared pf_atn as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_atn=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_atn") dim shared pf_cos as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_cos=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_cos") dim shared pf_exp as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_exp=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_exp") dim shared pf_hcos as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_hcos=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_hcos") dim shared pf_hsin as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_hsin=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_hsin") dim shared pf_log as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_log=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_log") dim shared pf_power as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double,_ byval P2 as double)as double pf_power=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_power") dim shared pf_sgn as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as integer pf_sgn=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_sgn") dim shared pf_sin as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_sin=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_sin") dim shared pf_sqr as function stdcall _ (byval P1 as double)as double pf_sqr=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pf_sqr") dim shared pc_print_string as sub stdcall _ (byval P1 as string) pc_print_string=MemoryGetProcAddress(_library,"pc_print_string") Declare Sub COMPLEX_ADD(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_SUB(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_MUL(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_SQUARE(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_CUBE(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_DIV(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_INV(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_SGN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_ABS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_ARG(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_SQRT(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_LOG(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_EXP(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_REALPOWER(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_P as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_POWER(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_SIN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_SIN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_COS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_COS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_TAN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_TAN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_ASIN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_ASIN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_ACOS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_ACOS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_ATAN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Declare Sub COMPLEX_ATANH(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) Sub COMPLEX_ADD(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=V_A_X+V_B_X V_R_Y=V_A_Y+V_B_Y End Sub Sub COMPLEX_SUB(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=V_A_X-V_B_X V_R_Y=V_A_Y-V_B_Y End Sub Sub COMPLEX_MUL(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=V_A_X*V_B_X-V_A_Y*V_B_Y V_R_Y=V_A_X*V_B_Y+V_A_Y*V_B_X End Sub Sub COMPLEX_SQUARE(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=V_A_X*V_A_X-V_A_Y*V_A_Y V_R_Y=2*V_A_X*V_A_Y End Sub Sub COMPLEX_CUBE(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_X2 AS DOUBLE DIM V_Y2 AS DOUBLE DIM V_X3 AS DOUBLE DIM V_Y3 AS DOUBLE V_ERRCODE=0 V_X2=V_A_X*V_A_X V_X3=V_X2*V_A_X V_Y2=V_A_Y*V_A_Y V_Y3=V_Y2*V_A_Y V_R_X=V_X3-3*V_A_X*V_Y2 V_R_Y=3*V_X2*V_A_Y-V_Y3 End Sub Sub COMPLEX_DIV(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) DIM V_TEMP AS DOUBLE IF V_B_X=0 AND V_B_Y=0 THEN V_ERRCODE=-3 V_R_X=V_MAXNUM V_R_Y=V_MAXNUM ELSE V_ERRCODE=0 V_TEMP=V_B_X*V_B_X+V_B_Y*V_B_Y V_R_X=(V_A_X*V_B_X+V_A_Y*V_B_Y)/V_TEMP V_R_Y=(V_A_Y*V_B_X-V_A_X*V_B_Y)/V_TEMP END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_INV(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_TEMP AS DOUBLE IF V_A_X=0 AND V_A_Y=0 THEN V_ERRCODE=-3 V_R_X=V_MAXNUM V_R_Y=V_MAXNUM ELSE V_ERRCODE=0 V_TEMP=V_A_X*V_A_X+V_A_Y*V_A_Y V_R_X=V_A_X/V_TEMP V_R_Y=0-V_A_Y/V_TEMP END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_SGN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 IF V_A_X>0 THEN V_R_SGN=1 ELSE IF V_A_Y<0 THEN V_R_SGN=-1 ELSE IF V_A_Y>0 THEN V_R_SGN=1 ELSE IF V_A_Y<0 THEN V_R_SGN=-1 ELSE V_R_SGN=0 END IF END IF END IF END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_ABS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 DIM V_ABSX AS DOUBLE DIM V_ABSY AS DOUBLE DIM V_R AS DOUBLE DIM V_C AS DOUBLE V_ABSX=pf_ABS(V_A_X) V_ABSY=pf_ABS(V_A_Y) IF V_A_X=0 THEN V_R_MOD=pf_ABS(V_A_Y) ELSE IF V_A_Y=0 THEN V_R_MOD=pf_ABS(V_A_X) ELSE IF V_ABSX>V_ABSY THEN V_R=V_ABSY/V_ABSX V_C=V_ABSX ELSE V_R=V_ABSX/V_ABSY V_C=V_ABSY END IF V_R_MOD=V_C*pf_SQR(1+V_R*V_R) END IF END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_ARG(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 IF V_A_X=0 THEN V_R_ARG=pf_SGN(V_A_Y)*V_PIDIV2 ELSE V_R_ARG=pf_ATN(V_A_Y/V_A_X) IF V_A_X<0 THEN IF V_A_Y>0 THEN V_R_ARG=V_R_ARG+V_PI ELSE V_R_ARG=V_R_ARG-V_PI END IF END IF END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_SQRT(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_X AS DOUBLE DIM V_Y AS DOUBLE DIM V_W AS DOUBLE DIM V_R AS DOUBLE V_ERRCODE=0 IF V_A_X=0 AND V_A_Y=0 THEN V_R_X=0 V_R_Y=0 ELSE V_X=pf_ABS(V_A_X) V_Y=pf_ABS(V_A_Y) IF V_X>=V_Y THEN V_R=V_Y/V_X V_W=pf_SQR(V_X)*pf_SQR(0.5*(1+pf_SQR(1+V_R*V_R))) ELSE V_R=V_X/V_Y V_W=pf_SQR(V_Y)*pf_SQR(0.5*(V_R+pf_SQR(1+V_R*V_R))) END IF IF V_A_X>=0.0 THEN V_R_X=V_W V_R_Y=V_A_Y/(2*V_R_X) ELSE IF V_A_Y>=0 THEN V_R_Y=V_W ELSE V_R_Y=0-V_W END IF V_R_X=V_A_Y/(2*V_R_Y) END IF END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_LOG(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) IF V_A_X=0 AND V_A_Y=0 THEN V_ERRCODE=-2 V_R_X=0-V_MAXNUM V_R_Y=0 ELSE V_ERRCODE=0 COMPLEX_ABS(V_A_X,V_A_Y) COMPLEX_ARG(V_A_X,V_A_Y) V_R_X=pf_LOG(V_R_MOD) V_R_Y=V_R_ARG END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_EXP(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_EXPX AS DOUBLE IF V_A_X<V_MINLOG THEN V_ERRCODE=-4 V_R_X=0 V_R_Y=0 ELSE IF V_A_X>V_MAXLOG THEN V_ERRCODE=-3 V_EXPX=V_MAXNUM ELSE V_ERRCODE=0 V_EXPX=pf_EXP(V_A_X) END IF V_R_X=V_EXPX*pf_COS(V_A_Y) V_R_Y=V_EXPX*pf_SIN(V_A_Y) END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_REALPOWER(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_P as double) V_ERRCODE=0 IF V_A_X=0 AND V_A_Y=0 THEN IF V_R=0 THEN V_R_X=1 V_R_Y=0 ELSE IF V_P>0 THEN V_R_X=0 V_R_Y=0 ELSE V_ERRCODE=-2 V_R_X=V_MAXNUM V_R_Y=V_MAXNUM END IF END IF ELSE COMPLEX_ABS(V_A_X,V_A_Y) COMPLEX_ARG(V_A_X,V_A_Y) V_R_MOD=pf_POWER(V_R_MOD,V_P) V_R_ARG=V_R_ARG*V_P V_R_X=V_R_MOD*pf_COS(V_R_ARG) V_R_Y=V_R_MOD*pf_SIN(V_R_ARG) END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_POWER(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double,V_B_X as double,V_B_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 IF V_A_X=0 AND V_A_Y=0 THEN IF V_B_X=0 AND V_B_Y=0 THEN V_R_X=1 V_R_Y=0 ELSE V_R_X=0 V_R_Y=0 END IF ELSE COMPLEX_ABS(V_A_X,V_A_Y) COMPLEX_ARG(V_A_X,V_A_Y) COMPLEX_MUL(V_B_X,V_B_Y,pf_LOG(V_R_MOD),V_R_ARG) COMPLEX_EXP(V_R_X,V_R_Y) END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_SIN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=pf_SIN(V_A_X)*pf_HCOS(V_A_Y) V_R_Y=pf_COS(V_A_X)*pf_HSIN(V_A_Y) End Sub Sub COMPLEX_SIN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=pf_HSIN(V_A_X)*pf_COS(V_A_Y) V_R_Y=pf_HCOS(V_A_X)*pf_SIN(V_A_Y) End Sub Sub COMPLEX_COS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=pf_COS(V_A_X)*pf_HCOS(V_A_Y) V_R_Y=0-pf_SIN(V_A_X)*pf_HSIN(V_A_Y) End Sub Sub COMPLEX_COS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=pf_HCOS(V_A_X)*pf_COS(V_A_Y) V_R_Y=pf_HSIN(V_A_X)*pf_SIN(V_A_Y) End Sub Sub COMPLEX_TAN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_X2 AS DOUBLE DIM V_Y2 AS DOUBLE DIM V_TEMP AS DOUBLE V_X2=2*V_A_X V_Y2=2*V_A_Y V_TEMP=pf_COS(V_X2)+pf_HCOS(V_Y2) IF V_TEMP<>0 THEN V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=pf_SIN(V_X2)/V_TEMP V_R_Y=pf_HSIN(V_Y2)/V_TEMP ELSE V_ERRCODE=-2 V_R_X=V_MAXNUM V_R_Y=0 END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_TAN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_X2 AS DOUBLE DIM V_Y2 AS DOUBLE DIM V_TEMP AS DOUBLE V_X2=2.0*V_A_X V_Y2=2.0*V_A_Y V_TEMP=pf_HCOS(V_X2)+pf_COS(V_Y2) IF V_TEMP=0 THEN V_ERRCODE=-2 V_R_X=0 V_R_Y=V_MAXNUM ELSE V_ERRCODE=0 V_R_X=pf_HSIN(V_X2)/V_TEMP V_R_Y=pf_SIN(V_Y2)/V_TEMP END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_ASIN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_X2 AS DOUBLE DIM V_XX AS DOUBLE DIM V_YY AS DOUBLE DIM V_RP AS DOUBLE DIM V_RM AS DOUBLE DIM V_S AS DOUBLE DIM V_T AS DOUBLE V_X2=2*V_A_X V_XX=V_A_X*V_A_X V_YY=V_A_Y*V_A_Y V_S=V_XX+V_YY+1 V_RP=0.5*pf_SQR(V_S+V_X2) V_RM=0.5*pf_SQR(V_S-V_X2) V_T=V_RP+V_RM V_ERRCODE=0 COMPLEX_SGN(V_A_Y,0-V_A_X) V_R_X=pf_ASIN(V_RP-V_RM) V_R_Y=V_R_SGN*pf_LOG(V_T+pf_SQR(V_T*V_T-1)) End Sub Sub COMPLEX_ASIN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_T AS DOUBLE COMPLEX_ASIN(0-V_A_Y,V_A_X) V_T=V_R_X V_R_X=V_R_Y V_R_Y=0-V_T End Sub Sub COMPLEX_ACOS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) COMPLEX_ASIN(V_A_X,V_A_Y) V_R_X=V_PIDIV2-V_R_X V_R_Y=0-V_R_Y End Sub Sub COMPLEX_ACOS(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_T AS DOUBLE COMPLEX_SGN(V_A_Y,1-V_A_X) COMPLEX_ACOS(V_A_X,V_A_Y) V_T=V_R_X V_R_X=0-V_R_SGN*V_R_Y V_R_Y=V_R_SGN*V_T End Sub Sub COMPLEX_ATAN(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_XX AS DOUBLE DIM V_YY AS DOUBLE DIM V_YP1 AS DOUBLE DIM V_YM1 AS DOUBLE DIM V_A1 AS DOUBLE DIM V_A2 AS DOUBLE IF V_A_X=0 AND pf_ABS(V_A_Y)=1 THEN V_ERRCODE=-2 V_R_X=0 V_R_Y=pf_SGN(V_A_Y)*V_MAXNUM ELSE V_ERRCODE=0 V_XX=V_A_X*V_A_X V_YY=V_A_Y*V_A_Y V_YP1=V_A_Y+1 V_YM1=V_A_Y-1 COMPLEX_ARG(0-V_YM1,V_A_X) V_A1=V_R_ARG COMPLEX_ARG(V_YP1,0-V_A_X) V_A2=V_R_ARG V_R_X=0.5*(V_A1-V_A2) V_R_Y=0.25*pf_LOG((V_XX+V_YP1*V_YP1)/(V_XX+V_YM1*V_YM1)) END IF End Sub Sub COMPLEX_ATANH(V_A_X as double,V_A_Y as double) DIM V_T AS DOUBLE COMPLEX_ATAN(0-V_A_Y,V_A_X) V_T=V_R_X V_R_X=V_R_Y V_R_Y=0-V_T End Sub declare function WinMain _ (byval _hInstance as HINSTANCE,_ byval _hPrevInstance as HINSTANCE,_ byval _szCmdLine as string,_ byval _iCmdShow as integer)as integer end WinMain(GetModuleHandle(null),null,Command(),SW_NORMAL) function WndProc _ (byval _hWnd as HWND,_ byval _wMsg as UINT,_ byval _wParam as WPARAM,_ byval _lParam as LPARAM)as LRESULT function=0 select case(_wMsg) case WM_CREATE exit function case WM_DESTROY pc_close() sleep 200 MemoryFreeLibrary(_library) PostQuitMessage(0) exit function end select function=DefWindowProc(_hWnd,_wMsg,_wParam,_lParam) end function function WinMain (byval _hInstance as HINSTANCE,_ byval _hPrevInstance as HINSTANCE,_ byval _szCmdLine as string,_ byval _iCmdShow as integer)as integer dim _wMsg as MSG dim _wcls as WNDCLASS dim _hWnd as HWND function=0 with _wcls .style=CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW .lpfnWndProc=@WndProc .cbClsExtra=0 .cbWndExtra=0 .hInstance=_hInstance .hIcon=LoadIcon(NULL,IDI_APPLICATION) .hCursor=LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW) .hbrBackground=GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH) .lpszMenuName=NULL .lpszClassName=@"HelloWin" end with if(RegisterClass(@_wcls)=FALSE)then MessageBox(null,"Failed to register _wcls","Error",MB_ICONERROR) exit function end if _hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0,_ @"HelloWin",_ "PANORAMIC",_ WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,_ 10,_ 10,_ 200,_ 100,_ NULL,_ NULL,_ _hInstance,_ NULL) _handl=_hWnd UpdateWindow(_hWnd) pc_init(_hWnd) sleep 100 V_MAXLOG=709.78 V_MINLOG=-708.39 V_MAXNUM=pf_EXP(V_MAXLOG) V_MINNUM=pf_EXP(V_MINLOG) V_PI=4*pf_ATN(1) V_PIDIV2=V_PI/2 V_X=1 V_Y=2 COMPLEX_SIN(V_X,V_Y) V_SX=V_R_X V_SY=V_R_Y COMPLEX_COS(V_X,V_Y) V_CX=V_R_X V_CY=V_R_Y COMPLEX_SQUARE(V_SX,V_SY) V_S2X=V_R_X V_S2Y=V_R_Y COMPLEX_SQUARE(V_CX,V_CY) V_C2X=V_R_X V_C2Y=V_R_Y COMPLEX_ADD(V_S2X,V_S2Y,V_C2X,V_C2Y) pc_print_string("z = "+str(V_X)+" + "+str(V_Y)+" * i") pc_print_string("sin(z) = "+str(V_SX)+" + "+str(V_SY)+" * i") pc_print_string("cos(z) = "+str(V_CX)+" + "+str(V_CY)+" * i") pc_print_string("sin(z)^2 = "+str(V_S2X)+" + "+str(V_S2Y)+" * i") pc_print_string("cos(z)^2 = "+str(V_C2X)+" + "+str(V_C2Y)+" * i") pc_print_string("sin(z)^2 + cos(z)^2 = "+str(V_R_X)+" + "+str(V_R_Y)+" * i") goto _end _end: while(GetMessage(@_wMsg,NULL,0,0)<>FALSE) TranslateMessage(@_wMsg) DispatchMessage(@_wMsg) wend function=_wMsg.wParam end function
Serait-il possible de corriger ce bug ? | |
| | | papydall
Nombre de messages : 7017 Age : 74 Localisation : Moknine (Tunisie) Entre la chaise et le clavier Date d'inscription : 03/03/2012
| Sujet: Re: Problème avec les SUBS Mer 28 Mai 2014 - 19:58 | |
| Salut Jean_Debord. J’ai corrigé ce qui ne va pas : maintenant ça marche, mais je n’arrive toujours pas à savoir pourquoi ça ne marchait pas avant ! Je m’explique : J’ai testé et compilé une à une toutes les SUB, jusqu’à ce que l’erreur de duplication s’est manifestée. L’erreur est au niveau des SUB suivantes : Complex_Sinh Complex_Cosh Complex_Tanh Complex_Atanh Complex_Asinh Complex_AcosH J’ai essayé plein de trucs pour finalement comprendre que, pour les SUB sus-indiquées, le compilateur n’aime pas leur identificateur ! Il semble que le mot Complex n’est pas estimé par le compilateur ! Bref, changez Complex par ce que vous voulez et ça marchera ! Pour ma part, j’ai changé leur nom par Complexe_... et tout fonctionne. Le compilateur préfère le Complexe français au Complex anglais ! Voici le code que j’ai adapté - Code:
' ******************************************************************* ' Variables globales de la bibliotheque ' *******************************************************************
' Constantes mathematiques
dim MaxNum, MinNum, MaxLog, MinLog, Pi, PiDiv2
MaxLog = 709.78 : ' Argument max. pour EXP MinLog = -708.39 : ' Argument min. pour EXP MaxNum = exp(MaxLog) : ' Nb reel max. ~ 2^1024 MinNum = exp(MinLog) : ' Nb reel min. ~ 2^(-1022) Pi = 4 * atn(1) PiDiv2 = Pi / 2
' Resultats des calculs ' Partie reelle, partie imaginaire, module, argument, signe
dim r_x, r_y, r_mod, r_arg, r_sgn
' Code d'erreur ' 0 = pas d'erreur ' -1 = argument hors bornes ' -2 = singularite ' -3 = overflow ' -4 = underflow
dim ErrCode%
' ******************************************************************* ' Programme de test : Calcul de sin(z)^2 + cos(z)^2 ' ******************************************************************* dim x1, y1 : ' z1 dim x2, y2 : ' z2 dim sx, sy : ' sin(z) dim cx, cy : ' cos(z) dim s2x, s2y : ' sin(z)^2 dim c2x, c2y : ' cos(z)^2 dim p : ' puissance rem ============================================================================ height 0, screen_y-100 ' Tests x1 = 1 : y1 = 2 x2 = 2 : y2 = 3
print " z1 --> x1 = " + str$(x1) + " , y1 = " + str$(y1) print " z2 --> x2 = " + str$(x2) + " , y2 = " + str$(y2)
Complex_Add(x1,y1,x2,y2) : print " Addition : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Sub(x1,y1,x2,y2) : print " Soustraction : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Mul(x1,y1,x2,y2) : print " Multiplication : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Div(x1,y1,x2,y2) : print " Division : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Square(x1,y1) : print " Carré de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Cube(x1,y1) : print " Cube de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Inv(x1,y1) : print " Inverse de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Sgn(x1,y1) : print " Signe de z1 : " + str$(r_sgn) Complex_Abs(x1,y1) : print " Val Abs de z1 : " + str$(r_mod) Complex_Arg(x1,y1) : print " Arg de z1 : " + str$(r_arg) Complex_Sqrt(x1,y1) : print " Racine Carrée de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Log(x1,y1) : print " Logarithme de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Exp(x1,y1) : print " Exponentielle de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" p = 3 : Complex_RealPower(x1,y1,p) : print " z1 Puissance p=("+str$(p)+") : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Power(x1,y1,x2,y2) : print " z1 Puissance z2 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Sin(x1,y1) : print " Sinus de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Cos(x1,y1) : print " Cosinus de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_Tan(x1,y1) : print " Tangente de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_ASin(x1,y1) : print " ArcSin de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_ACos(x1,y1) : print " ArcCos de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_ATan(x1,y1) : print " ArcTan de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complexe_Sinh(x1,y1) : print " Sinh de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complexe_Cosh(x1,y1) : print " Cosh de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complexe_Tanh(x1,y1) : print " Tanh de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complex_ATanh(x1,y1) : print " ATanh de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complexe_ASinh(x1,y1) : print " ASinh de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i" Complexe_ACosh(x1,y1) : print " ACosh de z1 : " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i"
' ============================================================================== Complex_Sin(x1, y1) : sx = r_x : sy = r_y
Complex_Cos(x1, y1) : cx = r_x : cy = r_y
Complex_Square(sx, sy) : s2x = r_x : s2y = r_y
Complex_Square(cx, cy) : c2x = r_x : c2y = r_y
Complex_Add(s2x, s2y, c2x, c2y) print "=======================================================================" print "z = " + str$(x1) + " + " + str$(y1) + " * i" print "sin(z) = " + str$(sx) + " + " + str$(sy) + " * i" print "cos(z) = " + str$(cx) + " + " + str$(cy) + " * i" print "sin(z)^2 = " + str$(s2x) + " + " + str$(s2y) + " * i" print "cos(z)^2 = " + str$(c2x) + " + " + str$(c2y) + " * i" print "sin(z)^2 + cos(z)^2 = " + str$(r_x) + " + " + str$(r_y) + " * i"
end rem ============================================================================ ' ******************************************************************* ' Procedures de la bibliotheque ' *******************************************************************
sub Complex_Add(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Addition : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) + (b_x + i b_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x + b_x r_y = a_y + b_y end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Sub(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Soustraction : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) - (b_x + i b_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x - b_x r_y = a_y - b_y end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Mul(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Multiplication : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) * (b_x + i b_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x * b_x - a_y * b_y r_y = a_x * b_y + a_y * b_x end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Square(a_x, a_y) ' Carre : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y)^2
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x * a_x - a_y * a_y r_y = 2 * a_x * a_y end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Cube(a_x, a_y) ' Cube : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y)^3
dim_local x2, y2, x3, y3
ErrCode% = 0
x2 = a_x * a_x : x3 = x2 * a_x y2 = a_y * a_y : y3 = y2 * a_y
r_x = x3 - 3 * a_x * y2 r_y = 3 * x2 * a_y - y3 end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Div(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Division : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) / (b_x + i b_y)
dim_local Temp
if b_x = 0 and b_y = 0 ErrCode% = -3 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 Temp = b_x * b_x + b_y * b_y r_x = (a_x * b_x + a_y * b_y) / Temp r_y = (a_y * b_x - a_x * b_y) / Temp end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Inv(a_x, a_y) ' Inverse : r_x + i r_y = 1 / (a_x + i a_y)
dim_local Temp
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 ErrCode% = -3 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 Temp = a_x * a_x + a_y * a_y r_x = a_x / Temp r_y = 0 - a_y / Temp end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Sgn(a_x, a_y) ' Signe complexe
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x > 0 r_sgn = 1 else if a_y < 0 r_sgn = -1 else if a_y > 0 r_sgn = 1 else if a_y < 0 r_sgn= -1 else r_sgn = 0 end_if end_if end_if end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Abs(a_x, a_y) ' Module : r_mod = |a_x + i a_y| ' Algorithme d'apres "Numerical Recipes"
ErrCode% = 0
dim_local AbsX, AbsY, R, C
AbsX = abs(a_x) AbsY = abs(a_y)
if a_x = 0 r_mod = abs(a_y) else if a_y = 0 r_mod = abs(a_x) else if AbsX > AbsY R = AbsY / AbsX C = AbsX else R = AbsX / AbsY C = AbsY end_if r_mod = C * sqr(1 + R * R) end_if end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Arg(a_x, a_y) ' Argument : r_arg = arg(a_x + i a_y) ' Resultat dans [-Pi, Pi) ' Equivaut a atan2(a_y, a_x)
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 r_arg = sgn(a_y) * PiDiv2 else ' 4e / 1er quadrant : -Pi/2..Pi/2 r_arg = atn(a_y / a_x) if a_x < 0 if a_y > 0 ' 2e quadrant : Pi/2..Pi r_arg = r_arg + Pi else ' 3e quadrant : -Pi..-Pi/2 r_arg = r_arg - Pi end_if end_if end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Sqrt(a_x, a_y) ' Racine carree : r_x + i r_y = sqrt(a_x + i a_y) ' Algorithme d'apres "Numerical Recipes"
dim_local X, Y, W, R
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else X = abs(a_x) Y = abs(a_y)
if X >= Y R = Y / X W = sqr(X) * sqr(0.5 * (1 + sqr(1 + R * R))) else R = X / Y W = sqr(Y) * sqr(0.5 * (R + sqr(1 + R * R))) end_if
if a_x >= 0.0 r_x = W r_y = a_y / (2 * r_x) else if a_y >= 0 r_y = W else r_y = 0 - W end_if r_x = a_y / (2 * r_y) end_if end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Log(a_x, a_y) ' Partie principale du logarithme complexe ' r_x + i r_y = ln(a_x + i a_y)
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 ErrCode% = -2 r_x = 0 - MaxNum r_y = 0 else ErrCode% = 0 Complex_Abs(a_x, a_y) Complex_Arg(a_x, a_y) r_x = log(r_mod) r_y = r_arg end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Exp(a_x, a_y) ' Exponentielle complexe : r_x + i r_y = exp(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local ExpX
if a_x < MinLog ErrCode% = -4 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else if a_x > MaxLog ErrCode = -3 ExpX = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 ExpX = exp(a_x) end_if r_x = ExpX * cos(a_y) r_y = ExpX * sin(a_y) end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_RealPower(a_x, a_y, p) ' Puissance (exposant reel) : (a_x + i a_y)^p ' Resultat dans r_x, r_y ' Resultat aussi dans r_mod, r_arg si a <> 0
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 if r = 0 ' 0^0 = lim x^x quand x --> 0 = 1 r_x = 1 r_y = 0 else if p > 0 ' 0^p = 0 si p > 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else ' 0^p indefini si p < 0 ErrCode% = -2 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum end_if end_if else Complex_Abs(a_x, a_y) Complex_Arg(a_x, a_y) r_mod = power(r_mod, p) r_arg = r_arg * p r_x = r_mod * cos(r_arg) r_y = r_mod * sin(r_arg) end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Power(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Puissance (exposant complexe) : (a_x + i a_y)^(b_x + i b_y) ' Resultat dans r_x, r_y
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 if b_x = 0 and b_y = 0 ' 0^0 = lim x^x quand x --> 0 = 1 r_x = 1 r_y = 0 else ' 0^p = 0 si p > 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 end_if else ' exp(b ln(a)) Complex_Abs(a_x, a_y) Complex_Arg(a_x, a_y) Complex_Mul(b_x, b_y, log(r_mod), r_arg) Complex_Exp(r_x, r_y) end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Sin(a_x, a_y) ' Sinus complexe : r_x + i r_y = sin(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = sin(a_x) * hcos(a_y) r_y = cos(a_x) * hsin(a_y) end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Cos(a_x, a_y) ' Cosinus complexe : r_x + i r_y = cos(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = cos(a_x) * hcos(a_y) r_y = 0 - sin(a_x) * hsin(a_y) end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_Tan(a_x, a_y) ' Tangente complexe : r_x + i r_y = tan(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local X2, Y2, Temp
X2 = 2 * a_x Y2 = 2 * a_y
Temp = cos(X2) + hcos(Y2)
if Temp <> 0 ErrCode% = 0 r_x = sin(X2) / Temp r_y = hsin(Y2) / Temp else ' a = Pi/2 + k*Pi ErrCode% = -2 r_x = MaxNum r_y = 0 end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_ASin(a_x, a_y) ' Arc Sinus complexe : r_x + i r_y = asin(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local X2, XX, YY, Rp, Rm, S, T
X2 = 2 * a_x XX = a_x * a_x YY = a_y * a_y S = XX + YY + 1 Rp = 0.5 * sqr(S + X2) Rm = 0.5 * sqr(S - X2) T = Rp + Rm
ErrCode% = 0
Complex_Sgn(a_y, 0 - a_x)
r_x = asin(Rp - Rm) r_y = r_sgn * log(T + sqr(T * T - 1)) end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_ACos(a_x, a_y) ' Arc Cosinus complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = acos(a_x + i a_y) = Pi/2 - ASin(a)
Complex_ASin(a_x, a_y)
r_x = PiDiv2 - r_x r_y = 0 - r_y end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_ATan(a_x, a_y) ' Arc Tangente complexe : r_x + i r_y = atan(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local XX, YY, Yp1, Ym1, A1, A2
if a_x = 0 and abs(a_y) = 1 ' a = +/- i ErrCode% = -2 r_x = 0 r_y = sgn(a_y) * MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0
XX = a_x * a_x YY = a_y * a_y Yp1 = a_y + 1 Ym1 = a_y - 1
Complex_Arg(0 - Ym1, a_x) : A1 = r_arg : ' = atan2(a_x, - Ym1) Complex_Arg(Yp1, 0 - a_x) : A2 = r_arg : ' = atan2(- Ym1, a_x)
r_x = 0.5 * (A1 - A2) r_y = 0.25 * log((XX + Yp1 * Yp1) / (XX + Ym1 * Ym1)) end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complex_ATanh(a_x, a_y) ' Argument Tangente hyperbolique complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = atanh(a_x + i a_y) = -i*atan(i*a)
dim_local t
Complex_ATan(0 - a_y, a_x)
t = r_x r_x = r_y r_y = 0 - t end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complexe_Sinh(a_x, a_y) ' Sinus hyperbolique complexe : r_x + i r_y = sinh(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = hsin(a_x) * cos(a_y) r_y = hcos(a_x) * sin(a_y) end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complexe_Cosh(a_x, a_y) ' Cosinus hyperbolique complexe : r_x + i r_y = cosh(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = hcos(a_x) * cos(a_y) r_y = hsin(a_x) * sin(a_y) end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complexe_Tanh(a_x, a_y) ' Tangente hyperbolique complexe : r_x + i r_y = tanh(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local X2, Y2, Temp
X2 = 2.0 * a_x Y2 = 2.0 * a_y
Temp = hcos(X2) + cos(Y2)
if Temp = 0 ' a = i * (Pi/2 + k*Pi) ErrCode% = -2 r_x = 0 r_y = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 r_x = hsin(X2) / Temp r_y = sin(Y2) / Temp end_if end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complexe_ASinh(a_x, a_y) ' Argument Sinus hyperbolique complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = asinh(a_x + i a_y) = -i*asin(i*a) ' i * (a_x + i a_y) = -a_y + i a_x
dim_local t
Complex_ASin(0 - a_y, a_x)
t = r_x r_x = r_y r_y = 0 - t end_sub rem ============================================================================ sub Complexe_ACosh(a_x, a_y) ' Argument Cosinus hyperbolique complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = acosh(a_x + i a_y) = csgn(a_y + i(1 - a_x)) * i * acos(a)
dim_local t
Complex_Sgn(a_y, 1 - a_x) Complex_ACos(a_x, a_y)
t = r_x r_x = 0 - r_sgn* r_y r_y = r_sgn * t end_sub rem ============================================================================
| |
| | | jean_debord
Nombre de messages : 1266 Age : 70 Localisation : Limoges Date d'inscription : 21/09/2008
| Sujet: Re: Problème avec les SUBS Jeu 29 Mai 2014 - 10:55 | |
| Merci Papydall J'avais essayé différents préfixes mais j'utilisais le même préfixe pour toutes les procédures et apparemment c'est cela qui provoquait la duplication ! J'espère que Jack va pouvoir corriger ce bug car c'est un obstacle à l'utilisation des bibliothèques de procédures ! | |
| | | Jicehel
Nombre de messages : 5947 Age : 52 Localisation : 77500 Date d'inscription : 18/04/2011
| Sujet: Re: Problème avec les SUBS Jeu 29 Mai 2014 - 11:10 | |
| En tout cas, c'est un beau debuggage directement exploitable par Jack Bravo à vous deux et merci de la part de tout les utilisateurs du compilateur. | |
| | | jean_debord
Nombre de messages : 1266 Age : 70 Localisation : Limoges Date d'inscription : 21/09/2008
| Sujet: Re: Problème avec les SUBS Mar 24 Juin 2014 - 9:22 | |
| Voici une version améliorée de la bibliothèque. Pour l'utiliser avec le compilateur, il ne faut inclure que les procédures dont on a besoin dans le programme. Le bug se produit lorsqu'il y a beaucoup de procédures. Variables globales (à inclure en début de programme) : - Code:
' Constantes mathematiques
dim MaxNum, MinNum, MaxLog, MinLog, Pi, PiDiv2
MaxLog = 709.78 : ' Argument max. pour EXP MinLog = -708.39 : ' Argument min. pour EXP MaxNum = exp(MaxLog) : ' Nb reel max. ~ 2^1024 MinNum = exp(MinLog) : ' Nb reel min. ~ 2^(-1022) Pi = 4 * atn(1) PiDiv2 = Pi / 2
' Resultats des calculs ' Partie reelle, partie imaginaire, module, argument, signe
dim r_x, r_y, r_mod, r_arg, r_sgn
' Code d'erreur ' 0 = pas d'erreur ' -1 = argument hors bornes ' -2 = singularite ' -3 = overflow ' -4 = underflow
dim ErrCode%
Liste des procédures (à inclure en fin de programme, après le END final) : - Code:
sub CMul(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Multiplication : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) * (b_x + i b_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x * b_x - a_y * b_y r_y = a_x * b_y + a_y * b_x end_sub
sub CSquare(a_x, a_y) ' Carre : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y)^2
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = a_x * a_x - a_y * a_y r_y = 2 * a_x * a_y end_sub
sub CCube(a_x, a_y) ' Cube : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y)^3
dim_local x2, y2, x3, y3
ErrCode% = 0
x2 = a_x * a_x : x3 = x2 * a_x y2 = a_y * a_y : y3 = y2 * a_y
r_x = x3 - 3 * a_x * y2 r_y = 3 * x2 * a_y - y3 end_sub
sub CIntPower(a_x, a_y, n%) ' Puissance entiere : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y)^n
dim_local m%, b_x, b_y, res_x, res_y ErrCode% = 0 if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 if n% = 0 ' 0^0 = lim x^x quand x --> 0 = 1 r_x = 1 r_y = 0 else if n% > 0 ' 0^n = 0 si n > 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else ' 0^n indefini si n < 0 ErrCode% = -2 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum end_if end_if else if n% < 0 m% = abs(n%) CInv(a_x, a_y) b_x = r_x b_y = r_y else m% = n% b_x = a_x b_y = a_y end_if
res_x = 1 : res_y = 0
while m% > 0 if odd(m%) = 1 CMul(b_x, b_y, res_x, res_y) res_x = r_x res_y = r_y end_if CSquare(b_x, b_y) b_x = r_x b_y = r_y m% = int(m% / 2) end_while r_x = res_x r_y = res_y end_if end_sub
sub CDiv(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Division : r_x + i r_y = (a_x + i a_y) / (b_x + i b_y) ' Algorithme d'apres "Numerical Recipes"
dim_local q, t
if b_x = 0 and b_y = 0 ErrCode% = -3 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 if abs(b_x) >= abs(b_y) q = b_y / b_x t = b_x + b_y * q r_x = (a_x + a_y * q) / t r_y = (a_y - a_x * q) / t else q = b_x / b_y t = b_x * q + b_y r_x = (a_x * q + a_y) / t r_y = (a_y * q - a_x) / t end_if end_if end_sub
sub CInv(a_x, a_y) ' Inverse : r_x + i r_y = 1 / (a_x + i a_y)
dim_local Temp
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 ErrCode% = -3 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 Temp = a_x * a_x + a_y * a_y r_x = a_x / Temp r_y = 0 - a_y / Temp end_if end_sub
sub CSgn(a_x, a_y) ' Signe complexe
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x > 0 r_sgn = 1 else if a_y < 0 r_sgn = -1 else if a_y > 0 r_sgn = 1 else if a_y < 0 r_sgn= -1 else r_sgn = 0 end_if end_if end_if end_if end_sub
sub CAbs(a_x, a_y) ' Module : r_mod = |a_x + i a_y| ' Algorithme d'apres "Numerical Recipes"
ErrCode% = 0
dim_local AbsX, AbsY, R, C
AbsX = abs(a_x) AbsY = abs(a_y)
if a_x = 0 r_mod = abs(a_y) else if a_y = 0 r_mod = abs(a_x) else if AbsX > AbsY R = AbsY / AbsX C = AbsX else R = AbsX / AbsY C = AbsY end_if r_mod = C * sqr(1 + R * R) end_if end_if end_sub
sub CArg(a_x, a_y) ' Argument : r_arg = arg(a_x + i a_y) ' Resultat dans [-Pi, Pi) ' Equivaut a atan2(a_y, a_x)
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 r_arg = sgn(a_y) * PiDiv2 else ' 4e / 1er quadrant : -Pi/2..Pi/2 r_arg = atn(a_y / a_x) if a_x < 0 if a_y > 0 ' 2e quadrant : Pi/2..Pi r_arg = r_arg + Pi else ' 3e quadrant : -Pi..-Pi/2 r_arg = r_arg - Pi end_if end_if end_if end_sub
sub ATan2(y, x) ' atn(y/x) --> Resultat dans [-Pi, Pi)
CArg(x, y) end_sub
sub CSqrt(a_x, a_y) ' Racine carree : r_x + i r_y = sqrt(a_x + i a_y) ' Algorithme d'apres "Numerical Recipes"
dim_local X, Y, W, R
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else X = abs(a_x) Y = abs(a_y)
if X >= Y R = Y / X W = sqr(X) * sqr(0.5 * (1 + sqr(1 + R * R))) else R = X / Y W = sqr(Y) * sqr(0.5 * (R + sqr(1 + R * R))) end_if
if a_x >= 0.0 r_x = W r_y = a_y / (2 * r_x) else if a_y >= 0 r_y = W else r_y = 0 - W end_if r_x = a_y / (2 * r_y) end_if end_if end_sub
sub CLog(a_x, a_y) ' Partie principale du logarithme complexe ' r_x + i r_y = ln(a_x + i a_y)
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 ErrCode% = -2 r_x = 0 - MaxNum r_y = 0 else ErrCode% = 0 CAbs(a_x, a_y) CArg(a_x, a_y) r_x = log(r_mod) r_y = r_arg end_if end_sub
sub CExp(a_x, a_y) ' Exponentielle complexe : r_x + i r_y = exp(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local ExpX
if a_x < MinLog ErrCode% = -4 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else if a_x > MaxLog ErrCode = -3 ExpX = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 ExpX = exp(a_x) end_if r_x = ExpX * cos(a_y) r_y = ExpX * sin(a_y) end_if end_sub
sub CRealPower(a_x, a_y, p) ' Puissance (exposant reel) : (a_x + i a_y)^p ' Resultat dans r_x, r_y ' Resultat aussi dans r_mod, r_arg si a <> 0
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 if p = 0 ' 0^0 = lim x^x quand x --> 0 = 1 r_x = 1 r_y = 0 else if p > 0 ' 0^p = 0 si p > 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 else ' 0^p indefini si p < 0 ErrCode% = -2 r_x = MaxNum r_y = MaxNum end_if end_if else CAbs(a_x, a_y) CArg(a_x, a_y) r_mod = power(r_mod, p) r_arg = r_arg * p r_x = r_mod * cos(r_arg) r_y = r_mod * sin(r_arg) end_if end_sub
sub CPower(a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y) ' Puissance (exposant complexe) : (a_x + i a_y)^(b_x + i b_y) ' Resultat dans r_x, r_y
ErrCode% = 0
if a_x = 0 and a_y = 0 if b_x = 0 and b_y = 0 ' 0^0 = lim x^x quand x --> 0 = 1 r_x = 1 r_y = 0 else ' 0^p = 0 si p > 0 r_x = 0 r_y = 0 end_if else ' exp(b ln(a)) CAbs(a_x, a_y) CArg(a_x, a_y) CMul(b_x, b_y, log(r_mod), r_arg) CExp(r_x, r_y) end_if end_sub
sub CSin(a_x, a_y) ' Sinus complexe : r_x + i r_y = sin(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = sin(a_x) * hcos(a_y) r_y = cos(a_x) * hsin(a_y) end_sub
sub CCos(a_x, a_y) ' Cosinus complexe : r_x + i r_y = cos(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = cos(a_x) * hcos(a_y) r_y = 0 - sin(a_x) * hsin(a_y) end_sub
sub CSinh(a_x, a_y) ' Sinus hyperbolique complexe : r_x + i r_y = sinh(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = hsin(a_x) * cos(a_y) r_y = hcos(a_x) * sin(a_y) end_sub
sub CCosh(a_x, a_y) ' Cosinus hyperbolique complexe : r_x + i r_y = cosh(a_x + i a_y)
ErrCode% = 0
r_x = hcos(a_x) * cos(a_y) r_y = hsin(a_x) * sin(a_y) end_sub
sub CTan(a_x, a_y) ' Tangente complexe : r_x + i r_y = tan(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local X2, Y2, Temp
X2 = 2 * a_x Y2 = 2 * a_y
Temp = cos(X2) + hcos(Y2)
if Temp <> 0 ErrCode% = 0 r_x = sin(X2) / Temp r_y = hsin(Y2) / Temp else ' a = Pi/2 + k*Pi ErrCode% = -2 r_x = MaxNum r_y = 0 end_if end_sub
sub CTanh(a_x, a_y) ' Tangente hyperbolique complexe : r_x + i r_y = tanh(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local X2, Y2, Temp
X2 = 2.0 * a_x Y2 = 2.0 * a_y
Temp = hcos(X2) + cos(Y2)
if Temp = 0 ' a = i * (Pi/2 + k*Pi) ErrCode% = -2 r_x = 0 r_y = MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0 r_x = hsin(X2) / Temp r_y = sin(Y2) / Temp end_if end_sub
sub CASin(a_x, a_y) ' Arc Sinus complexe : r_x + i r_y = asin(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local X2, XX, YY, Rp, Rm, S, T
X2 = 2 * a_x XX = a_x * a_x YY = a_y * a_y S = XX + YY + 1 Rp = 0.5 * sqr(S + X2) Rm = 0.5 * sqr(S - X2) T = Rp + Rm
ErrCode% = 0
CSgn(a_y, 0 - a_x)
r_x = asin(Rp - Rm) r_y = r_sgn * log(T + sqr(T * T - 1)) end_sub
sub CACos(a_x, a_y) ' Arc Cosinus complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = acos(a_x + i a_y) = Pi/2 - ASin(a)
CASin(a_x, a_y)
r_x = PiDiv2 - r_x r_y = 0 - r_y end_sub
sub CATan(a_x, a_y) ' Arc Tangente complexe : r_x + i r_y = atan(a_x + i a_y)
dim_local XX, YY, Yp1, Ym1, A1, A2
if a_x = 0 and abs(a_y) = 1 ' a = +/- i ErrCode% = -2 r_x = 0 r_y = sgn(a_y) * MaxNum else ErrCode% = 0
XX = a_x * a_x YY = a_y * a_y Yp1 = a_y + 1 Ym1 = a_y - 1
CArg(0 - Ym1, a_x) : A1 = r_arg : ' = atan2(a_x, - Ym1) CArg(Yp1, 0 - a_x) : A2 = r_arg : ' = atan2(- Ym1, a_x)
r_x = 0.5 * (A1 - A2) r_y = 0.25 * log((XX + Yp1 * Yp1) / (XX + Ym1 * Ym1)) end_if end_sub
sub CASinh(a_x, a_y) ' Argument Sinus hyperbolique complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = asinh(a_x + i a_y) = -i*asin(i*a) ' i * (a_x + i a_y) = -a_y + i a_x
dim_local t
CASin(0 - a_y, a_x)
t = r_x r_x = r_y r_y = 0 - t end_sub
sub CACosh(a_x, a_y) ' Argument Cosinus hyperbolique complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = acosh(a_x + i a_y) = csgn(a_y + i(1 - a_x)) * i * acos(a)
dim_local t
CSgn(a_y, 1 - a_x) CACos(a_x, a_y)
t = r_x r_x = 0 - r_sgn* r_y r_y = r_sgn * t end_sub
sub CATanh(a_x, a_y) ' Argument Tangente hyperbolique complexe : ' r_x + i r_y = atanh(a_x + i a_y) = -i*atan(i*a)
dim_local t
CATan(0 - a_y, a_x)
t = r_x r_x = r_y r_y = 0 - t end_sub
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