Novembre 2024 | Lun | Mar | Mer | Jeu | Ven | Sam | Dim |
| | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | | Calendrier |
| CFP les codes | |
| | |
Auteur | Message |
Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Mer 16 Sep 2009 - 9:22 | |
| Le 26ème, cfpsufca, pour supprimer une famille de catégorie. - Code:
rem cfpsufca
label quit,aide,tf,addlist,sel,cont,fin,sup,continue label sauvefam,chargefam,chargecat
dim n,nu,l,nf dim nu$,a$,afam$,fi$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim fam$(20),fifam$(20) dim cat$(15)
left 0,150 top 0,180 width 0,550 height 0,492 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Suppression d'un Famille de Catégories *"
alpha 1 left 1,67 top 1,31 width 1,158 caption 1,"Liste des Familles de Catégories"
list 2 left 2,41 top 2,61 width 2,209 height 2,270 on_click 2,sel
button 3 left 3,452 top 3,10 width 3,20 height 3,20 caption 3,"?" on_click 3,aide
button 6 left 6,98 top 6,361 width 6,100 caption 6,"Retour au Menu" on_click 6,quit
button 8 left 8,352 top 8,381 caption 8,"Supprimer" on_click 8,sup hide 8
memo 9 left 9,290 top 9,80 width 9,209 height 9,210 hide 9
button 10 left 10,352 top 10,381 caption 10,"Continuer" on_click 10,continue hide 10
form 11 left 11,720 top 11,180 width 11,460 height 11,490 caption 11,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Aide *" color 11,255,255,255 font_color 11,0,0,255 hide 11
alpha 12 left 12,270 top 12,50 width 12,158
gosub tf:gosub chargefam: gosub addlist
end rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- aide: show 11 print_target_is 11 print_locate 10,10:print "Une Famille de Catégories est un fichier qui contient des catégories: (sous-famille)" print_locate 30,30:print "Exemple: dans la Famille de Catégorie IMPÔTS vous pouvez avoir 3 catégories" print_locate 30,50:print "comme Sur le revenu, Locaux, Fonciers etc..." print_locate 10,70:print "Ces Familles de Catégories serviront pour les Statistiques" print_locate 10,110:print "Cette partie du programme vous permet de Supprimer des Familles." print_locate 30,130:print "Leurs Catégories respectives sera automatiquement Supprimer" print_locate 10,170:print "Vous pouvez aussi les Créer ou les Modifier dans les sections de programme prévues" print_locate 10,210:print "MISE EN GARDE: il est déconseillé de Supprimer une Famille de Catégories, car vous ne" print_locate 102,230:print "pourrez plus avoir les Statistiques correspondantes" print_target_is 0 return
sup: hide 11 file_delete fi$ fam$(nf)="":fifam$(nf)="" gosub sauvefam hide 8:show 10 return
continue: execute cfpsufca.exe goto fin return
sel: hide 11 n=item_index(2):nf=n a$=item_index$(2) if a$="" then message "Sélection Vide":return if n<8 then message "La Famille "+a$+" ne peut pas être Supprimée":return show 8:show 9:show 12 l=len(fam$(n)):afam$=left$(fam$(n),l-1) caption 12,"Liste des Catégories de la famille: "+afam$ fi$=fifam$(nf) gosub chargecat for n=1 to 15 item_add 9,cat$(n) next n print_locate 280,300:print string$(35," ") print_locate 280,300:print "La Suppression de: "+afam$ print_locate 280,320:print "effacera également les catégories" print_locate 280,340:print "ci-dessus" gosub aide return
addlist: for n=1 to 20 if fam$(n)="" then goto cont l=len(fam$(n)):afam$=left$(fam$(n),l-1) cont: item_add 2,afam$ afam$="" next n return
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargecat: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 15 file_readln 1,cat$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargefam: file_open_read 1,"cfplisfa.cfp" for n=1 to 20 file_readln 1,fifam$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvefam: file_open_write 1,"cfplisfa.cfp" for n=1 to 20 file_writeln 1,fifam$(n) file_writeln 1,fam$(n) next n file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 10,440:print "UTILISATEUR: "+nomutil$ print_locate 460,440:print date$ return
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- quit: execute cfpgfca.exe fin: terminate
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Mer 16 Sep 2009 - 9:26 | |
| Le 27ème, cfptrcod, pour trier les codes. - Code:
rem cfptrcod
label sauvecode,chargecode,quit,prog,p1,p2,fin,insertk,bascule,printage
dim cdc$(99),libc$(99),mrc$(99),opc$(99),famc$(99),catc$(99),desc$(99),utilc$(99),oac$(99),cbkc$(99),dvc$(99),mecc$(99),mefc$(99),mtc$(99) dim cdck$(99),libck$(99),mrck$(99),opck$(99),famck$(99),catck$(99),desck$(99),utilck$(99),oack$(99),cbkck$(99),dvck$(99),mecck$(99),mefck$(99),mtck$(99)
dim n,k,a,x,y dim r$
caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILILIALE * Tri des Codes *" print_locate 50,50:print "VEUILLEZ PATIENTEZ"
gosub chargecode
prog: a=47:r$="":n=0 p1: n=0:a=a+1 if a>90 then goto fin r$=chr$(a) rem print_locate 150,150:print r$ rem wait 400 p2: n=n+1 if n>99 then n=0:goto p1 if cdc$(n)="" then goto p2 if cdc$(n)=r$ then gosub insertk:goto p2 if left$(cdc$(n),1)=r$ then gosub insertk goto p2
fin: gosub bascule rem gosub printage gosub sauvecode execute cfpgcod.exe goto quit end
rem ------------------------------------- printage: for n=1 to 99 x=x+20 print_locate y,x:print cdc$(n)+" "+libc$(n)+" "+mrc$(n)+" "+opc$(n)+" "+famc$(n)+" "+catc$(n)+" "+desc$(n)+" "+utilc$(n)+" "+oac$(n)+" "+cbkc$(n)+" "+dvc$(n)+" "+mecc$(n)+" "+mefc$(n)+" "+mtc$(n) next n return
bascule: n=0 for k=1 to 99 n=n+1 cdc$(n)=cdck$(k):libc$(n)=libck$(k):mrc$(n)=mrck$(k):opc$(n)=opck$(k) famc$(n)=famck$(k):catc$(n)=catck$(k):desc$(n)=desck$(k) utilc$(n)=utilck$(k):oac$(n)=oack$(k):cbkc$(n)=cbkck$(k) dvc$(n)=dvck$(k):mecc$(n)=mecck$(k):mefc$(n)=mefck$(k):mtc$(n)=mtck$(k) next k return
insertk: k=k+1 cdck$(k)=cdc$(n):libck$(k)=libc$(n):mrck$(k)=mrc$(n):opck$(k)=opc$(n) famck$(k)=famc$(n):catck$(k)=catc$(n):desck$(k)=desc$(n) utilck$(k)=utilc$(n):oack$(k)=oac$(n):cbkck$(k)=cbkc$(n) dvck$(k)=dvc$(n):mecck$(k)=mecc$(n):mefck$(k)=mefc$(n):mtck$(k)=mtc$(n) return
chargecode: file_open_read 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,cdc$(n) file_readln 1,libc$(n) file_readln 1,mrc$(n) file_readln 1,opc$(n) file_readln 1,famc$(n) file_readln 1,catc$(n) file_readln 1,desc$(n) file_readln 1,utilc$(n) file_readln 1,oac$(n) file_readln 1,cbkc$(n) file_readln 1,dvc$(n) file_readln 1,mecc$(n) file_readln 1,mefc$(n) file_readln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvecode: file_open_write 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_writeln 1,cdc$(n) file_writeln 1,libc$(n) file_writeln 1,mrc$(n) file_writeln 1,opc$(n) file_writeln 1,famc$(n) file_writeln 1,catc$(n) file_writeln 1,desc$(n) file_writeln 1,utilc$(n) file_writeln 1,oac$(n) file_writeln 1,cbkc$(n) file_writeln 1,dvc$(n) file_writeln 1,mecc$(n) file_writeln 1,mefc$(n) file_writeln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return rem --------------------------------------- quit: terminate
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Mer 16 Sep 2009 - 9:31 | |
| Le 28ème, cfpvisop, pour visualiser une page d'opérations. il manque son petit frère pour visualiser une page d'un fichier fermé, çà suivra. - Code:
rem cfpvisop
label tf,chargetf03,chargeliste,datfich,chargeoper,addlist,sauveoper,mt,pas,pa label quit,fin,verificour,rose,vert,afi1,modipiece,modpiece,modpiec,modival label jour,mois,ans,confdat,valid,autre
dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim cod$(111),nlig$(111),datoper$(111),lib$(111),mr$(111),op$(111),piece$(111),util$(111),dest$(111),fam$(111),cat$(111),dv$(111),mt$(111),sld$(111),ctr$(111) dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim n,no,nu,ncpt,l,li,lt,lp,lc,lr,ls,p dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,an$,moi$,nu$,fi$,fil$,liba$,mec$,mef$,pcat$,pmt$,psld$ dim jou$
left 0,9:top 0,60:width 0,1270:height 0,850 gosub tf font_name 0,"Impact" font_size 0,9 gosub chargetf03:fil$=fi$:gosub chargeliste:gosub datfich caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Visualisation/Modif sur le Compte: "+lcpt$(ncpt)+" * "+a$+" *"
list 1 left 1,10:top 1,50:width 1,1190:height 1,550 color 1,190,255,255 on_click 1,afi1
button 2 left 2,10:top 2,630:width 2,100:height 2,25:caption 2,"RETOUR" on_click 2,quit
button 3 left 3,350:top 3,630:width 3,120:height 3,25:caption 3,"Modifier N° de Piece" on_click 3,modipiece hide 3
edit 4 left 4,480:top 4,633:width 4,100:height 4,20 on_change 4,modpiece hide 4
button 5 left 5,590:top 5,633:width 5,20:height 5,20:caption 5,"OK" on_click 5,modpiec hide 5
button 6 left 6,1000:top 6,630:width 6,130:height 6,25:caption 6,"Modifier Date de Valeur" on_click 6,modival hide 6
button 11 left 11,140:top 11,630:width 11,150:height 11,25:caption 11,"Valider les Modifications" on_click 11,valid hide 11
button 12 left 12,990:top 12,730:width 12,150:height 12,25:caption 12,"Visualiser un Autre Fichier" on_click 12,autre
gosub rose gosub verificour:gosub chargeoper:gosub addlist:no=n gosub vert end rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- autre: execute "cfpviop2.exe" :goto fin return
valid: gosub sauveoper:gosub quit return
modival: inactive 6 combo 7:left 7,660:top 7,630:width 7,40 rem caption 7,"JOUR" for n=1 to 31 item_add 7,n next n jou$=left$(dv$(no),2) text 7,jou$
combo 8 left 8,710:top 8,630:width 8,40 rem caption 8,"MOIS" for n=1 to 12 item_add 8,n next n moi$=mid$(dv$(no),4,2) text 8,moi$
combo 9 left 9,760:top 9,630:width 9,40 rem caption 9,"ANS" for n=0 to 99 item_add 9,n next n an$=right$(dv$(no),2) text 9,an$
button 10:top 10,633:left 10,810:width 10,150:height 10,20:caption 10,"Confirmation Date de Valeur" gosub rose on_click 7,jour on_click 8,mois on_click 9,ans on_click 10,confdat 2d_fill_color 240,245,120 2d_rectangle 640,660,985,605 print_locate 655,610:print " JOUR / MOIS / ANNEE" return return
confdat: a$=jou$:b$=moi$:c$=an$ dv$(no)=a$+"/"+b$+"/"+c$ inactive 7:inactive 8:inactive 9:inactive 10:show 11 gosub afi1 2d_fill_color 240,245,120 2d_rectangle 640,660,985,605 return
jour: jou$=text$(7) if val(jou$)<10 then jou$="0"+jou$ return mois: moi$=text$(8) if val(moi$)<10 then moi$="0"+moi$ return ans: an$=text$(9) if val(an$)<10 then an$="0"+an$ return
modipiece: if mr$(no)="CH" then message "Option non autorisée pour les Chèques":return show 4:set_focus 4 return
modpiece: a$=text$(4) if len(a$)>8 then message "8 caractères Maximum":return show 5 return
modpiec: if len(a$)>8 then message "8 caractères Maximum":return piece$(no)=a$:clear 1:gosub addlist inactive 3:inactive 4:inactive 5:inactive 6::show 11 return
afi1: gosub vert no=item_index(1):a$=item_index$(1) print_locate 20,710:print "INFORMATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES DE LA LIGNE : "+nlig$(no)+" "+cod$(no)+" "+lib$(no) print_locate 20,730:print "UTILISATEUR : "+util$(no)+string$(16," ")+"DESTINATAIRE : "+dest$(no) print_locate 20,750:print "DATE DE VALEUR : "+dv$(no) print_locate 20,770:print "FAMILLE DE CATEGORIE : "+fam$(no) show 3:show 6 return
vert: print_target_is 0 print_locate 10,800:print " UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$+" " print_locate 1180,800:print " "+date$+" " 2d_fill_color 200,255,200 2d_rectangle 10,790,1200,700 return
rose: 2d_fill_color 255,235,235 2d_rectangle 10,15,1200,45 print_locate 24,20:print " LIGNE |" print_locate 64,20:print "DATE OPERATION |" print_locate 147,20:print " LIBELLE ou MOTIF |" print_locate 458,20:print " MR +/- |" print_locate 515,20:print "N ° de PIECE |" print_locate 605,18:print "MIN / MAX |" print_locate 754,18:print "Catégorie |" print_locate 904,18:print "MONTANT |" print_locate 1054,18:print " SOLDE |" print_locate 1134,18:print "CTR |" return
verificour: fi$=fec$(ncpt) n=file_exists(fi$) if n=0 then Message "Le fichier "+fi$+" n'existe pas.":goto fin if n=1 then return return
addlist: for n=1 to 111 font_name 1,"Fixedsys" if nlig$(n)="" then return lt=len(lib$(n)):li=36-lt:liba$=lib$(n) if lt>35 then liba$=left$(lib$(n),35):li=1 lt=len(piece$(n)):lp=10-lt if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)<>"/" then mec$="000":mef$="000" if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)="/" then mec$=left$(piece$(n),3):mef$=right$(piece$(n),3) pcat$=left$(cat$(n),23) lt=len(pcat$):lc=24-lt a$=mt$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:pmt$=b$ a$=sld$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:psld$=b$ lt=len(ctr$(n)):lr=5-lt a$=" "+nlig$(n)+" | "+datoper$(n)+" | "+liba$+string$(li," ")+"| "+mr$(n)+op$(n)+" | "+piece$(n)+string$(lp," ")+"| "+mec$+"/"+mef$+" |"+pcat$+string$(lc," ")+" | "+pmt$+ psld$+string$(lr," ")+ctr$(n)+" |" print_target_is 1 print a$ next n return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 | ":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$="" pa: p=p+1 if p>lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$<>"." then goto pa e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1) f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" | ":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
datfich: an$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),5,2):moi$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),7,2) if moi$="01" then a$="JANVIER / "+an$ if moi$="02" then a$="FEVRIER / "+an$ if moi$="03" then a$="MARS / "+an$ if moi$="04" then a$="AVRIL / "+an$ if moi$="05" then a$="MAI / "+an$ if moi$="06" then a$="JUIN / "+an$ if moi$="07" then a$="JUILLET / "+an$ if moi$="08" then a$="AOUT / "+an$ if moi$="09" then a$="SEPTEMBRE / "+an$ if moi$="10" then a$="OCTOBRE / "+an$ if moi$="11" then a$="NOVEMBBRE / "+an$ if moi$="12" then a$="DECEMBRE / "+an$ return
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargetf03: file_open_read 1,"cfptf03.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,fi$ file_readln 1,ncpt file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 return
chargeoper: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_readln 1,cod$(n) file_readln 1,nlig$(n) file_readln 1,datoper$(n) file_readln 1,lib$(n) file_readln 1,mr$(n) file_readln 1,op$(n) file_readln 1,piece$(n) file_readln 1,util$(n) file_readln 1,dest$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) file_readln 1,cat$(n) file_readln 1,dv$(n) file_readln 1,mt$(n) file_readln 1,sld$(n) file_readln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauveoper: file_open_write 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_writeln 1,cod$(n) file_writeln 1,nlig$(n) file_writeln 1,datoper$(n) file_writeln 1,lib$(n) file_writeln 1,mr$(n) file_writeln 1,op$(n) file_writeln 1,piece$(n) file_writeln 1,util$(n) file_writeln 1,dest$(n) file_writeln 1,fam$(n) file_writeln 1,cat$(n) file_writeln 1,dv$(n) file_writeln 1,mt$(n) file_writeln 1,sld$(n) file_writeln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
quit: execute "cfpeomen.exe" fin: terminate
Dernière édition par Jean Claude le Lun 21 Sep 2009 - 16:49, édité 5 fois | |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Mer 16 Sep 2009 - 9:36 | |
| Le 29ème, cfpvisu2, pour visaliser des chèquiers cloturés. - Code:
rem cfpvisu2
label cherchfich,quit,tf,sel,chargecheque,visu,strig,mt,pas,pa,rec,vis
dim n,nu,a,b,l,ls,lt,p dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,nu$,fik$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim nchk$(50),mtchk$(50),datoperchk$(50),datvalchk$(50),ordrechk$(50),sitchk$(50)
left 0,100:top 0,100:width 0,900:height 0,750 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Visualisation des chèquiers éffacés *" font_name 0,"Fixedsys"
list 1:top 1,120:left 1,25:width 1,115:height 1,400 on_click 1,sel
list 2:top 2,120:left 2,170:width 2,690:height 2,400
button 3:top 3,585:left 3,690:width 3,100:caption 3,"Quitter" on_click 3,quit
button 4:top 4,80:left 4,30:width 4,100:caption 4,"NOUVEAU" on_click 4,rec hide 4
gosub tf:nu$=str$(nu) gosub cherchfich
end rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rec: execute cfpvisu2.exe goto quit return
visu: print_locate 168,105:print "|N°CHEQUE| MONTANT | DATE OPER. | DATE VAL.. | ORDRE | SITUATION | |" for n=1 to 50 if nchk$(n)="" then goto vis c$=" "+nchk$(n)+" |" a$=mtchk$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:c$=c$+b$ a$=datoperchk$(n):ls=12:gosub strig a$=datvalchk$(n):ls=12:gosub strig a$=ordrechk$(n):ls=22:gosub strig a$=sitchk$(n):ls=14:gosub strig item_add 2,c$:c$="" vis: next n return
strig: if a$="" then d$=string$(ls," ")+"|":c$=c$+d$:a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0:return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt:b$=left$(a$,lt)+string$(l," ")+"|" c$=c$+b$:a$="":b$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 |":return if val(a$)=0 then b$=" 0.00 |":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 |":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$="" pa: p=p+1 if p>lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$<>"." then goto pa e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1):f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 |":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 |":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" |":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
sel: a$=item_index$(1) if a$="" then message "Sélection Vide":return fik$=a$ gosub chargecheque gosub visu show 4:inactive 1 return
cherchfich: a$=file_find_first$ if mid$(a$,3,3)=nu$+"cA" then item_add 1,a$ while a$<>"_" a$=file_find_next$ if mid$(a$,3,3)=nu$+"cA" then item_add 1,a$ end_while file_find_close return
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargecheque: file_open_read 1,fik$ for n=1 to 50 file_readln 1,nchk$(n) file_readln 1,mtchk$(n) file_readln 1,datoperchk$(n) file_readln 1,datvalchk$(n) file_readln 1,ordrechk$(n) file_readln 1,sitchk$(n) next n file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 9,695:print "UTILISATEUR: "+nomutil$ print_locate 800,695:print date$ return
quit: execute cfpgchq.exe terminate
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Mer 16 Sep 2009 - 9:41 | |
| Le 30ème, cfpcrlv, pour controler un relevé de compte. - Code:
rem cfpcrlv
label tf,quit,fin,chargeliste,sauveliste,chargetf03,nrlv,demar,chargeoper,sauveoper label fichdep,rech,suit,suit2,suit3,nouvfich,nouvan,mtopnp,pmt,pas,pa,valid
dim sc% dim a,b,c,n,nu,ncpt,nrlv,mtonp,mt,sldactu,result,l,lt,p dim a$,b$,c$,d$,nu$,fi$,fil$,nrlvp$,fin$,mtonp$,sldactu$,result$,mtp$,mtr$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$,cbkcmod$,afam$ dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim cod$(111),nlig$(111),datoper$(111),lib$(111),mr$(111),op$(111),piece$(111),util$(111),dest$(111),fam$(111),cat$(111),dv$(111),mt$(111),sld$(111),ctr$(111)
left 0,350:top 0,278:width 0,550:height 0,492 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Vérification du relevé *" button 1:left 1,30:top 1,20:caption 1,"Démarrer" on_click 1,demar
button 2:left 2,30:top 2,400:caption 2,"Abandon" on_click 2,quit
button 3:left 3,425:top 3,400:caption 3,"Validation" inactive 3
memo 4:left 4,60:top 4,80:width 4,410:height 4,195 color 4,200,255,250 font_name 4,"Fixedsys"
list 5:left 5,180:top 5,23:width 5,210:height 5,20 color 5,255,255,120 font_name 5,"Fixedsys"
memo 6:left 6,60:top 6,300:width 6,410:height 6,70 color 6,255,200,200 font_name 6,"Fixedsys"
gosub tf if gradutil$="INACTIF" then message "Vous nêtes pas autorisé":terminate nu$=str$(nu):gosub chargetf03:fil$=fi$:gosub chargeliste sldactu$=sldcpt$(ncpt):gosub nrlv caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Vérification d'un Relevé sur le Compte : "+lcpt$(ncpt)+" * Relevé numéro: "+nrlvp$+" *"
item_add 6,"Si votre relevé est complètement pointé, cliquez sur démarrer" item_add 5,"Controle du Relevé N° "+nrlvp$
set_focus 1 end rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- valid: rec$(ncpt)=nrlvp$ gosub sauveliste goto quit return
demar: mtonp=0:inactive 1:clear 6 gosub fichdep rech: if file_exists(fi$)=1 then goto suit if file_exists(fi$)=0 then gosub nouvfich goto rech suit: gosub chargeoper for n=1 to 111 if n>111 then goto suit2 if ctr$(n)="" then gosub mtopnp next n suit2: if fin$="O" then goto suit3 gosub nouvfich goto suit suit3: mtonp$=str$(mtonp):mtr$=mtonp$:gosub pmt:mtonp$=mtp$ sldactu=val(sldactu$):mtr$=sldactu$:gosub pmt:sldactu$=mtp$ result=sldactu-mtonp result$=str$(result):mtr$=result$:gosub pmt:result$=mtp$ lt=len(sldactu$):l=16-lt item_add 4," Solde Actuel:"+string$(l," ")+sldactu$ lt=len(mtonp$):l=16-lt item_add 4,"Total des opérations non pointées:"+string$(l," ")+mtonp$ item_add 4," " item_add 4," " lt=len(result$):l=16-lt item_add 4," Solde du Relevé:"+string$(l," ")+result$ active 3 item_add 6,"Si le résultat est bon validez sinon cliquez sur Abandon pour corriger les erreurs" item_add 6,"Si vous validez le N° de relevé augmentera de 1" on_click 3, valid return
pmt: p=0:lt=0 if a=0 then mtp$="0.00" lt=len(mtr$) gosub pas return
pas: p=p+1 if p>lt then mtp$=mtr$+".00":return b$=mid$(mtr$,p,1) if b$="." then goto pa goto pas pa: c$=mid$(mtr$,p+1,1):d$=mid$(mtr$,p+2,1) if c$<>"" and d$="" then mtp$=mtr$+"0":return mtp$=mtr$ return
mtopnp: if mt$(n)="" then return b$=mt$(n):mt=val(b$) if op$(n)="+" then mtonp=mtonp+mt if op$(n)="-" then mtonp=mtonp-mt return
nouvfich: a$=mid$(fi$,7,2) a=val(a$) if a=12 then a$="01":gosub nouvan:return if a<12 then a=a+1 if a<10 then a$="0"+str$(a) if a>9 then a$=""+str$(a) b$=left$(fi$,6)+a$+right$(fi$,4):fi$=b$ if fi$=fec$(ncpt)then fin$="O" return
nouvan: c$=mid$(fi$,5,2) c=val(c$) if c=99 then c=0 if c<99 and c>0 then c=c+1 if c<10 then c$="0"+str$(c) if c>9 then c$=""+str$(c) b$=left$(fi$,4)+c$+a$+right$(fi$,4):fi$=b$ if fi$=fec$(ncpt)then fin$="O" return
fichdep: a$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),5,2) a=val(a$) if a=0 then a=98 if a=1 then a=99 if a>1 then a=a-2 if a<10 then a$="0"+str$(a) if a>9 then a$=""+str$(a) b$=left$(fec$(ncpt),4)+a$+right$(fec$(ncpt),6) fi$=b$ return
nrlv: nrlv=val(rec$(ncpt)) nrlv=nrlv+1 if nrlv<10 then nrlvp$="00"+str$(nrlv):return if nrlv>9 and nrlv<100 then nrlvp$="0"+str$(nrlv):return if nrlv>99 then nrlvp$=""+str$(nrlv):return return
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargeoper: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_readln 1,cod$(n) file_readln 1,nlig$(n) file_readln 1,datoper$(n) file_readln 1,lib$(n) file_readln 1,mr$(n) file_readln 1,op$(n) file_readln 1,piece$(n) file_readln 1,util$(n) file_readln 1,dest$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) file_readln 1,cat$(n) file_readln 1,dv$(n) file_readln 1,mt$(n) file_readln 1,sld$(n) file_readln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauveoper: file_open_write 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_writeln 1,cod$(n) file_writeln 1,nlig$(n) file_writeln 1,datoper$(n) file_writeln 1,lib$(n) file_writeln 1,mr$(n) file_writeln 1,op$(n) file_writeln 1,piece$(n) file_writeln 1,util$(n) file_writeln 1,dest$(n) file_writeln 1,fam$(n) file_writeln 1,cat$(n) file_writeln 1,dv$(n) file_writeln 1,mt$(n) file_writeln 1,sld$(n) file_writeln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargetf03: file_open_read 1,"cfptf03.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,fi$ file_readln 1,ncpt file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 5,445:print "UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$ print_locate 465,445:print date$ return
chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauveliste: file_open_write 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_writeln 1,cpt$(n) file_writeln 1,lcpt$(n) file_writeln 1,fec$(n) file_writeln 1,rec$(n) file_writeln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- quit: execute "cfpmenug.exe" fin: terminate
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Mer 16 Sep 2009 - 9:45 | |
| Le 31, cfpeomen, pour enregistrer les opérations. - Code:
rem cfpeomen
label quit,fin,jaune,bleu,rose,vert,tf,chargetf03,datfich,co,fen2,nouvfich label chargeliste,sauveliste,chargeoper,sauveoper,verificour,pasfich,addlist label mt,pa,pas,demar,nouvmoi,nouvan,chargecode,sauvecode,selcode,aficode,strig label scod,scod2,scod3,scod4,scod5,continue,ct,rec,piece,chekm,chargechequiers,chqprincip label chargecheque,rpcb,datoper,jour,mois,ans,confdat,atm,modidest,chargedest,seldest label minmax,adollar,montant,montan,monta,enregop,modilib,modlib,molib,modimr,modmr label modicat,selfam,cnb,chargefam,addfam,cont,chargecat,selcat,solde,gestioncheque,ctrchq label sauvechequiers,sauvecheque,visu,changemois,modich,visuch,vch,modic label preparvir,addvir,sauvevir,chqpr,choichq,choicq,choic,choi,cho,crch,vchoi
dim sc%,a,b,c,n,nb,n1c,nc,nf,nu,ncpt,l,lt,lp,l2,lc,ls,lr,p,li,no,nbch,pas,mt,nch,ncq dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,fi$,fif$,fil$,an$,moi$,jou$,liba$,mec$,mef$,pcat$,pmt$,psld$,nu$,fic$,fik$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$,cbkcmod$,afam$,nch$,vir$,choi$,at$ dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim cod$(111),nlig$(111),datoper$(111),lib$(111),mr$(111),op$(111),piece$(111),util$(111),dest$(111),fam$(111),cat$(111),dv$(111),mt$(111),sld$(111),ctr$(111) dim codv$(111),datoperv$(111),libv$(111),mrv$(111),opv$(111),piecev$(111),utilv$(111),destv$(111),famv$(111),catv$(111),dvv$(111),mtv$(111) dim cdc$(99),libc$(99),mrc$(99),opc$(99),famc$(99),catc$(99),desc$(99),utilc$(99),oac$(99),cbkc$(99),dvc$(99),mecc$(99),mefc$(99),mtc$(99) dim numchq$(10),bkchq$(10),utilchq$(10),typchq$(10),npchk$(10),ndchk$(10),sitchq$(10) dim nchk$(50),mtchk$(50),datoperchk$(50),datvalchk$(50),ordrechk$(50),sitchk$(50) dim fifam$(20)
left 0,9 top 0,60:width 0,1264:height 0,834
gosub tf:gosub chargetf03:fil$=fi$:gosub chargeliste:gosub datfich
caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Enregistrement d'une Opérations sur le Compte: "+lcpt$(ncpt)+" * "+a$+" *" font_name 0,"Impact" font_size 0,9
list 1 left 1,10:top 1,50:width 1,1180:height 1,300 color 1,190,255,255
picture 3 left 3,10:top 3,384:width 3,1180:height 3,50
combo 4 left 4,32:top 4,470:width 4,40 rem caption 4,"JOUR" for n=1 to 31 item_add 4,n next n
button 5 left 5,230:top 5,470 caption 5,"Motif"
button 6 left 6,340:top 6,470 caption 6,"MR"
button 2 left 2,420:top 2,470 caption 2,"N° de Chèque"
button 8 left 8,640:top 8,470 caption 8,"Destinataire"
button 9 left 9,725:top 9,470 caption 9,"Montant"
button 10 left 10,810:top 10,470:width 10,80 caption 10,"Date de Valeur" hide 10
button 11 left 11,15:top 11,354:width 11,150 caption 11,"Démarrer un Enregistrement" font_size 11,9 on_click 11,demar hide 11
combo 12 left 12,80:top 12,470:width 12,40 rem caption 12,"MOIS" for n=1 to 12 item_add 12,n next n
combo 13 left 13,130:top 13,470:width 13,40 rem caption 13,"ANS" for n=0 to 99 item_add 13,n next n
button 14 left 14,500:top 14,470 caption 14,"Catégorie"
button 15 left 15,315:top 15,530:width 15,150 caption 15,"Visualisation de la Page" on_click 15,visu
button 16 left 16,489:top 16,530:width 16,150 caption 16,"Changement de Mois" on_click 16,changemois
button 17 left 17,665:top 17,530:width 17,150 caption 17,"Retour au Menu général" on_click 17,quit
list 18:top 18,600:left 18,80:width 18,1050:height 18,170 inactive 18 on_click 18,continue
edit 19:top 19,550:left 19,80:width 19,30:height 19,25 inactive 19 on_change 19,scod
alpha 20:top 20,530:left 20,54 caption 20,"Entrez la premiere lettre du code" inactive 20
button 21:top 21,552:left 21,120:width 21,20:height 21,20:caption 21,"OK" inactive 21 on_click 21,scod2
print_locate 10,780:print "UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$ print_locate 1190,780:print date$
gosub fen2:gosub verificour inactive 2:inactive 4:inactive 5:inactive 6:inactive 8:inactive 9 inactive 12:inactive 13:inactive 14
button 22 left 22,15:top 22,354:width 22,150 caption 22,"Recommencer" font_size 22,9 on_click 22,rec hide 22
edit 23:top 23,540:left 23,980:width 23,80:height 23,25 hide 23
button 24:top 24,544:left 24,1065:width 24,20:height 24,20:caption 24,"OK" hide 24
button 25:top 25,510:left 25,25:width 25,150:height 25,20:caption 25,"Confirmation Date Opération" hide 25
button 26 left 26,200:top 26,354:width 26,150 caption 26,"VALIDER l ' Opération" font_size 26,9 on_click 26,enregop hide 26
edit 27:top 27,650:left 27,155:width 27,225:height 27,20 hide 27
button 31:top 31,652:left 31,395:width 31,20:height 31,20:caption 31,"OK" hide 31
combo 32:top 32,650:left 32,155:width 32,50:height 32,20 item_add 32,"CB":item_add 32,"CH":item_add 32,"VI":item_add 32,"ES":item_add 32,"AU":item_add 32,"RG" hide 32
combo 33:top 33,200:left 33,500:width 33,340 list 34:top 34,200:left 34,900:width 34,300:height 34,400 hide 33:hide 34
combo 35:top 35,450:left 35,840:width 35,340 hide 35
list 36:top 36,450:left 36,850:width 36,220:height 36,300 hide 36
option 37::top 37,510:left 37,980:width 37,220:caption 37,"Créer un nouveau Chèquier" option 38::top 38,540:left 38,980:width 38,220:caption 38,"Sélectionner un Chèquier" on_click 37,crch on_click 38,choichq hide 37:hide 38
gosub bleu:gosub jaune:gosub rose gosub chargeoper:gosub addlist:no=n show 11:set_focus 11
end rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- modich: if mr$(no)<>"CH" then message "Le règlement n'est pas un Chèque":gosub jaune:return gosub visuch show 34 on_click 34,modic return
modic: hide 34:gosub bleu:gosub vert:gosub jaune nch$=left$(item_index$(34),6) nch=val(nch$) piece$(no)="N°"+nch$ print_locate 15,400:print " "+nlig$(no)+" | " print_locate 60,400:print datoper$(no)+" | " print_locate 130,400:print cod$(no)+" | " print_locate 160,400:print string$(110," ")+" | " print_locate 160,400:print lib$(no) print_locate 390,400:print string$(8," ")+" | " print_locate 390,400:print mr$(no)+op$(no) print_locate 415,400:print string$(57," ") print_locate 420,400:print piece$(no)+" | " print_locate 480,400:print string$(107," ") print_locate 485,400:print cat$(no)+" |" print_locate 645,400:print string$(50," ") print_locate 653,400:print dest$(no)+" | " return
visuch: show 33 print_locate 15,80:print "Sélectionnez le Chèquier" for n1c=1 to 10 item_add 33,numchq$(n1c)+" "+bkchq$(n1c)+" "+typchq$(n1c)+" "+npchk$(n1c)+"/"+ndchk$(n1c)+" "+sitchq$(n1c) next n1c on_click 33,vch return
vch: n1c=item_index(33):ncq=n1c if numchq$(n1c)="" then message "Sélection Vide":return hide 33 rem print_locate 96,105:print "|N°CHEQUE| MONTANT | DATE OPER. | DATE VAL.. | ORDRE | SITUATION | |" fik$="cf"+nu$+"ch"+numchq$(n1c)+".cfp" a=val(npchk$(n1c)):b=val(ndchk$(n1c)):nbch=1+(b-a) gosub chargecheque for n1c=1 to nbch c$=nchk$(n1c)+" |" a$=mtchk$(n1c):ls=9:gosub mt:c$=c$+b$ a$=datoperchk$(n1c):ls=12:gosub strig a$=datvalchk$(n1c):ls=12:gosub strig a$=ordrechk$(n1c):ls=22:gosub strig a$=sitchk$(n1c):ls=14:gosub strig item_add 34,c$:c$="" next n1c return
changemois: execute "cfpnvmoi.exe":goto fin return
visu: execute "cfpvisop.exe":goto fin return
enregop: rem clear 1:n=0:gosub addlist hide 26:hide 2:hide 5:hide 6:hide 8:hide 9:hide 10:hide 14 gosub jaune gosub solde if mr$(no)="CH" and op$(no)="-" then gosub gestioncheque mt$(no)=str$(mt) gosub preparvir if vir$="O" then gosub sauvevir gosub sauveoper gosub sauvecode gosub sauveliste if vir$="O" then execute "cfpvir.exe":goto fin if proga$="cfpprlv.exe" then execute proga$:goto fin print "Votre opération est enregistrée. Cliquez sur [ Recommencer ] ou [ Retour au Menu ]" active 15 return
preparvir: n=0:vir$="" if nlig$(no)="" then return if left$(cod$(no),2)="VI" then gosub addvir return
addvir: n=n+1:vir$="O" codv$(n)=cod$(no):datoperv$(n)=datoper$(no):libv$(n)=lib$(no):mrv$(n)=mr$(no):opv$(n)="+" piecev$(n)=piece$(no):utilv$(n)=util$(no):destv$(n)=dest$(no):famv$(n)=fam$(no) catv$(n)=cat$(no):dvv$(n)=dv$(no):mtv$(n)=mt$(no) return
gestioncheque: mtchk$(nch)=str$(mt):datoperchk$(nch)=datoper$(no):datvalchk$(nch)=dv$(no) ordrechk$(nch)=dest$(no):sitchk$(nch)="EMIS" if cod$(no)="CHA" then sitchk$(nch)="ANNULE" print numchq$(ncq)+" "+bkchq$(ncq)+" "+utilchq$(ncq)+" "+typchq$(ncq)+" "+npchk$(ncq)+" "+ndchk$(ncq)+" "+sitchq$(ncq) gosub ctrchq print nchk$(nch)+" "+mtchk$(nch)+" "+datoperchk$(nch)+" "+datvalchk$(nch)+" "+ordrechk$(nch)+" "+sitchk$(nch) gosub sauvechequiers gosub sauvecheque return
ctrchq: for n=1 to nbch if n>nbch then sitchq$(ncq)="PAS TOUT POINTE":typchq$(ncq)="SECONDAIRE":return if sitchk$(n)="BLANC" then sitchq$(ncq)="A FINIR": return next n
continue: gosub vert:gosub rose hide 20:hide 19:hide 21 inactive 15:inactive 16 a$=item_index$(18):b$=right$(a$,3):nc=val(b$) if left$(cbkc$(nc),2)="9T" then goto ct if cbkc$(nc)<>cpt$(ncpt) then message "Ce Code ne peut pas être utilisé sur ce Compte":return ct: if oac$(nc)="O" then message "Code réservé aux Opérations Automatiques":return: rem <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< a verifier gosub datoper cod$(no)=cdc$(nc):lib$(no)=libc$(nc):mr$(no)=mrc$(nc):op$(no)=opc$(nc) util$(no)=utilc$(nc):dest$(no)=desc$(nc):fam$(no)=famc$(nc):cat$(no)=catc$(nc):dv$(no)=dvc$(nc):mt$(no)=mtc$(nc) mt=val(mt$(no)) gosub minmax gosub piece print_locate 15,400:print " "+nlig$(no)+" | " print_locate 60,400:print datoper$(no)+" | " print_locate 130,400:print cod$(no)+" | " print_locate 160,400:print string$(110," ")+" | " print_locate 160,400:print lib$(no) print_locate 390,400:print string$(8," ")+" | " print_locate 390,400:print mr$(no)+op$(no) print_locate 415,400:print string$(57," ") print_locate 420,400:print piece$(no)+" | " print_locate 480,400:print string$(107," ") print_locate 485,400:print cat$(no)+" |" print_locate 645,400:print string$(50," ") print_locate 653,400:print dest$(no)+" | " if val(mt$(no))=0 then gosub montant print_locate 758,400:print string$(25," ") print_locate 758,400:print mt$(no)+" | " dv$(no)=datoper$(no) print_locate 780,400:print string$(20," ") print_locate 815,400:print " "+dv$(no)+" |" if mr$(no)="CH" then active 2 active 5:active 6:active 8:active 9:active 14 gosub vert:print_locate 60,600:print " Modifiez les éléments de l'opération avec les bouttons si nécéssaire, puis Valider ou Retour au Menu " show 26 gosub jaune on_click 9,montant on_click 5,modilib on_click 6,modimr on_click 8,modidest on_click 14,modicat on_click 2,modich return
solde: a= val(sldcpt$(ncpt)) if op$(no)="-" then c=a-mt if op$(no)="+" then c=a+mt a$=str$(c) sld$(no)=a$:sldcpt$(ncpt)=a$ gosub vert:print_locate 60,600:print "Nouveau Solde: "+sld$(no) return
modicat: list 39:left 39,830:top 39,520:width 39,170:height 39,250 gosub chargefam: gosub addfam on_click 39,selfam list 40:left 40,1010:top 40,520:width 40,190:height 40,250 on_click 40,selcat gosub rose return
selcat: n=item_index(40) a$=item_index$(40) if cat$(n)="" then message "Sélection Vide":return cat$(no)=a$:gosub jaune print_locate 480,400:print string$(62," ") print_locate 485,400:print cat$(no)+" |" hide 39:hide 40:inactive 14:gosub vert:gosub jaune return
selfam: pas=pas+1:if pas >1 then clear 40 n=item_index(39):nf=n:a$=item_index$(39) if a$="" then message "Sélection Vide":return l=len(fam$(n)):afam$=left$(fam$(n),l-1):fif$=fifam$(nf) gosub chargecat for n=1 to 15 item_add 40,cat$(n) next n gosub cnb return
cnb: for n=1 to 15 nb=nb+1 if cat$(n)="" then nb=nb-1 next n return
addfam: nf=0 for n=1 to 20 if fam$(n)="" then goto cont l=len(fam$(n)):afam$=left$(fam$(n),l-1) nf=nf+1 cont: item_add 39,afam$ afam$="" next n return
modidest: gosub chargedest list 7:left 7,950:top 7,445:width 7,178:height 7,330 gosub rose:gosub vert:gosub jaune for n=1 to 99 item_add 7,dest$(n) next n on_click 7,seldest return
seldest: dest$(no)=item_index$(7) print_locate 635,400:print string$(40," ") print_locate 643,400:print dest$(no)+" |" hide 7:inactive 8:gosub vert:gosub jaune return
modimr: show 32:set_focus 32 on_click 32,modmr return
modmr: mr$(no)=text$(32) print_locate 390,400:print string$(7," ")+" | " print_locate 390,400:print mr$(no)+op$(no) hide 32:gosub vert gosub piece gosub jaune print_locate 415,400:print string$(17," ") print_locate 420,400:print piece$(no)+" | " rem <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if mr$(no)="CH" and op$(no)="-" then active 10 return
modilib: text 27,lib$(no) on_change 27,modlib show 27:set_focus 27 return
modlib: a$=text$(27) if len(a$)>36 then message "36 caractères Maximum":return show 31 on_click 31,molib return
molib: if len(a$)<3 then message "3 caractères Minimum":return lib$(no)=a$ gosub jaune print_locate 160,400:print string$(109," ")+" | " print_locate 160,400:print lib$(no) hide 27:hide 31:gosub vert:gosub jaune return
montant: if at$="O" then at$="":return if cod$(no)="CHA" then mt=0:mt$(no)="0.00":return show 23:set_focus 23 on_change 23,montan print_locate 980,520:print "Entrez le Montant" return
montan: a$=text$(23) if numeric(a$)=0 then text 23,"":return if len(a$)>10 then text 23,"":return show 24 on_click 24,monta return
monta: mt=val(a$) a$=str$(mt) mt$(no)=a$ gosub mt hide 23:hide 24 gosub jaune print_locate 980,520:print string$(41," ") print_locate 738,400:print string$(15," ") print_locate 743,400:print mt$(no) return
minmax: a=val(mecc$(nc)):b=val(mefc$(nc)) if b=0 then return if b>0 then a=a+1 a$=str$(a):gosub adollar b$=mefc$(nc) mecc$(nc)=a$ if a>b then piece$(no)="Terminé":mt=0:mt$(no)="0,00" piece$(no)=a$+"/"+b$ return
adollar: a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="00"+a$:return if a>9 and a<100 then a$="0"+a$:return return
piece: if cod$(no)="CHA" then piece$(no)="ANNULE":ctr$(no)="CHA" if mid$(piece$(no),4,1)="/" then return if mr$(no)="CH" and op$(no)="-" then gosub chekm:return if mr$(no)="CH" and op$(no)="+" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="ES" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="ES" and op$(no)="+" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="VI" or mr$(no)="AU" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="VI" or mr$(no)="AU" and op$(no)="+" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="CB" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="DB" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="RG" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):ctr$(no)="REG":return if mr$(no)="RG" and op$(no)="+" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):ctr$(no)="REG":return return
datoper: active 4:active 12:active 13:show 22:show 25:hide 18:gosub vert:gosub rose on_click 4,jour on_click 12,mois on_click 13,ans on_click 25,confdat print_locate 60,600:print " Modifier si nécéssaire la date d'opération, puis confirmer " gosub atm return
jour: jou$=text$(4) if val(jou$)<10 then jou$="0"+jou$ set_focus 25:gosub vert:gosub jaune gosub atm return mois: moi$=text$(12) if val(moi$)<10 then moi$="0"+moi$ set_focus 25:gosub vert:gosub jaune gosub atm return ans: an$=text$(13) if val(an$)<10 then an$="0"+an$ set_focus 25:gosub vert:gosub jaune gosub atm return
confdat: a$=jou$:b$=moi$:c$=an$ datoper$(no)=a$+"/"+b$+"/"+c$ inactive 4:inactive 12:inactive 13:hide 25:gosub vert:gosub jaune print_locate 415,400:print string$(27," ")+" | " return
atm: a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto atm return
chekm: nu$=str$(nu) fic$="cfp"+nu$+"chq.cfp" n=0:gosub chargechequiers n=0:gosub chqprincip if numchq$(1)="" then message "il n'y a aucun chèquiers ouvert. vous devez le créer.":execute "cfpgchq.exe":goto fin if choi$="O" then choi$="":return a=val(npchk$(n)):b=val(ndchk$(n)):nbch=1+(b-a) ncq=n fik$="cf"+nu$+"ch"+a$+".cfp" gosub chargecheque a$="":gosub rpcb piece$(no)="N°"+a$ nch=n gosub jaune return
rpcb: for n=1 to nbch if n>nbch then message "il n'y a plus de Chèque sur le chèquier "+fik$+" Vous allez être redirigé vers la gestion des chèques.":execute "cfpgchq.exe":goto fin if sitchk$(n)="BLANC" then a$=nchk$(n): return next n return
chqprincip: for n= 1 to 10 if typchq$(n)="" then goto chqpr if typchq$(n)="SECONDAIRE" then goto chqpr if typchq$(n)="PRINCIPAL" then a$=numchq$(n):return chqpr: next n message "il n'y a pas de chèquier principale. vous pouvez choisir dans la liste ou créer un nouveau chèquier." choi$="O":gosub jaune:gosub choi return
choi: show 37:show 38 cho: if scancode<>0 then goto cho at$="O" return
crch: execute cfpgchq.exe:goto fin return
choichq: hide 37:hide 38:show 35 for n=1 to 10 item_add 35,numchq$(n)+" "+bkchq$(n)+" "+typchq$(n)+" "+npchk$(n)+"/"+ndchk$(n)+" "+sitchq$(n) next n on_click 35,choicq a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto choichq return
choicq: n=item_index(35) if numchq$(n)="" then message "Sélection Vide":goto choichq a$=numchq$(n) hide 35 a=val(npchk$(n)):b=val(ndchk$(n)):nbch=1+(b-a) ncq=n fik$="cf"+nu$+"ch"+a$+".cfp" gosub chargecheque show 36 for n=1 to nbch c$=" "+nchk$(n)+" |" item_add 36," "+nchk$(n)+" | "+ordrechk$(n)+" | "+sitchk$(n) next n
choic: on_click 36,vchoi a$=inke$:if a$="" then goto choic return
vchoi: n=item_index(36) if sitchk$(n)<>"BLANC" then message "Vous devez sélectionner un chèque blanc":goto choic if nchk$(n)="" then message "Vous devez sélectionner une ligne pour modifier":goto choic piece$(no)="N°"+nchk$(n) nch=n hide 36:gosub vert:gosub jaune print_locate 420,400:print piece$(no)+" | " at$="":gosub montant print_locate 15,400:print " "+nlig$(no)+" | " print_locate 60,400:print datoper$(no)+" | " print_locate 130,400:print cod$(no)+" | " print_locate 160,400:print string$(110," ")+" | " print_locate 160,400:print lib$(no) print_locate 390,400:print string$(8," ")+" | " print_locate 390,400:print mr$(no)+op$(no) print_locate 415,400:print string$(57," ") print_locate 420,400:print piece$(no)+" | " print_locate 480,400:print string$(107," ") print_locate 485,400:print cat$(no)+" |" print_locate 645,400:print string$(50," ") print_locate 653,400:print dest$(no)+" | " inactive 2 return
demar: inactive 11:active 18 print_target_is 0 if no<10 then nlig$(no)="00"+str$(no) if no>9 and no<100 then nlig$(no)="0"+str$(no) if no>100 then nlig$(no)=str$(no) print_locate 15,400:print " "+nlig$(no)+" | " jou$=left$(date$,2):moi$=mid$(date$,4,2):an$=mid$(date$,9,2):datoper$(no)=jou$+"/"+moi$+"/"+an$ text 4,jou$:text 12,moi$:text 13,an$ print_locate 60,400:print datoper$(no)+" | " gosub chargecode:gosub selcode gosub vert:gosub rose return
selcode: nc=1:gosub aficode active 20:active 19 font_name 19,"Courier New" set_focus 19 return
scod: active 21:set_focus 21 return scod2: a$=upper$(text$(19)) gosub scod3 return
scod3: nc=0:n=0:b$="" scod4: n=n+1 if n>99 then b$="":n=1:goto scod5 b$=mid$(cdc$(n),1,1) if b$="" then goto scod4 if b$=a$ then goto scod5 goto scod4
scod5: if b$="" then message "Pas de Code Qui Commence par "+a$ clear 18 nc=n:gosub aficode set_focus 18 hide 20:hide 19:hide 21 return
aficode: font_name 18,"Fixedsys" for n=nc to 99-(nc+1) c$="":a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 a$=cdc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=libc$(n):if len(a$)>36 then a$=left$(a$,36) ls=37:gosub strig c$=c$+" "+mrc$(n) if mrc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+opc$(n)+" |" a$=catc$(n):ls=32:gosub strig if oac$(n)=""then oac$(n)=" " c$=c$+" "+oac$(n)+" | " cbkcmod$=left$(cbkc$(n),2) if cbkc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+""+cbkcmod$+" | " a$=dvc$(n):ls=5:gosub strig a$=mecc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mefc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mtc$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:c$=c$+b$ a$=str$(n) if len(a$)=1 then b$="00"+a$ if len(a$)=2 then b$="0"+a$ if len(a$)=3 then b$=a$ c$=c$+b$ item_add 18,c$ next n return
strig: if a$="" then d$=string$(ls," ")+"|":c$=c$+d$:a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0:return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt:b$=left$(a$,lt)+string$(l," ")+"|" c$=c$+b$:a$="":b$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 return
addlist: for n=1 to 111 font_name 1,"Fixedsys" if nlig$(n)="" then return lt=len(lib$(n)):li=36-lt:liba$=lib$(n) if lt>35 then liba$=left$(lib$(n),35):li=1 lt=len(piece$(n)):lp=10-lt if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)<>"/" then mec$="000":mef$="000" if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)="/" then mec$=left$(piece$(n),3):mef$=right$(piece$(n),3) pcat$=left$(cat$(n),23) lt=len(pcat$):lc=24-lt a$=mt$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:pmt$=b$ a$=sld$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:psld$=b$ lt=len(ctr$(n)):lr=5-lt a$=" "+nlig$(n)+" | "+datoper$(n)+" | "+liba$+string$(li," ")+"| "+mr$(n)+op$(n)+" | "+piece$(n)+string$(lp," ")+"| "+mec$+"/"+mef$+" |"+pcat$+string$(lc," ")+" | "+pmt$+ psld$+string$(lr," ")+ctr$(n)+" |" print_target_is 1 print a$ next n return
rose: 2d_fill_color 255,235,235 2d_rectangle 10,15,1190,45 print_locate 24,20:print " LIGNE |" print_locate 64,20:print "DATE OPERATION |" print_locate 147,20:print " LIBELLE ou MOTIF |" print_locate 458,20:print " MR +/- |" print_locate 515,20:print " N ° de PIECE |" print_locate 605,18:print " MIN / MAX |" print_locate 754,18:print "CATEGORIE |" print_locate 904,18:print " MONTANT |" print_locate 1054,18:print " SOLDE |" print_locate 1134,18:print "CTR |" return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 | ":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$="" pa: p=p+1 if p>lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$<>"." then goto pa e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1) f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" | ":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
datfich: an$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),5,2):moi$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),7,2) if moi$="01" then a$="JANVIER / "+an$ if moi$="02" then a$="FEVRIER / "+an$ if moi$="03" then a$="MARS / "+an$ if moi$="04" then a$="AVRIL / "+an$ if moi$="05" then a$="MAI / "+an$ if moi$="06" then a$="JUIN / "+an$ if moi$="07" then a$="JUILLET / "+an$ if moi$="08" then a$="AOUT / "+an$ if moi$="09" then a$="SEPTEMBRE / "+an$ if moi$="10" then a$="OCTOBRE / "+an$ if moi$="11" then a$="NOVEMBBRE / "+an$ if moi$="12" then a$="DECEMBRE / "+an$ return
co: hide 28:hide 29:hide 30 print_target_is 0 command_target_is 0 inactive 5:inactive 6:inactive 8:inactive 9:inactive 11:inactive 12:inactive 13:inactive 14:inactive 15 cod$(1)="DEP":nlig$(1)="001" jou$=left$(date$,2):moi$=mid$(date$,4,2):an$=mid$(date$,9,2):datoper$(1)=jou$+"/"+moi$+"/"+an$ lib$(1)="Démarrage du Compte":mr$(1)="AU":op$(1)="§":piece$(1)="Dépard":util$(1)=nomutil$ dest$(1)="":fam$(1)="FONCTION":cat$(1)="FONCTION: Neutre":dv$(1)=datoper$(1):mt$(1)="0.00" sld$(1)=sldcpt$(ncpt):ctr$(1)="DEP" for n=2 to 111 nlig$(n)="" next n gosub nouvfich return
nouvfich: print_locate 50,550:print fec$(ncpt) a$=left$(fec$(ncpt),4) an$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),5,2):moi$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),7,2) rem <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< gosub nouvmoi fi$=a$+an$+moi$+".cfp" fec$(ncpt)=fi$ print_locate 50,600:print fec$(ncpt) gosub sauveliste gosub sauveoper execute "cfpeomen.exe" return
nouvmoi: n=val(moi$) if n=12 then n=0:gosub nouvan n=n+1 if n<10 then moi$="0"+str$(n):return moi$=str$(n) return
nouvan: a=val(an$) if a=99 then an$="00":return a=a+1 if a<10 then an$="0"+str$(a):return an$=str$(a) return
vert: 2d_fill_color 200,255,200 2d_rectangle 10,580,1190,780 return
jaune: 2d_fill_color 240,245,120 2d_rectangle 10,500,1190,440 print_locate 30,446:print " JOUR / MOIS / ANNEE" return
bleu: 2d_fill_color 140,235,255 2d_rectangle 310,562,820,522 return rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pasfich: show 30 print_target_is 30 print_locate 350,10:print "Le fichier "+fi$+" n'existe pas" print_locate 10,50:print "1er CAS:" print_locate 30,90:print "Si vous enregistrez une Opération pour la première fois, c'est normal." print_locate 30,130:print "Attention: dans ce cas, vous devrez faire une fin de mois, pour permettre aux Opérations Automatiques Mensuelles de se faire" print_locate 30,170:print "Car si vous regardez dans le bandeau de cette fenêtre vous vous apercevrez que le fichier date du mois précédent" print_locate 30,210:print "Si vos codes d'Opérations Automatiques ne sont pas fait, cliquez sur [abandon] et allez les faire." print_locate 30,250:print "Si vos Codes Automatiques sont prêts, Cliquez sur [Continuer] et Faite un Changement de mois." print_locate 10,350:print "2ème CAS:" print_locate 30,380:print "Ce n'est pas normal, Cliquez sur [Abandon] pour rechercher l'erreur" show 28:show 29 end return
verificour: fi$=fec$(ncpt) n=file_exists(fi$) if n=0 then Message "Le fichier "+fi$+" n'existe pas. Suivez les instrutions qui vous seront données.":gosub pasfich:return if n=1 then return return rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sauvevir: file_open_write 1,"cfpvir.cfp" for n=1 to 111 file_writeln 1,codv$(n) file_writeln 1,datoperv$(n) file_writeln 1,libv$(n) file_writeln 1,mrv$(n) file_writeln 1,opv$(n) file_writeln 1,piecev$(n) file_writeln 1,utilv$(n) file_writeln 1,destv$(n) file_writeln 1,famv$(n) file_writeln 1,catv$(n) file_writeln 1,dvv$(n) file_writeln 1,mtv$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeoper: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_readln 1,cod$(n) file_readln 1,nlig$(n) file_readln 1,datoper$(n) file_readln 1,lib$(n) file_readln 1,mr$(n) file_readln 1,op$(n) file_readln 1,piece$(n) file_readln 1,util$(n) file_readln 1,dest$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) file_readln 1,cat$(n) file_readln 1,dv$(n) file_readln 1,mt$(n) file_readln 1,sld$(n) file_readln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauveoper: file_open_write 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_writeln 1,cod$(n) file_writeln 1,nlig$(n) file_writeln 1,datoper$(n) file_writeln 1,lib$(n) file_writeln 1,mr$(n) file_writeln 1,op$(n) file_writeln 1,piece$(n) file_writeln 1,util$(n) file_writeln 1,dest$(n) file_writeln 1,fam$(n) file_writeln 1,cat$(n) file_writeln 1,dv$(n) file_writeln 1,mt$(n) file_writeln 1,sld$(n) file_writeln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauveliste: file_open_write 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_writeln 1,cpt$(n) file_writeln 1,lcpt$(n) file_writeln 1,fec$(n) file_writeln 1,rec$(n) file_writeln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargetf03: file_open_read 1,"cfptf03.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,fi$ file_readln 1,ncpt file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 10,780:print "UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$ print_locate 1190,780:print date$ return
chargecode: file_open_read 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,cdc$(n) file_readln 1,libc$(n) file_readln 1,mrc$(n) file_readln 1,opc$(n) file_readln 1,famc$(n) file_readln 1,catc$(n) file_readln 1,desc$(n) file_readln 1,utilc$(n) file_readln 1,oac$(n) file_readln 1,cbkc$(n) file_readln 1,dvc$(n) file_readln 1,mecc$(n) file_readln 1,mefc$(n) file_readln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvecode: file_open_write 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_writeln 1,cdc$(n) file_writeln 1,libc$(n) file_writeln 1,mrc$(n) file_writeln 1,opc$(n) file_writeln 1,famc$(n) file_writeln 1,catc$(n) file_writeln 1,desc$(n) file_writeln 1,utilc$(n) file_writeln 1,oac$(n) file_writeln 1,cbkc$(n) file_writeln 1,dvc$(n) file_writeln 1,mecc$(n) file_writeln 1,mefc$(n) file_writeln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargechequiers: file_open_read 1,fic$ for n=1 to 10 file_readln 1,numchq$(n) file_readln 1,bkchq$(n) file_readln 1,utilchq$(n) file_readln 1,typchq$(n) file_readln 1,npchk$(n) file_readln 1,ndchk$(n) file_readln 1,sitchq$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvechequiers: file_open_write 1,fic$ for n=1 to 10 file_writeln 1,numchq$(n) file_writeln 1,bkchq$(n) file_writeln 1,utilchq$(n) file_writeln 1,typchq$(n) file_writeln 1,npchk$(n) file_writeln 1,ndchk$(n) file_writeln 1,sitchq$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvecheque: file_open_write 1,fik$ for n=1 to 50 file_writeln 1,nchk$(n) file_writeln 1,mtchk$(n) file_writeln 1,datoperchk$(n) file_writeln 1,datvalchk$(n) file_writeln 1,ordrechk$(n) file_writeln 1,sitchk$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecheque: file_open_read 1,fik$ for n=1 to 50 file_readln 1,nchk$(n) file_readln 1,mtchk$(n) file_readln 1,datoperchk$(n) file_readln 1,datvalchk$(n) file_readln 1,ordrechk$(n) file_readln 1,sitchk$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargedest: file_open_read 1,"cfpdest.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,dest$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecat: file_open_read 1,fif$ for n=1 to 15 file_readln 1,cat$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargefam: file_open_read 1,"cfplisfa.cfp" for n=1 to 20 file_readln 1,fifam$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) next n file_close 1 return
rem --------------------------------
fen2: form 30 top 30,100:left 30,150:width 30,1040:height 30,600 caption 30,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Enregistrement d'une Opérations sur le Compte: "+lcpt$(ncpt)+" * "+a$+" *" color 30,200,240,255 font_name 30,"Fixedsys" hide 30 command_target_is 30 button 28 left 28,315:top 28,500:width 28,150 caption 28,"Continuer" on_click 28,co hide 28 button 29 left 29,580:top 29,500:width 29,150 caption 29,"Abandon" on_click 29,quit hide 29 command_target_is 0 return
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rec: execute "cfpeomen.exe":goto fin return
quit: execute "cfpmenug.exe" fin: terminate
Dernière édition par Jean Claude le Mar 22 Sep 2009 - 16:58, édité 4 fois | |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Mer 16 Sep 2009 - 9:50 | |
| En fait il y en avait 32, je n'avais pas compté install. N°32 et dernier, cfpgcat, menu pour la gestion des catégories. - Code:
rem cfpgcat
label quit,tf,aide,creation,suppression,modification
dim n,nu dim nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim fi$,proga$
left 0,223 top 0,182 width 0,382 height 0,301 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Gestion des Catégories *" button 1 left 1,30 top 1,30 width 1,218 caption 1,"Créer une nouvelle Catégorie" on_click 1,creation
button 2 left 2,30 top 2,80 width 2,218 caption 2,"Modifier une Catégorie" on_click 2,modification
button 3 left 3,30 top 3,130 width 3,218 caption 3,"Supprimer une Catégorie" on_click 3,suppression
button 4 left 4,30 top 4,180 width 4,218 caption 4,"Retour au Menu Général" on_click 4,quit
button 5 left 5,298 top 5,30 width 5,30 caption 5,"?" on_click 5,aide
form 6 left 6,640 top 6,182 width 6,400 height 6,301 caption 6,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Aide *" color 6,255,255,255 font_color 6,0,0,255 hide 6
gosub tf end rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- aide: show 6 print_target_is 6 print_locate 10,10:print "Sélectionnez l'option choisie" print_target_is 6 return
modification: execute cfpmocat.exe terminate return
suppression: execute cfpsucat.exe terminate return
creation: execute cfpcrcat.exe terminate return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 10,250:print "UTILISATEUR: "+nomutil$ if gradutil$="INACTIF" then message " "+nomutil$+" Votre statut ne vous permet pas d'accèder à ce programme":gosub quit return
quit: execute cfpmenug.exe terminate
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Mer 16 Sep 2009 - 9:58 | |
| N° 34 (oublié) pour trier les destinataires. - Code:
rem cfptride
label sauvedest,chargedest,add,ignore,recrefiche
dim n,maxn dim dest$(100) dim fi$,destp$,des$
left 0,219 top 0,182 width 0,408 height 0,492 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Tri des Destinataires *" list 1 left 1,39 top 1,13 width 1,157 height 1,420
fi$= "cfpdest.cfp" gosub chargedest gosub add sort 1 gosub recrefiche
end rem ----------------------------------------------------- recrefiche: maxn=count(1) for n=1 to maxn des$=item_read$(1,n) dest$(n)=des$ next n gosub sauvedest execute cfpgdest.exe terminate return
add: for n=1 to 100 if dest$(n)="" then goto ignore destp$=dest$(n) item_add 1,destp$ ignore: next n return rem ----------------------------------------------------- chargedest: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 100 file_readln 1,dest$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvedest: fi$= "cfpdest.cfp" file_open_write 1,fi$ for n=1 to 100 file_writeln 1,dest$(n) next n file_close 1 return
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Jeu 17 Sep 2009 - 15:36 | |
| Le 24 qui manquait, cfpsmcod, pour modifier un code d'opération. - Code:
rem cfpsmcod
label quit,tf,fin,addlist,strig,mt,pas,afireste,aide,code,efen,verifcode label lib,veriflib,mr,op,oam,bk,chcptutil,fam,cat,dest,util,jv,montant,verifmontant label mec,mef,enreg,choix,sup,mod,deux,afi2,afi3,activation,pa,adollar label sauvecode,chargecode,chargeliste,chargefam,chargecat,chargedest,chargeutil
dim a,n,nc,nu,l,lt,ls,p,fe,t,lv dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,nu$,fi$,cbkcmod$,sup$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim cdc$(99),libc$(99),mrc$(99),opc$(99),famc$(99),catc$(99),desc$(99),utilc$(99),oac$(99),cbkc$(99),dvc$(99),mecc$(99),mefc$(99),mtc$(99) dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim fam$(20),fifam$(20) dim cat$(15) dim dest$(99),cdct$(99) dim util$(10),mdp$(10),grad$(10)
left 0,100:top 0,100:width 0,1071:height 0,500 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Suppresion ou Modification d'un Code *"
button 1:left 1,940:top 1,380:width 1,90:height 1,20 caption 1,"Retour au MENU" on_click 1,quit
form 2:left 2,98:top 2,615:width 2,1071:height 2,290 caption 2,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Aide *" color 2,255,255,255 font_size 2,10:font_color 2,0,0,255
list 3:left 3,2:top 3,40:width 3,1058:height 3,121 on_click 3,afireste
alpha 4:left 4,9:top 4,178:width 4,33 caption 4,"CODE:" inactive 4
edit 5:left 5,46:top 5,175:width 5,48 inactive 5
button 6:left 6,99:top 6,176:width 6,20:height 6,20 caption 6,"OK" inactive 6
alpha 7:left 7,134:top 7,178:width 7,49 caption 7,"LIBELLE:" inactive 7
edit 8:left 8,182:top 8,175:width 8,248 on_change 8,lib inactive 8
button 9:left 9,436:top 9,176:width 9,20:height 9,20 caption 9,"OK" inactive 9 on_click 9,veriflib
alpha 10:left 10,469:top 10,178 caption 10,"MODE DE REGLEMENT:" inactive 10
combo 11:left 11,595:top 11,175:width 11,40 item_add 11,"CB" item_add 11,"CH" item_add 11,"VI" item_add 11,"ES" item_add 11,"AU" on_click 11,mr inactive 11
alpha 12:left 12,657:top 12,178 caption 12,"OPERATEUR:" inactive 12
combo 13:left 13,730:top 13,175:width 13,40 font_bold 13 item_add 13,"+" item_add 13,"-" inactive 13 on_click 13,op
alpha 14:left 14,780:top 14,178:width 14,56 caption 14,"OP AUTOMATIQUE:" inactive 14
combo 15:left 15,885:top 15,175:width 15,53 item_add 15,"OUI" item_add 15,"NON" on_click 15,oam inactive 15
alpha 16:left 16,9:top 16,219:width 16,50 caption 16,"BANQUE:" inactive 16
combo 17:left 17,60:top 17,215 gosub tf:gosub chcptutil: rem chargement utilisateur et comptes <<<<<< for n=1 to 9 item_add 17,lcpt$(n) next n inactive 17 on_click 17,bk if gradutil$="INACTIF" then message " "+nomutil$+" Vous ne pouvez pas créer de code vu votre statut":terminate
alpha 18:left 18,216:top 18,219:width 18,52 caption 18,"FAMILLE:" inactive 18
combo 19:left 19,268:top 19,215 gosub chargefam for n=1 to 20 item_add 19,fam$(n) next n inactive 19 on_click 19,fam
alpha 20:left 20,421:top 20,219:width 20,52 caption 20,"CATEGORIE:" inactive 20
combo 21:left 21,490:top 21,215 on_click 21,cat inactive 21 hint 21,"vous devez d'abord resélectionner la famille pour changer la catégorie"
alpha 22:left 22,644:top 22,219:width 22,52 caption 22,"DESTINATAIRE/EMETTEUR:" inactive 22
combo 23:left 23,794:top 23,215 gosub chargedest:rem chargement et remplissage des destinataires <<<<<<<<< for n=1 to 99 item_add 23,dest$(n) next n inactive 23 on_click 23,dest
alpha 24:left 24,9:top 24,259:width 24,52 caption 24,"UTILISATEUR:" inactive 24
combo 25:left 25,88:top 25,255 gosub chargeutil:rem chargement et remplissage des Utlisateurs <<<<<<<<< for n=1 to 10 item_add 25,util$(n) next n inactive 25 on_click 25,util
alpha 26:left 26,244:top 26,259:width 26,52 caption 26,"JOUR DE VALEUR:" inactive 26
combo 27:left 27,344:top 27,255:width 27,40 for n=0 to 31 item_add 27,n next n inactive 27 on_click 27,jv
alpha 28:left 28,394:top 28,259:width 28,52 caption 28,"MONTANT:" inactive 28
edit 29:left 29,455:top 29,255:width 29,110 inactive 29 on_change 29,montant
button 30:left 30,570:top 30,256:width 30,20:height 30,20 caption 30,"OK" inactive 30 on_click 30,verifmontant
alpha 31:left 31,599:top 31,259:width 31,52 caption 31,"MENSUALITE ACTUELLE:" inactive 31
combo 32:left 32,731:top 32,255:width 32,45 for n=0 to 999 item_add 32,n next n inactive 32 on_click 32,mec
alpha 33:left 33,780:top 33,259:width 33,52 caption 33,"MENSUALITE FINALE:" inactive 33
combo 34:left 34,894:top 34,255:width 34,45 for n=0 to 999 item_add 34,n next n inactive 34 on_click 34,mef
button 35:left 35,940:top 35,414:width 35,90:height 35,25 caption 35,"ENREGISTRER" inactive 35 on_click 35,enreg
gosub efen gosub chargecode:gosub addlist:nc=n gosub aide
end rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- choix: hide 2:inactive 0 if cdc$(n)="" then message "Sélection Vide":active 0:return if left$(cdc$(n),2)="SA" then message "Vous ne pouvez pas Modifier ou Supprimer ce Code":active 0:return if cdc$(n)="D" or cdc$(n)="CHA" or cdc$(n)="RG+" or cdc$(n)="RG-" then message "Vous ne pouvez pas Modifier ou Supprimer ce Code":active 0:return if cdc$(n)="RD" or cdc$(n)="DDC" or cdc$(n)="DDB" or cdc$(n)="CPA" then message "Vous ne pouvez pas Modifier ou Supprimer ce Code":active 0:return if cdc$(n)="MUT" or cdc$(n)="RCH" or cdc$(n)="VEB" then message "Vous ne pouvez pas Modifier ou Supprimer ce Code":active 0:return form 36:top 36,620:left 36,500 border_small 36 caption 36, "Votre Choix ?" command_target_is 36 check 37:top 37,50:left 37,120:caption 37,Supprimer on_click 37,sup check 38:top 38,70:left 38,120:caption 38,Modifier on_click 38,mod print_target_is 36 print_locate 32,150:print "Le Code => "+cdc$(n)+" "+libc$(n) print_target_is 0 gosub afi3 command_target_is 0 nc=n print_locate 40,10:print " ":print_locate 40,22:print nc return
sup: active 0 hide 36:caption 35,SUPPRIMER:active 35 gosub afi3 cdc$(nc)="":libc$(nc)="":mrc$(nc)="":opc$(nc)="":famc$(nc)="":catc$(nc)="":desc$(nc)="":utilc$(nc)="":oac$(nc)="":cbkc$(nc)="":dvc$(nc)="":mecc$(nc)="":mefc$(nc)="":mtc$(nc)="" sup$="O" return
mod: active 0 hide 36:caption 35,MODIFIER:active 35 gosub activation:gosub afi2 gosub efen print_locate 220,350:print "Faites vos Modifications et Cliquez sur Modifier" return
activation: active 7:active 8:active 10:active 11:active 12:active 13:active 14:active 15 active 16:active 17:active 18:active 19:active 20:active 21:active 22:active 23 active 24:active 25:active 26:active 27:active 28:active 29:active 31:active 32 active 33:active 34 return
afi2: gosub deux a$="" if oac$(nc)="N" then a$="NON" if oac$(nc)="O" then a$="OUI" text 15,a$ text 32,mecc$(nc):text 34,mefc$(nc) text 11,mrc$(nc):text 13,opc$(nc):text 17,cbkc$(nc):text 19,famc$(nc) text 21,catc$(nc):text 23,desc$(nc):text 25,utilc$(nc):text 27,dvc$(nc) text 29,mtc$(nc) return
deux: text 5,cdc$(nc):text 8,libc$(nc) return
enreg: gosub sauvecode goto quit return
mef: a$=text$(34) gosub adollar mefc$(nc)=a$ return
adollar: a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="00"+a$:return if a>9 and a<100 then a$="0"+a$:return return
mec: a$=text$(32) gosub adollar mecc$(nc)=a$ return
montant: a$=text$(29) mtc$(nc)=a$ active 30 return
verifmontant: n=numeric(a$) if n=0 then message "Vous devez saisir un valeur numérique":return inactive 30 return
jv: a$=text$(27):a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="0"+a$ if a>9 then a$=""+a$ dvc$(nc)=a$ return
util: n=item_index(25) utilc$(nc)=util$(n) return
dest: n=item_index(23) if dest$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return desc$(nc)=dest$(n) return
cat: n=item_index(21) if cat$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return catc$(nc)=cat$(n) return
fam: n=item_index(19) if fam$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return famc$(nc)=fam$(n) fi$=fifam$(n):gosub chargecat for n=1 to 15 item_add 21,cat$(n) next n catc$(nc)="" text 21,catc$(nc) return
bk: n=item_index(17) if cpt$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return cbkc$(nc)=cpt$(n) return
oam: a$=text$(15) if mrc$(nc)="CB" and a$="OUI" then message "il ne peut pas y avoir une OAM pour une Carte Bancaire":return if mrc$(nc)="ES" and a$="OUI" then message "il ne peut pas y avoir une OAM pour une opération en espèce":return oac$(nc)=left$(a$,1) return
op: a$=text$(13) if mrc$(nc)="CB" and a$="+" then message "L'opérateur pour une Carte Bancaire ne peut pas être +":return if mrc$(nc)="CH" and a$="+" then message "Attention: il s'agit d'une remise de Chèque" opc$(nc)=a$ return
mr: a$=text$(11) mrc$(nc)=a$ return
lib: active 9 a$=text$(8) if len(a$)>36 then message "36 caractères maximum":text 8,"":return return
veriflib: if len(a$)<2 then message "2 caractères minimum":text 8,"":return libc$(nc)=a$ inactive 9 return
code: a$=upper$(text$(5)) hide 2:active 6 print_locate 40,10:print " ":print_locate 40,10:print nc if len(a$)>3 then message "3 caractères maximum":text 5,"":return return
verifcode: if a$="" then message "1 caractères minimum":text 5,"":return if a$="" then text 5,"":return cdc$(nc)=a$ inactive 5:hide 6:active 7:active 36:active 8:set_focus 8 return
efen: 2d_fill_color 240,235,235 2d_rectangle 50,300,900,440 return
aide: print_target_is 2 print_locate 10,10:print "Quelques Conseils pour Modifier ou Supprimer un Code:" print_locate 10,30:print "La modification de certains éléments (comme la catégorie) peut perturber les Stats" print_locate 10,50:print "La suppression d'un code peut gêner les autres utilisateurs" print_locate 10,70:print "" print_locate 10,90:print "Pour changer la Catégorie vous devez d'abord sélectionner une famille pour charger les catégories de la famille" print_locate 10,110:print "" print_locate 10,130:print "" print_locate 10,160:print "" print_locate 10,180:print "Pour commencer, sélectionnez le code à supprimer ou à modifier" print_locate 10,220:print "" print_target_is 0 return
afireste: gosub efen n=item_index(3) print_locate 60,310:print string$(100," ") print_locate 60,330:print string$(100," ") print_locate 60,310:print "Utilisateur du Code "+libc$(n)+": "+utilc$(n) print_locate 60,330:print "Destinataire/Emetteur du Code "+libc$(n)+": "+desc$(n) gosub choix return
addlist: gosub afi3 font_name 3,"Fixedsys" for n=1 to 99 rem if cdc$(n)="" then return c$="":a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 a$=cdc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=libc$(n):if len(a$)>36 then a$=left$(a$,36) ls=37:gosub strig c$=c$+" "+mrc$(n) if mrc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+opc$(n)+" |" a$=catc$(n):ls=32:gosub strig if oac$(n)=""then oac$(n)=" " c$=c$+" "+oac$(n)+" | " cbkcmod$=left$(cbkc$(n),2) if cbkc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+""+cbkcmod$+" | " a$=dvc$(n):ls=5:gosub strig a$=mecc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mefc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mtc$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:c$=c$+b$ a$=str$(n) if len(a$)=1 then b$="00"+a$ if len(a$)=2 then b$="0"+a$ if len(a$)=3 then b$=a$ c$=c$+b$ item_add 3,c$ next n return
afi3: print_locate 7,22:print "CODE" print_locate 132,22:print "LIBELLE DU CODE" print_locate 346,22:print "MR +/-" print_locate 442,22:print "FAMILLE et CATEGORIE" print_locate 657,22:print "OAM" print_locate 690,22:print "BANQUE" print_locate 744,22:print "J/VAL" print_locate 790,22:print "MENSUALITE" print_locate 900,22:print "MONTANT" print_locate 980,22:print "N° Ligne" return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 | ":return if val(a$)=0 then b$=" 0.00 | ":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$=""
pa: p=p+1 if p>lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$<>"." then goto pa e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1):f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" | ":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
strig: if a$="" then d$=string$(ls," ")+"|":c$=c$+d$:a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0:return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt:b$=left$(a$,lt)+string$(l," ")+"|" c$=c$+b$:a$="":b$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 return
chcptutil: nu$=str$(nu) fi$="cfplc" + nu$ + ".cfp" fe=file_exists (fi$) if fe=0 then message nomutil$+" Vous n'avez pas de compte ouvert":goto fin if fe=1 then gosub chargeliste:return return
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargeutil: file_open_read 1,"utilisateur.cfp" for n=1 to 10 file_readln 1,util$(n) file_readln 1,mdp$(n) file_readln 1,grad$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargedest: fi$= "cfpdest.cfp" file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,dest$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecat: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 15 file_readln 1,cat$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargefam: file_open_read 1,"cfplisfa.cfp" for n=1 to 20 file_readln 1,fifam$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecode: file_open_read 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,cdc$(n) file_readln 1,libc$(n) file_readln 1,mrc$(n) file_readln 1,opc$(n) file_readln 1,famc$(n) file_readln 1,catc$(n) file_readln 1,desc$(n) file_readln 1,utilc$(n) file_readln 1,oac$(n) file_readln 1,cbkc$(n) file_readln 1,dvc$(n) file_readln 1,mecc$(n) file_readln 1,mefc$(n) file_readln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvecode: file_open_write 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_writeln 1,cdc$(n) file_writeln 1,libc$(n) file_writeln 1,mrc$(n) file_writeln 1,opc$(n) file_writeln 1,famc$(n) file_writeln 1,catc$(n) file_writeln 1,desc$(n) file_writeln 1,utilc$(n) file_writeln 1,oac$(n) file_writeln 1,cbkc$(n) file_writeln 1,dvc$(n) file_writeln 1,mecc$(n) file_writeln 1,mefc$(n) file_writeln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 9,448:print "UTILISATEUR: "+nomutil$ print_locate 830,448:print date$ return
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- quit: execute cfptrcod.exe fin: terminate
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Ven 18 Sep 2009 - 17:12 | |
| cfpvir, pour permettre les virements de compte à compte - Code:
rem cfpvir
label fin,tf,chargevir,chargetf03,chargeliste,sauveliste,debut,rpov,chargeoper label sauveoper
dim n,n1,n2,nc,no,nu,ncpt,asld,sld,mt dim a$,b$,nc$,nu$,fi$,fil$ dim cod$(111),nlig$(111),datoper$(111),lib$(111),mr$(111),op$(111),piece$(111),util$(111),dest$(111),fam$(111),cat$(111),dv$(111),mt$(111),sld$(111),ctr$(111) dim codv$(111),datoperv$(111),libv$(111),mrv$(111),opv$(111),piecev$(111),utilv$(111),destv$(111),famv$(111),catv$(111),dvv$(111),mtv$(111) dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9)
left 0,402 top 0,261 width 0,550 height 0,192 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Execution des virements comptes à comptes *"
gosub chargevir gosub tf:nu$=str$(nu):gosub chargetf03:fil$=fi$:gosub chargeliste proga$="cfpmenug.exe" n=0:gosub debut print_locate 10,50:print "PATIENTEZ Virements Comptes à Comptes en cours...." wait 500 execute proga$ goto fin end rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
debut: n=n+1 if destv$(n)="" then return a$=destv$(n):nc$=right$(a$,1):nc=val(nc$):fi$=fec$(nc) if file_exists(fi$)=0 then message "Le fichier "+fi$+" n'existe pas, Vous devez l'ouvrir. Les virements sur le compte "+lcpt$(nc)+" devront être fait manuelement pour cette fois":goto fin gosub chargeoper:gosub rpov cod$(no)=codv$(n) b$=str$(no) if no<10 then nlig$(no)="00"+b$ if no>9 and no<100 then nlig$(no)="0"+b$ if no>100 then nlig$(no)=""+b$ datoper$(no)=datoperv$(n):lib$(no)=libv$(n):mr$(no)=mrv$(n):op$(no)=opv$(n) piece$(no)=piecev$(n):util$(no)=utilv$(n):dest$(no)=destv$(n):fam$(no)=famv$(n) cat$(no)=catv$(n):dv$(no)=dvv$(n):mt$(no)=mtv$(n):ctr$(no)="" asld=val(sld$(no-1)):mt=val(mt$(no)) if op$(no)="+" then sld=asld+mt if op$(no)="-" then sld=asld-mt sld$(no)=str$(sld) gosub sauveoper sldcpt$(nc)=sld$(no) gosub sauveliste goto debut
rpov: for n1=1 to 111 if n1>111 then message "plus de place pour une nouvelle opération":goto fin if nlig$(n1)="" then no=n1:return next n1 return
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargevir: file_open_read 1,"cfpvir.cfp" for n=1 to 111 file_readln 1,codv$(n) file_readln 1,datoperv$(n) file_readln 1,libv$(n) file_readln 1,mrv$(n) file_readln 1,opv$(n) file_readln 1,piecev$(n) file_readln 1,utilv$(n) file_readln 1,destv$(n) file_readln 1,famv$(n) file_readln 1,catv$(n) file_readln 1,dvv$(n) file_readln 1,mtv$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fil$ for n1=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n1) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n1) file_readln 1,fec$(n1) file_readln 1,rec$(n1) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n1) next n1 file_close 1 return
sauveliste: file_open_write 1,fil$ for n1=1 to 9 file_writeln 1,cpt$(n1) file_writeln 1,lcpt$(n1) file_writeln 1,fec$(n1) file_writeln 1,rec$(n1) file_writeln 1,sldcpt$(n1) next n1 file_close 1 return
chargetf03: file_open_read 1,"cfptf03.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,fi$ file_readln 1,ncpt file_close 1 return
chargeoper: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n2=1 to 111 file_readln 1,cod$(n2) file_readln 1,nlig$(n2) file_readln 1,datoper$(n2) file_readln 1,lib$(n2) file_readln 1,mr$(n2) file_readln 1,op$(n2) file_readln 1,piece$(n2) file_readln 1,util$(n2) file_readln 1,dest$(n2) file_readln 1,fam$(n2) file_readln 1,cat$(n2) file_readln 1,dv$(n2) file_readln 1,mt$(n2) file_readln 1,sld$(n2) file_readln 1,ctr$(n2) next n2 file_close 1 return
sauveoper: file_open_write 1,fi$ for n2=1 to 111 file_writeln 1,cod$(n2) file_writeln 1,nlig$(n2) file_writeln 1,datoper$(n2) file_writeln 1,lib$(n2) file_writeln 1,mr$(n2) file_writeln 1,op$(n2) file_writeln 1,piece$(n2) file_writeln 1,util$(n2) file_writeln 1,dest$(n2) file_writeln 1,fam$(n2) file_writeln 1,cat$(n2) file_writeln 1,dv$(n2) file_writeln 1,mt$(n2) file_writeln 1,sld$(n2) file_writeln 1,ctr$(n2) next n2 file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 rem print_locate 10,10:print "UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$ rem print_locate 255,10:print date$ return
fin: terminate
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Ven 18 Sep 2009 - 17:14 | |
| cfpnouvan, pour faire le changement d'année d'un compte de type épargne - Code:
rem cfpnovan
label nouvfich,tf,chargetf03,chargeliste,datfich,sauveliste label sauveoper,minmax,demar label aide,validnvmois,quit,fin,bleu,jaune,rose,vert label ligreport,addlist,strig,pas,pa,pa2,mt label adollar
dim a,b,c,n,n1,n3,nb,nc,ncc,nf,nu,nr,ncpt,l,lt,lp,l2,lc,ls,lr,p,li,no,nbch,pas,pass,mt,nch,ncq dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,fi$,fil$,an$,moi$,jou$,liba$,mec$,mef$,pcat$,pmt$,psld$,nu$,fic$,fik$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$,cbkcmod$,afam$,oa$ dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim cod$(111),nlig$(111),datoper$(111),lib$(111),mr$(111),op$(111),piece$(111),util$(111),dest$(111),fam$(111),cat$(111),dv$(111),mt$(111),sld$(111),ctr$(111) dim cdc$(99),libc$(99),mrc$(99),opc$(99),famc$(99),catc$(99),desc$(99),utilc$(99),oac$(99),cbkc$(99),dvc$(99),mecc$(99),mefc$(99),mtc$(99)
left 0,9 top 0,60:width 0,1264:height 0,834 gosub tf:gosub chargetf03:fil$=fi$:gosub chargeliste:gosub nouvfich:gosub datfich caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Enregistrement des Opérations Annuelles sur le Compte: "+lcpt$(ncpt)+" * "+a$+" *" font_name 0,"Impact" font_size 0,9
list 1 left 1,10:top 1,50:width 1,1180:height 1,300 color 1,190,255,255
button 2 left 2,1165:top 2,355:width 2,20:height 2,20 caption 2,"?" on_click 2,aide
picture 3 left 3,10:top 3,384:width 3,1180:height 3,50
button 5 left 5,200:top 5,470 caption 5,"Motif"
button 6 left 6,340:top 6,470 caption 6,"MR"
button 8 left 8,670:top 8,470 caption 8,"Destinataire"
button 9 left 9,840:top 9,470 caption 9,"Montant"
button 10 left 10,810:top 10,470:width 10,80 caption 10,"Date de Valeur" hide 10
button 11 left 11,15:top 11,354:width 11,150 caption 11,"Démarrer la Nouvelle Année" font_size 11,9 on_click 11,demar
button 14 left 14,500:top 14,470 caption 14,"Catégorie"
button 16 left 16,370:top 16,530:width 16,170 caption 16,"Valider la Nouvelle Année" on_click 16,validnvmois inactive 16
button 17 left 17,605:top 17,530:width 17,150 caption 17,"Retour au Menu général" on_click 17,quit
button 25:top 25,510:left 25,25:width 25,150:height 25,20:caption 25,"Confirmation Date Opération" hide 25
edit 27:top 27,650:left 27,155:width 27,225:height 27,20 hide 27
button 31:top 31,652:left 31,395:width 31,20:height 31,20:caption 31,"OK" hide 31
edit 23:top 23,540:left 23,980:width 23,80:height 23,25 hide 23
button 24:top 24,544:left 24,1065:width 24,20:height 24,20:caption 24,"OK" hide 24 print_locate 10,780:print "UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$ print_locate 1180,780:print date$
gosub bleu:gosub jaune:gosub rose inactive 5:inactive 6:inactive 8:inactive 9:inactive 10:inactive 14 set_focus 11 end rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- aide: return
demar: gosub nouvfich gosub ligreport gosub addlist active 16 return
validnvmois: gosub sauveoper gosub sauveliste execute "cfpeoanu.exe" goto fin return
minmax: a=val(mecc$(nc)):b=val(mefc$(nc)) if b=0 then return if b>0 then a=a+1 a$=str$(a):gosub adollar b$=mefc$(nc) mecc$(nc)=a$ if a>b then piece$(no)="Terminé":mt=0:mt$(no)="0,00":return piece$(no)=a$+"/"+b$ return
adollar: a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="00"+a$:return if a>9 and a<100 then a$="0"+a$:return return
ligreport: cod$(1)="REP":nlig$(1)="001" jou$=left$(date$,2):moi$=mid$(date$,4,2):an$=mid$(date$,9,2):datoper$(1)=jou$+"/"+moi$+"/"+an$ lib$(1)="Report du Mois Précédent":mr$(1)="AU":op$(1)="§":piece$(1)="Report":util$(1)=nomutil$ dest$(1)="":fam$(1)="FONCTION":cat$(1)="FONCTION: Neutre":dv$(1)=datoper$(1):mt$(1)="0.00" sld$(1)=sldcpt$(ncpt):ctr$(1)="REP" for n=2 to 111 nlig$(n)="" next n return
strig: if a$="" then d$=string$(ls," ")+"|":c$=c$+d$:a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0:return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt:b$=left$(a$,lt)+string$(l," ")+"|" c$=c$+b$:a$="":b$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 return
addlist: clear 1 pcat$="" for n=1 to 111 font_name 1,"Fixedsys" if nlig$(n)="" then return lt=len(lib$(n)):li=36-lt:liba$=lib$(n) if lt>35 then liba$=left$(lib$(n),35):li=1 lt=len(piece$(n)):lp=9-lt if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)<>"/" then mec$="000":mef$="000" if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)="/" then mec$=left$(piece$(n),3):mef$=right$(piece$(n),3) pcat$=left$(cat$(n),23) lt=len(pcat$):lc=24-lt a$=mt$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:pmt$=b$ a$=sld$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:psld$=b$ lt=len(ctr$(n)):lr=5-lt a$=" "+nlig$(n)+" | "+datoper$(n)+" | "+liba$+string$(li," ")+"| "+mr$(n)+op$(n)+" | "+piece$(n)+string$(lp," ")+"| "+mec$+"/"+mef$+" |"+pcat$+string$(lc," ")+" | "+pmt$+ psld$+string$(lr," ")+ctr$(n)+" |" print_target_is 1 print a$ next n print_target_is 0 return
rose: 2d_fill_color 255,235,235 2d_rectangle 10,15,1190,45 print_locate 24,20:print " LIGNE |" print_locate 64,20:print "DATE OPERATION |" print_locate 147,20:print " LIBELLE ou MOTIF |" print_locate 458,20:print " MR +/- |" print_locate 515,20:print "N ° de PIECE |" print_locate 605,18:print "MIN / MAX |" print_locate 754,18:print "Catégorie |" print_locate 904,18:print "MONTANT |" print_locate 1054,18:print " SOLDE |" print_locate 1134,18:print "CTR |" return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 | ":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$="":f$="" pa: p=p+1 if p=lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$="." then goto pa2 goto pa pa2: e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1) f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" | ":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
rose: 2d_fill_color 255,235,235 2d_rectangle 10,15,1190,45 print_locate 24,20:print " LIGNE |" print_locate 64,20:print "DATE OPERATION |" print_locate 147,20:print " LIBELLE ou MOTIF |" print_locate 458,20:print " MR +/- |" print_locate 515,20:print "N ° de PIECE |" print_locate 605,18:print "MIN / MAX |" print_locate 754,18:print "Catégorie |" print_locate 904,18:print "MONTANT |" print_locate 1054,18:print " SOLDE |" print_locate 1134,18:print "CTR |" return
vert: 2d_fill_color 200,255,200 2d_rectangle 10,580,1190,780 return
jaune: 2d_fill_color 240,245,120 2d_rectangle 10,500,1190,440 return
bleu: 2d_fill_color 140,235,255 2d_rectangle 310,562,820,522 return
datfich: an$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),5,4) a$=an$ return
nouvfich: a$=left$(fec$(ncpt),4) an$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),5,4) a=val(an$):a=a+1 an$=str$(a) fi$=a$+an$+".cfp" fec$(ncpt)=fi$ print_locate 50,600:print fec$(ncpt) return
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sauveoper: file_open_write 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_writeln 1,cod$(n) file_writeln 1,nlig$(n) file_writeln 1,datoper$(n) file_writeln 1,lib$(n) file_writeln 1,mr$(n) file_writeln 1,op$(n) file_writeln 1,piece$(n) file_writeln 1,util$(n) file_writeln 1,dest$(n) file_writeln 1,fam$(n) file_writeln 1,cat$(n) file_writeln 1,dv$(n) file_writeln 1,mt$(n) file_writeln 1,sld$(n) file_writeln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauveliste: file_open_write 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_writeln 1,cpt$(n) file_writeln 1,lcpt$(n) file_writeln 1,fec$(n) file_writeln 1,rec$(n) file_writeln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargetf03: file_open_read 1,"cfptf03.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,fi$ file_readln 1,ncpt file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 10,780:print "UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$ print_locate 1190,780:print date$ return
rem -------------------------------- quit: execute "cfpmenug.exe" fin: terminate
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Ven 18 Sep 2009 - 17:18 | |
| cfpcodvi, pour pouvoir créer un code d'opération qui permet les virements de compte à compte - Code:
rem cfpcodvi
label quit,tf,fin,addlist,strig,mt,pas,afireste,aide,code,efen,verifcode label doublon,lib,veriflib,afi3,mr,op,afi5,oam,afi6,bk,chcptutil label fam,cat,afi9,dest,afi10,util,afi11,jv,afi12,montant,verifmontant label mec,mef,afi15,re,enreg,rpnv,pa,adollar label sauvecode,chargecode,chargeliste,chargefam,chargecat,chargedest,chargeutil
dim a,n,nc,nu,l,lt,ls,p,fe dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,nu$,fi$,cbkcmod$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim cdc$(99),libc$(99),mrc$(99),opc$(99),famc$(99),catc$(99),desc$(99),utilc$(99),oac$(99),cbkc$(99),dvc$(99),mecc$(99),mefc$(99),mtc$(99) dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim fam$(20),fifam$(20) dim cat$(15) dim dest$(99) dim util$(10),mdp$(10),grad$(10)
left 0,100:top 0,100:width 0,1071:height 0,500 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Création d'un Code Virement Compte à Compte *" button 1:left 1,940:top 1,380:width 1,90:height 1,20 caption 1,"Retour au MENU" on_click 1,quit
form 2:left 2,98:top 2,615:width 2,1071:height 2,290 caption 2,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Aide *" color 2,255,255,255 font_size 2,10:font_color 2,0,0,255
list 3:left 3,2:top 3,40:width 3,1058:height 3,123 on_click 3,afireste
alpha 4:left 4,9:top 4,178:width 4,33 caption 4,"CODE:"
edit 5:left 5,46:top 5,175:width 5,48 text 5,"VI" on_change 5,code
button 6:left 6,99:top 6,176:width 6,20:height 6,20 caption 6,"OK" inactive 6 on_click 6,verifcode
alpha 7:left 7,134:top 7,178:width 7,49 caption 7,"LIBELLE:" inactive 7
edit 8:left 8,182:top 8,175:width 8,248 text 8,"VIREMENT de " inactive 8 on_change 8,lib
button 9:left 9,436:top 9,176:width 9,20:height 9,20 caption 9,"OK" inactive 9 on_click 9,veriflib
alpha 10:left 10,469:top 10,178 caption 10,"MODE DE REGLEMENT:" inactive 10
combo 11:left 11,595:top 11,175:width 11,40 item_add 11,"VI" inactive 11 text 11,"VI" on_click 11,mr
alpha 12:left 12,657:top 12,178 caption 12,"OPERATEUR:" inactive 12
combo 13:left 13,730:top 13,175:width 13,40 font_bold 13 item_add 13,"-" item_add 13,"+" inactive 13 text 13,"-" on_click 13,op
alpha 14:left 14,780:top 14,178:width 14,56 caption 14,"OP AUTOMATIQUE:" inactive 14
combo 15:left 15,885:top 15,175:width 15,53 item_add 15,"OUI" item_add 15,"NON" inactive 15 on_click 15,oam
alpha 16:left 16,9:top 16,219:width 16,50 caption 16,"BANQUE:" inactive 16
combo 17:left 17,60:top 17,215 gosub tf:gosub chcptutil: rem chargement utilisateur et comptes <<<<<< for n=1 to 9 item_add 17,lcpt$(n) next n inactive 17 on_click 17,bk if gradutil$="INACTIF" then message " "+nomutil$+" Vous ne pouvez pas créer de code vu votre statut":terminate
alpha 18:left 18,216:top 18,219:width 18,52 caption 18,"FAMILLE:" inactive 18
combo 19:left 19,268:top 19,215 gosub chargefam for n=1 to 20 item_add 19,fam$(n) next n inactive 19 on_click 19,fam
alpha 20:left 20,421:top 20,215:width 20,52 caption 20,"CATEGORIE:" inactive 20
combo 21:left 21,490:top 21,210 inactive 21 on_click 21,cat
alpha 22:left 22,644:top 22,219:width 22,52 caption 22,"Banque à créditer" inactive 22
combo 23:left 23,794:top 23,215 gosub chargedest:rem chargement et remplissage des destinataires <<<<<<<<< for n=1 to 9 item_add 23,lcpt$(n) next n inactive 23 on_click 23,dest
alpha 24:left 24,9:top 24,259:width 24,52 caption 24,"UTILISATEUR:" inactive 24
combo 25:left 25,88:top 25,255 gosub chargeutil:rem chargement et remplissage des Utlisateurs <<<<<<<<< for n=1 to 10 item_add 25,util$(n) next n inactive 25 on_click 25,util
alpha 26:left 26,244:top 26,259:width 26,52 caption 26,"JOUR DE VALEUR:" inactive 26
combo 27:left 27,344:top 27,255:width 27,40 for n=0 to 31 item_add 27,n next n inactive 27 on_click 27,jv
alpha 28:left 28,394:top 28,259:width 28,52 caption 28,"MONTANT:" inactive 28
edit 29:left 29,455:top 29,255:width 29,110 inactive 29 on_change 29,montant
button 30:left 30,570:top 30,256:width 30,20:height 30,20 caption 30,"OK" inactive 30 on_click 30,verifmontant
alpha 31:left 31,599:top 31,259:width 31,52 caption 31,"MENSUALITE ACTUELLE:" inactive 31
combo 32:left 32,731:top 32,250:width 32,45 for n=0 to 999 item_add 32,n next n text 32,"0" inactive 32 on_click 32,mec
alpha 33:left 33,780:top 33,259:width 33,52 caption 33,"MENSUALITE FINALE:" inactive 33
combo 34:left 34,894:top 34,255:width 34,45 for n=0 to 999 item_add 34,n next n text 34,"0" inactive 34 on_click 34,mef
button 35:left 35,940:top 35,414:width 35,90:height 35,25 caption 35,"ENREGISTRER" inactive 35 on_click 35,enreg
button 36:left 36,940:top 36,345:width 36,90:height 36,20 caption 36,"Recommencer" inactive 36 on_click 36,re
gosub efen gosub chargecode:gosub addlist:gosub rpnv gosub aide print_locate 40,10:print " ":print_locate 40,22:print nc
end rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rpnv: for n=1 to 99 if cdc$(n)="" then nc=n:return next n message "Plus de place pour un nouveau Code" return
enreg: mrc$(nc)="VI":opc$(nc)="-" gosub sauvecode execute cfpcrcod.exe goto fin return
re: execute cfpcrcod.exe goto fin return
mef: a$=text$(34) gosub adollar mefc$(nc)=a$ inactive 34:active 35 return
adollar: a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="00"+a$:return if a>9 and a<100 then a$="0"+a$:return return
afi15: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Votre code est prêt à être enregistré" print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le Modifier par la suite" active 35 return
mec: a$=text$(32) gosub adollar mecc$(nc)=a$ inactive 32:active 33:active 34:set_focus 34 return
montant: a$=text$(29) mtc$(nc)=a$ active 30 return
verifmontant: n=numeric(a$) if n=0 then message "Vous devez saisir un valeur numérique":return if right$(a$,1)="." then message "Saisie Incorect":a$="":text 29,"":return if len(a$)>13 then message "Maxi: 13 caractères)::text 29,"":return gosub afi15 inactive 28:hide 30:inactive 29:active 31:active 32:set_focus 32 return
jv: a$=text$(27):a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="0"+a$ if a>9 then a$=""+a$ dvc$(nc)=a$ gosub afi12 inactive 26:inactive 27:active 28:active 29:set_focus 29 return
afi12: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Saisissez un Montant." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,345:print "Vous pouvez saisir zéro" return
util: n=item_index(25) utilc$(nc)=util$(n) gosub afi11 inactive 24:inactive 25:active 26:active 27:set_focus 27 text 8,libc$(nc) return
afi11: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez un Jour de Valeur." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,345:print "Vous pouvez saisir zéro" return
dest: n=item_index(23) if dest$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return desc$(nc)=cpt$(n) libc$(nc)=libc$(nc)+cbkc$(nc)+" vers "+desc$(nc) gosub afi10 inactive 22:inactive 23:active 24:active 25:set_focus 25 return
afi10: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez l'Utilisateur adaptée." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,345:print "Si vous souhaitez que ce Code fonctionne pour tout les Utilisateurs, sélectionnez un blanc." return
cat: n=item_index(21) if cat$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return catc$(nc)=cat$(n) inactive 21:active 22:active 23:set_focus 23 return
afi9: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez le Destinataire ou Emetteur adaptée." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" return
fam: n=item_index(19) if fam$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return famc$(nc)=fam$(n) inactive 19:active 20:active 21 fi$=fifam$(n):gosub chargecat for n=1 to 15 item_add 21,cat$(n) next n return
bk: n=item_index(17) if cpt$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return cbkc$(nc)=cpt$(n) gosub afi9 inactive 16:inactive 17:active 18:active 19:set_focus 19 return
oam: gosub afi5 a$=text$(15) if mrc$(nc)="CB" and a$="OUI" then message "il ne peut pas y avoir une OAM pour une Carte Bancaire":return if mrc$(nc)="ES" and a$="OUI" then message "il ne peut pas y avoir une OAM pour une opération en espèce":return oac$(nc)=left$(a$,1) inactive 15:inactive 14:active 16:active 17:set_focus 17 afi6: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez le Compte adapté." print_locate 60,325:print "Si vous souhaitez que ce Code fonctionne sur tout les Comptes, sélectionnez [9T].(il se trouve en fin de liste)" return
op: a$=text$(13) if mrc$(nc)="CB" and a$="+" then message "L'opérateur pour une Carte Bancaire ne peut pas être +":return if mrc$(nc)="CH" and a$="+" then message "Attention: il s'agit d'une remise de Chèque" opc$(nc)=a$ inactive 13:active 15:set_focus 15 afi5: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Indiquez par OUI ou NON si l'opération sera automatique tout les mois." print_locate 60,325:print "Cet élément du Code s'appelle OAM (Opération Automatique Mensuelle)." print_locate 60,345:print "Ex: vous payez votre loyer le 5 du mois par virement et son montant est fixe." return
mr: gosub afi3 a$=text$(11) if a$="CB" then message "Mode de règlement incorect":text 11,"":return mrc$(nc)=a$ inactive 10:inactive 11:active 15:set_focus 15 return
lib: a$=text$(8) return
veriflib: if len(a$)<2 then message "2 caractères minimum":text 8,"":return libc$(nc)=a$ inactive 8:hide 9 afi3: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Choisissez le Mode de Règlement adapté." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,365:print "CH => Chèque" print_locate 60,385:print "VI => Virement" print_locate 60,405:print "ES => Espèces" print_locate 60,425:print "AU => Autre mode de règlement" return
code: a$=upper$(text$(5)) hide 2:active 6 if len(a$)>3 then message "3 caractères maximum":text 5,"":return return
verifcode: if a$="" then message "1 caractères minimum":text 5,"":return b$=left$(a$,2) if b$<>"VI" then message "Un code pour Virement compte à compte doit commencer par VI":text 5,"VI":return if len(a$)<3 then message "Ajoutez un chiffre après VI":text 5,"VI":return gosub doublon if a$="" then text 5,"VI":return cdc$(nc)=a$ a$=text$(8):libc$(nc)=a$ gosub afi3 inactive 4:inactive 5:hide 6:active 14:active 15:active 36:set_focus 15 return
doublon: for n=1 to nc-1 if cdc$(n)=a$ then message "Ce Code existe déja":a$="":return next n return
efen: 2d_fill_color 240,235,235 2d_rectangle 50,300,900,440 return
aide: print_target_is 2 print_locate 10,10:print "Quelques Conseils pour créer ce Code:" print_locate 10,30:print "Certains des éléments de ce code sont déja crées, à vous de verifier et de complèter" print_locate 10,50:print "" print_locate 10,70:print "Pensez à vérifier (avant de créer votre Code) l'existence de la catégorie car vous ne pourrez pas la créer dans cette section du programme." print_locate 10,90:print "Le destinataire sera le compte à créditer" print_locate 10,110:print "" print_locate 10,130:print "" print_locate 10,160:print "" print_locate 10,180:print "" print_locate 10,220:print "Pour Démarrer, Cliquez dans le champ CODE et ajouter un chiffre de 0 à 9." print_target_is 0 return
afireste: gosub efen n=item_index(3) print_locate 60,310:print string$(100," ") print_locate 60,330:print string$(100," ") print_locate 60,310:print "Utilisateur du Code "+libc$(n)+": "+utilc$(n) print_locate 60,330:print "Destinataire/Emetteur du Code "+libc$(n)+": "+desc$(n) return
addlist: print_locate 7,22:print "CODE" print_locate 132,22:print "LIBELLE DU CODE" print_locate 346,22:print "MR +/-" print_locate 442,22:print "FAMILLE et CATEGORIE" print_locate 657,22:print "OAM" print_locate 690,22:print "BANQUE" print_locate 744,22:print "J/VAL" print_locate 790,22:print "MENSUALITE" print_locate 900,22:print "MONTANT" print_locate 980,22:print "N° Ligne" font_name 3,"Fixedsys" for n=1 to 99 c$="":a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 a$=cdc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=libc$(n):if len(a$)>36 then a$=left$(a$,36) ls=37:gosub strig c$=c$+" "+mrc$(n) if mrc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+opc$(n)+" |" a$=catc$(n):ls=32:gosub strig if oac$(n)=""then oac$(n)=" " c$=c$+" "+oac$(n)+" | " cbkcmod$=left$(cbkc$(n),2) if cbkc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+""+cbkcmod$+" | " a$=dvc$(n):ls=5:gosub strig a$=mecc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mefc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mtc$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:c$=c$+b$ a$=str$(n) if len(a$)=1 then b$="00"+a$ if len(a$)=2 then b$="0"+a$ if len(a$)=3 then b$=a$ c$=c$+b$ item_add 3,c$ next n return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 | ":return if val(a$)=0 then b$=" 0.00 | ":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$=""
pa: p=p+1 if p>lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$<>"." then goto pa e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1):f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" | ":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
strig: if a$="" then d$=string$(ls," ")+"|":c$=c$+d$:a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0:return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt:b$=left$(a$,lt)+string$(l," ")+"|" c$=c$+b$:a$="":b$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 return
chcptutil: nu$=str$(nu) fi$="cfplc" + nu$ + ".cfp" fe=file_exists (fi$) if fe=0 then message nomutil$+" Vous n'avez pas de compte ouvert":goto fin if fe=1 then gosub chargeliste:return return
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargeutil: file_open_read 1,"utilisateur.cfp" for n=1 to 10 file_readln 1,util$(n) file_readln 1,mdp$(n) file_readln 1,grad$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargedest: fi$= "cfpdest.cfp" file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,dest$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecat: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 15 file_readln 1,cat$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargefam: file_open_read 1,"cfplisfa.cfp" for n=1 to 20 file_readln 1,fifam$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecode: file_open_read 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,cdc$(n) file_readln 1,libc$(n) file_readln 1,mrc$(n) file_readln 1,opc$(n) file_readln 1,famc$(n) file_readln 1,catc$(n) file_readln 1,desc$(n) file_readln 1,utilc$(n) file_readln 1,oac$(n) file_readln 1,cbkc$(n) file_readln 1,dvc$(n) file_readln 1,mecc$(n) file_readln 1,mefc$(n) file_readln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvecode: file_open_write 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_writeln 1,cdc$(n) file_writeln 1,libc$(n) file_writeln 1,mrc$(n) file_writeln 1,opc$(n) file_writeln 1,famc$(n) file_writeln 1,catc$(n) file_writeln 1,desc$(n) file_writeln 1,utilc$(n) file_writeln 1,oac$(n) file_writeln 1,cbkc$(n) file_writeln 1,dvc$(n) file_writeln 1,mecc$(n) file_writeln 1,mefc$(n) file_writeln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 9,448:print "UTILISATEUR: "+nomutil$ print_locate 830,448:print date$ return
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- quit: execute cfptrcod.exe fin: terminate
| |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Sam 19 Sep 2009 - 16:39 | |
| j'ajoute cfpcodms, pour créer un code d'opération pour un médecin spécialiste - Code:
rem cfpcodms
label quit,tf,fin,addlist,strig,mt,pas,afireste,aide,code,efen,verifcode label doublon,lib,veriflib,afi3,mr,op,afi5,oam,afi6,bk,chcptutil,spec label fam,cat,afi9,dest,afi10,util,afi11,jv,afi12,montant,verifmontant label mec,mef,afi15,re,enreg,rpnv,pa,adollar,verifspec label sauvecode,chargecode,chargeliste,chargefam,chargecat,chargedest,chargeutil
dim a,n,nc,nu,l,lt,ls,p,fe dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,nu$,fi$,cbkcmod$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim cdc$(99),libc$(99),mrc$(99),opc$(99),famc$(99),catc$(99),desc$(99),utilc$(99),oac$(99),cbkc$(99),dvc$(99),mecc$(99),mefc$(99),mtc$(99) dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim fam$(20),fifam$(20) dim cat$(15) dim dest$(99) dim util$(10),mdp$(10),grad$(10)
left 0,100:top 0,100:width 0,1071:height 0,500 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Création d'un Code Médecin Spécialiste *" button 1:left 1,940:top 1,380:width 1,90:height 1,20 caption 1,"Retour au MENU" on_click 1,quit
form 2:left 2,98:top 2,615:width 2,1071:height 2,290 caption 2,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Aide *" color 2,255,255,255 font_size 2,10:font_color 2,0,0,255
list 3:left 3,2:top 3,40:width 3,1058:height 3,123 on_click 3,afireste
alpha 4:left 4,9:top 4,178:width 4,33 caption 4,"CODE:"
edit 5:left 5,46:top 5,175:width 5,48 text 5,"MS" on_change 5,code
button 6:left 6,99:top 6,176:width 6,20:height 6,20 caption 6,"OK" inactive 6 on_click 6,verifcode
alpha 7:left 7,134:top 7,178:width 7,49 caption 7,"LIBELLE:" inactive 7
edit 8:left 8,182:top 8,175:width 8,248 text 8,"Médecin Spécialiste: " inactive 8 on_change 8,lib
button 9:left 9,436:top 9,176:width 9,20:height 9,20 caption 9,"OK" inactive 9 on_click 9,veriflib
alpha 10:left 10,469:top 10,178 caption 10,"MODE DE REGLEMENT:" inactive 10
combo 11:left 11,595:top 11,175:width 11,40 item_add 11,"CB" item_add 11,"CH" item_add 11,"VI" item_add 11,"ES" item_add 11,"AU" inactive 11 on_click 11,mr
alpha 12:left 12,657:top 12,178 caption 12,"OPERATEUR:" inactive 12
combo 13:left 13,730:top 13,175:width 13,40 font_bold 13 item_add 13,"+" item_add 13,"-" text 13,"-" inactive 13 on_click 13,op
alpha 14:left 14,780:top 14,178:width 14,56 caption 14,"OP AUTOMATIQUE:" inactive 14
combo 15:left 15,885:top 15,175:width 15,53 item_add 15,"OUI" item_add 15,"NON" inactive 15 text 15,"NON" on_click 15,oam
alpha 16:left 16,9:top 16,219:width 16,50 caption 16,"BANQUE:" inactive 16
combo 17:left 17,60:top 17,215 gosub tf:gosub chcptutil: rem chargement utilisateur et comptes <<<<<< for n=1 to 9 item_add 17,lcpt$(n) next n inactive 17 on_click 17,bk if gradutil$="INACTIF" then message " "+nomutil$+" Vous ne pouvez pas créer de code vu votre statut":terminate
alpha 18:left 18,216:top 18,219:width 18,52 caption 18,"FAMILLE:" inactive 18
combo 19:left 19,268:top 19,215 gosub chargefam for n=1 to 20 item_add 19,fam$(n) next n text 19,"SANTE:" inactive 19 on_click 19,fam
alpha 20:left 20,421:top 20,215:width 20,52 caption 20,"CATEGORIE:" inactive 20
combo 21:left 21,490:top 21,210 text 21,"SANTE: Médecin" inactive 21 on_click 21,cat
alpha 22:left 22,644:top 22,219:width 22,52 caption 22,"DESTINATAIRE/EMETTEUR:" inactive 22
combo 23:left 23,794:top 23,215 gosub chargedest:rem chargement et remplissage des destinataires <<<<<<<<< for n=1 to 99 item_add 23,dest$(n) next n inactive 23 on_click 23,dest
alpha 24:left 24,9:top 24,259:width 24,52 caption 24,"UTILISATEUR:" inactive 24
combo 25:left 25,88:top 25,255 gosub chargeutil:rem chargement et remplissage des Utlisateurs <<<<<<<<< for n=1 to 10 item_add 25,util$(n) next n inactive 25 on_click 25,util
alpha 26:left 26,244:top 26,259:width 26,52 caption 26,"JOUR DE VALEUR:" inactive 26
combo 27:left 27,344:top 27,255:width 27,40 for n=0 to 31 item_add 27,n next n inactive 27 text 27,"0" on_click 27,jv
alpha 28:left 28,394:top 28,259:width 28,52 caption 28,"MONTANT:" inactive 28
edit 29:left 29,455:top 29,255:width 29,110 inactive 29 on_change 29,montant
button 30:left 30,570:top 30,256:width 30,20:height 30,20 caption 30,"OK" inactive 30 on_click 30,verifmontant
alpha 31:left 31,599:top 31,259:width 31,52 caption 31,"MENSUALITE ACTUELLE:" inactive 31
combo 32:left 32,731:top 32,250:width 32,45 for n=0 to 999 item_add 32,n next n text 32,"0" inactive 32 on_click 32,mec
alpha 33:left 33,780:top 33,259:width 33,52 caption 33,"MENSUALITE FINALE:" inactive 33
combo 34:left 34,894:top 34,255:width 34,45 for n=0 to 999 item_add 34,n next n text 34,"0" inactive 34 on_click 34,mef
button 35:left 35,940:top 35,414:width 35,90:height 35,25 caption 35,"ENREGISTRER" inactive 35 on_click 35,enreg
button 36:left 36,940:top 36,345:width 36,90:height 36,20 caption 36,"Recommencer" inactive 36 on_click 36,re
edit 37:left 37,520:top 37,345:width 37,110 hide 37 on_change 37,spec
alpha 38:left 38,394:top 38,348:width 38,52 caption 38,"Spécialité du Médecin:" hide 38
button 39:left 39,635:top 39,347:width 39,20:height 39,20 caption 39,"OK" hide 39 on_click 39,verifspec
gosub efen gosub chargecode:gosub addlist:gosub rpnv gosub aide print_locate 40,10:print " ":print_locate 40,22:print nc
end rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- spec: a$=upper$(text$(37)) show 39 return
verifspec: if len(a$)>10 then message "10 Caractères Maximum":return libc$(nc)=libc$(nc)+a$+" "+desc$(nc) hide 37:hide 38:hide 39 active 28:active 29:set_focus 29 text 8,libc$(nc) return
rpnv: for n=1 to 99 if cdc$(n)="" then nc=n:return next n message "Plus de place pour un nouveau Code" return
enreg: opc$(nc)="+":famc$(nc)="SANTE:":catc$(nc)="SANTE: Médecin":mecc$(nc)="0":mefc$(nc)="0" dvc$(nc)="0":opC$(nc)="-":oac$(nc)="N" gosub sauvecode execute cfpcrcod.exe goto fin return
re: execute cfpcrcod.exe goto fin return
mef: a$=text$(34) gosub adollar mefc$(nc)=a$ inactive 34:active 35 return
adollar: a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="00"+a$:return if a>9 and a<100 then a$="0"+a$:return return
afi15: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Votre code est prêt à être enregistré" print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le Modifier par la suite" active 35 return
mec: a$=text$(32) gosub adollar mecc$(nc)=a$ inactive 32:active 33:active 34:set_focus 34 return
montant: a$=text$(29) mtc$(nc)=a$ active 30 return
verifmontant: n=numeric(a$) if n=0 then message "Vous devez saisir un valeur numérique":return if right$(a$,1)="." then message "Saisie Incorect":a$="":text 29,"":return if len(a$)>13 then message "Maxi: 13 caractères)::text 29,"":return gosub afi15 inactive 28:hide 30:inactive 29 return
jv: a$=text$(27):a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="0"+a$ if a>9 then a$=""+a$ dvc$(nc)=a$ gosub afi12 return
afi12: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Saisissez un Montant." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,345:print "Vous pouvez saisir zéro" return
util: n=item_index(25) utilc$(nc)=util$(n) gosub afi11 inactive 24:inactive 25:show 38:show 37:set_focus 37 text 8,libc$(nc) return
afi11: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez un Jour de Valeur." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,345:print "Vous pouvez saisir zéro" return
dest: n=item_index(23) if dest$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return desc$(nc)=dest$(n) gosub afi10 inactive 22:inactive 23:active 24:active 25:set_focus 25 return
afi10: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez l'Utilisateur adaptée." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,345:print "Si vous souhaitez que ce Code fonctionne pour tout les Utilisateurs, sélectionnez un blanc." return
cat: n=item_index(21) if cat$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return catc$(nc)=cat$(n) inactive 21:active 22:active 23:set_focus 23 return
afi9: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez le Destinataire ou Emetteur adaptée." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" return
fam: n=item_index(19) if fam$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return famc$(nc)=fam$(n) inactive 19:active 20:active 21 fi$=fifam$(n):gosub chargecat for n=1 to 15 item_add 21,cat$(n) next n return
bk: n=item_index(17) if cpt$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return cbkc$(nc)=cpt$(n) gosub afi9 inactive 16:inactive 17:active 22:active 23:set_focus 23 return
oam: gosub afi5 a$=text$(15) if mrc$(nc)="CB" and a$="OUI" then message "il ne peut pas y avoir une OAM pour une Carte Bancaire":return if mrc$(nc)="ES" and a$="OUI" then message "il ne peut pas y avoir une OAM pour une opération en espèce":return oac$(nc)=left$(a$,1) afi6: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez le Compte adapté." print_locate 60,325:print "Si vous souhaitez que ce Code fonctionne sur tout les Comptes, sélectionnez [9T].(il se trouve en fin de liste)" return
op: a$=text$(13) if mrc$(nc)="CB" and a$="+" then message "L'opérateur pour une Carte Bancaire ne peut pas être +":return if mrc$(nc)="CH" and a$="+" then message "Attention: il s'agit d'une remise de Chèque" opc$(nc)=a$ afi5: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Indiquez par OUI ou NON si l'opération sera automatique tout les mois." print_locate 60,325:print "Cet élément du Code s'appelle OAM (Opération Automatique Mensuelle)." print_locate 60,345:print "Ex: vous payez votre loyer le 5 du mois par virement et son montant est fixe." return
mr: gosub afi3 a$=text$(11) if a$="CB" then message "Mode de règlement incorect":text 11,"":return mrc$(nc)=a$ inactive 10:inactive 11:active 16:active 17:set_focus 17 return
lib: a$=text$(8) return
veriflib: if len(a$)<2 then message "2 caractères minimum":text 8,"":return libc$(nc)=a$ active 10:inactive 8:hide 9 afi3: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Choisissez le Mode de Règlement adapté." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,365:print "CH => Chèque" print_locate 60,385:print "VI => Virement" print_locate 60,405:print "ES => Espèces" print_locate 60,425:print "AU => Autre mode de règlement" return
code: a$=upper$(text$(5)) hide 2:active 6 if len(a$)>3 then message "3 caractères maximum":text 5,"":return return
verifcode: if a$="" then message "1 caractères minimum":text 5,"":return b$=left$(a$,2) if b$<>"MS" then message "Un code pour Médecin doit commencer par MS":text 5,"MS":return if len(a$)<3 then message "Ajoutez un chiffre après SA":text 5,"MS":return gosub doublon if a$="" then text 5,"MS":return cdc$(nc)=a$ a$=text$(8):libc$(nc)=a$ gosub afi3 inactive 4:inactive 5:hide 6:active 10:active 11:set_focus 11 return
doublon: for n=1 to nc-1 if cdc$(n)=a$ then message "Ce Code existe déja":a$="":return next n return
efen: 2d_fill_color 240,235,235 2d_rectangle 50,300,900,440 return
aide: print_target_is 2 print_locate 10,10:print "Quelques Conseils pour créer ce Code:" print_locate 10,30:print "La pluparts des éléments de ce code sont déja crées, à vous de verifier et de complèter" print_locate 10,50:print "" print_locate 10,70:print "Pensez à vérifier (avant de créer votre Code) l'existence du nom du médecin car vous ne pourrez pas les créer dans cette section du programme." print_locate 10,90:print "" print_locate 10,110:print "" print_locate 10,130:print "" print_locate 10,160:print "" print_locate 10,180:print "" print_locate 10,220:print "Pour Démarrer, Cliquez dans le champ CODE et ajouter un chiffre de 0 à 9." print_target_is 0 return
afireste: gosub efen n=item_index(3) print_locate 60,310:print string$(100," ") print_locate 60,330:print string$(100," ") print_locate 60,310:print "Utilisateur du Code "+libc$(n)+": "+utilc$(n) print_locate 60,330:print "Destinataire/Emetteur du Code "+libc$(n)+": "+desc$(n) return
addlist: print_locate 7,22:print "CODE" print_locate 132,22:print "LIBELLE DU CODE" print_locate 346,22:print "MR +/-" print_locate 442,22:print "FAMILLE et CATEGORIE" print_locate 657,22:print "OAM" print_locate 690,22:print "BANQUE" print_locate 744,22:print "J/VAL" print_locate 790,22:print "MENSUALITE" print_locate 900,22:print "MONTANT" print_locate 980,22:print "N° Ligne" font_name 3,"Fixedsys" for n=1 to 99 c$="":a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 a$=cdc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=libc$(n):if len(a$)>36 then a$=left$(a$,36) ls=37:gosub strig c$=c$+" "+mrc$(n) if mrc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+opc$(n)+" |" a$=catc$(n):ls=32:gosub strig if oac$(n)=""then oac$(n)=" " c$=c$+" "+oac$(n)+" | " cbkcmod$=left$(cbkc$(n),2) if cbkc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+""+cbkcmod$+" | " a$=dvc$(n):ls=5:gosub strig a$=mecc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mefc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mtc$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:c$=c$+b$ a$=str$(n) if len(a$)=1 then b$="00"+a$ if len(a$)=2 then b$="0"+a$ if len(a$)=3 then b$=a$ c$=c$+b$ item_add 3,c$ next n return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 | ":return if val(a$)=0 then b$=" 0.00 | ":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$=""
pa: p=p+1 if p>lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$<>"." then goto pa e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1):f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" | ":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
strig: if a$="" then d$=string$(ls," ")+"|":c$=c$+d$:a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0:return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt:b$=left$(a$,lt)+string$(l," ")+"|" c$=c$+b$:a$="":b$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 return
chcptutil: nu$=str$(nu) fi$="cfplc" + nu$ + ".cfp" fe=file_exists (fi$) if fe=0 then message nomutil$+" Vous n'avez pas de compte ouvert":goto fin if fe=1 then gosub chargeliste:return return
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargeutil: file_open_read 1,"utilisateur.cfp" for n=1 to 10 file_readln 1,util$(n) file_readln 1,mdp$(n) file_readln 1,grad$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargedest: fi$= "cfpdest.cfp" file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,dest$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecat: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 15 file_readln 1,cat$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargefam: file_open_read 1,"cfplisfa.cfp" for n=1 to 20 file_readln 1,fifam$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecode: file_open_read 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,cdc$(n) file_readln 1,libc$(n) file_readln 1,mrc$(n) file_readln 1,opc$(n) file_readln 1,famc$(n) file_readln 1,catc$(n) file_readln 1,desc$(n) file_readln 1,utilc$(n) file_readln 1,oac$(n) file_readln 1,cbkc$(n) file_readln 1,dvc$(n) file_readln 1,mecc$(n) file_readln 1,mefc$(n) file_readln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvecode: file_open_write 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_writeln 1,cdc$(n) file_writeln 1,libc$(n) file_writeln 1,mrc$(n) file_writeln 1,opc$(n) file_writeln 1,famc$(n) file_writeln 1,catc$(n) file_writeln 1,desc$(n) file_writeln 1,utilc$(n) file_writeln 1,oac$(n) file_writeln 1,cbkc$(n) file_writeln 1,dvc$(n) file_writeln 1,mecc$(n) file_writeln 1,mefc$(n) file_writeln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 9,448:print "UTILISATEUR: "+nomutil$ print_locate 830,448:print date$ return
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- quit: execute cfptrcod.exe fin: terminate
Dernière édition par Jean Claude le Sam 19 Sep 2009 - 18:02, édité 1 fois | |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Sam 19 Sep 2009 - 16:42 | |
| cfpcodmg, pour créer un code d'opération d'un médecin généraliste - Code:
rem cfpcodmg
label quit,tf,fin,addlist,strig,mt,pas,afireste,aide,code,efen,verifcode label doublon,lib,veriflib,afi3,mr,op,afi5,oam,afi6,bk,chcptutil label fam,cat,afi9,dest,afi10,util,afi11,jv,afi12,montant,verifmontant label mec,mef,afi15,re,enreg,rpnv,pa,adollar label sauvecode,chargecode,chargeliste,chargefam,chargecat,chargedest,chargeutil
dim a,n,nc,nu,l,lt,ls,p,fe dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,nu$,fi$,cbkcmod$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim cdc$(99),libc$(99),mrc$(99),opc$(99),famc$(99),catc$(99),desc$(99),utilc$(99),oac$(99),cbkc$(99),dvc$(99),mecc$(99),mefc$(99),mtc$(99) dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim fam$(20),fifam$(20) dim cat$(15) dim dest$(99) dim util$(10),mdp$(10),grad$(10)
left 0,100:top 0,100:width 0,1071:height 0,500 caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Création d'un Code Médecin Généraliste *" button 1:left 1,940:top 1,380:width 1,90:height 1,20 caption 1,"Retour au MENU" on_click 1,quit
form 2:left 2,98:top 2,615:width 2,1071:height 2,290 caption 2,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Aide *" color 2,255,255,255 font_size 2,10:font_color 2,0,0,255
list 3:left 3,2:top 3,40:width 3,1058:height 3,123 on_click 3,afireste
alpha 4:left 4,9:top 4,178:width 4,33 caption 4,"CODE:"
edit 5:left 5,46:top 5,175:width 5,48 text 5,"MG" on_change 5,code
button 6:left 6,99:top 6,176:width 6,20:height 6,20 caption 6,"OK" inactive 6 on_click 6,verifcode
alpha 7:left 7,134:top 7,178:width 7,49 caption 7,"LIBELLE:" inactive 7
edit 8:left 8,182:top 8,175:width 8,248 text 8,"Médecin Généraliste: " inactive 8 on_change 8,lib
button 9:left 9,436:top 9,176:width 9,20:height 9,20 caption 9,"OK" inactive 9 on_click 9,veriflib
alpha 10:left 10,469:top 10,178 caption 10,"MODE DE REGLEMENT:" inactive 10
combo 11:left 11,595:top 11,175:width 11,40 item_add 11,"CB" item_add 11,"CH" item_add 11,"VI" item_add 11,"ES" item_add 11,"AU" inactive 11 on_click 11,mr
alpha 12:left 12,657:top 12,178 caption 12,"OPERATEUR:" inactive 12
combo 13:left 13,730:top 13,175:width 13,40 font_bold 13 item_add 13,"+" item_add 13,"-" text 13,"-" inactive 13 on_click 13,op
alpha 14:left 14,780:top 14,178:width 14,56 caption 14,"OP AUTOMATIQUE:" inactive 14
combo 15:left 15,885:top 15,175:width 15,53 item_add 15,"OUI" item_add 15,"NON" inactive 15 text 15,"NON" on_click 15,oam
alpha 16:left 16,9:top 16,219:width 16,50 caption 16,"BANQUE:" inactive 16
combo 17:left 17,60:top 17,215 gosub tf:gosub chcptutil: rem chargement utilisateur et comptes <<<<<< for n=1 to 9 item_add 17,lcpt$(n) next n inactive 17 on_click 17,bk if gradutil$="INACTIF" then message " "+nomutil$+" Vous ne pouvez pas créer de code vu votre statut":terminate
alpha 18:left 18,216:top 18,219:width 18,52 caption 18,"FAMILLE:" inactive 18
combo 19:left 19,268:top 19,215 gosub chargefam for n=1 to 20 item_add 19,fam$(n) next n text 19,"SANTE:" inactive 19 on_click 19,fam
alpha 20:left 20,421:top 20,215:width 20,52 caption 20,"CATEGORIE:" inactive 20
combo 21:left 21,490:top 21,210 text 21,"SANTE: Médecin" inactive 21 on_click 21,cat
alpha 22:left 22,644:top 22,219:width 22,52 caption 22,"DESTINATAIRE/EMETTEUR:" inactive 22
combo 23:left 23,794:top 23,215 gosub chargedest:rem chargement et remplissage des destinataires <<<<<<<<< for n=1 to 99 item_add 23,dest$(n) next n inactive 23 on_click 23,dest
alpha 24:left 24,9:top 24,259:width 24,52 caption 24,"UTILISATEUR:" inactive 24
combo 25:left 25,88:top 25,255 gosub chargeutil:rem chargement et remplissage des Utlisateurs <<<<<<<<< for n=1 to 10 item_add 25,util$(n) next n inactive 25 on_click 25,util
alpha 26:left 26,244:top 26,259:width 26,52 caption 26,"JOUR DE VALEUR:" inactive 26
combo 27:left 27,344:top 27,255:width 27,40 for n=0 to 31 item_add 27,n next n inactive 27 text 27,"0" on_click 27,jv
alpha 28:left 28,394:top 28,259:width 28,52 caption 28,"MONTANT:" inactive 28
edit 29:left 29,455:top 29,255:width 29,110 inactive 29 on_change 29,montant
button 30:left 30,570:top 30,256:width 30,20:height 30,20 caption 30,"OK" inactive 30 on_click 30,verifmontant
alpha 31:left 31,599:top 31,259:width 31,52 caption 31,"MENSUALITE ACTUELLE:" inactive 31
combo 32:left 32,731:top 32,250:width 32,45 for n=0 to 999 item_add 32,n next n text 32,"0" inactive 32 on_click 32,mec
alpha 33:left 33,780:top 33,259:width 33,52 caption 33,"MENSUALITE FINALE:" inactive 33
combo 34:left 34,894:top 34,255:width 34,45 for n=0 to 999 item_add 34,n next n text 34,"0" inactive 34 on_click 34,mef
button 35:left 35,940:top 35,414:width 35,90:height 35,25 caption 35,"ENREGISTRER" inactive 35 on_click 35,enreg
button 36:left 36,940:top 36,345:width 36,90:height 36,20 caption 36,"Recommencer" inactive 36 on_click 36,re
gosub efen gosub chargecode:gosub addlist:gosub rpnv gosub aide print_locate 40,10:print " ":print_locate 40,22:print nc
end rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rpnv: for n=1 to 99 if cdc$(n)="" then nc=n:return next n message "Plus de place pour un nouveau Code" return
enreg: opc$(nc)="+":famc$(nc)="SANTE:":catc$(nc)="SANTE: Médecin":mecc$(nc)="0":mefc$(nc)="0" dvc$(nc)="0":opc$(nc)="-":oac$(nc)="N" gosub sauvecode execute cfpcrcod.exe goto fin return
re: execute cfpcrcod.exe goto fin return
mef: a$=text$(34) gosub adollar mefc$(nc)=a$ inactive 34:active 35 return
adollar: a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="00"+a$:return if a>9 and a<100 then a$="0"+a$:return return
afi15: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Votre code est prêt à être enregistré" print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le Modifier par la suite" active 35 return
mec: a$=text$(32) gosub adollar mecc$(nc)=a$ inactive 32:active 33:active 34:set_focus 34 return
montant: a$=text$(29) mtc$(nc)=a$ active 30 return
verifmontant: n=numeric(a$) if n=0 then message "Vous devez saisir un valeur numérique":return if right$(a$,1)="." then message "Saisie Incorect":a$="":text 29,"":return if len(a$)>13 then message "Maxi: 13 caractères)::text 29,"":return gosub afi15 inactive 28:hide 30:inactive 29 return
jv: a$=text$(27):a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="0"+a$ if a>9 then a$=""+a$ dvc$(nc)=a$ gosub afi12 return
afi12: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Saisissez un Montant." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,345:print "Vous pouvez saisir zéro" return
util: n=item_index(25) utilc$(nc)=util$(n) gosub afi11 inactive 24:inactive 25:active 28:active 29:set_focus 29 text 8,libc$(nc) return
afi11: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez un Jour de Valeur." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,345:print "Vous pouvez saisir zéro" return
dest: n=item_index(23) if dest$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return desc$(nc)=dest$(n) gosub afi10 inactive 22:inactive 23:active 24:active 25:set_focus 25 libc$(nc)=libc$(nc)+" "+desc$(nc) text 8,libc$(nc) return
afi10: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez l'Utilisateur adaptée." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,345:print "Si vous souhaitez que ce Code fonctionne pour tout les Utilisateurs, sélectionnez un blanc." return
cat: n=item_index(21) if cat$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return catc$(nc)=cat$(n) inactive 21:active 22:active 23:set_focus 23 return
afi9: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez le Destinataire ou Emetteur adaptée." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" return
fam: n=item_index(19) if fam$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return famc$(nc)=fam$(n) inactive 19:active 20:active 21 fi$=fifam$(n):gosub chargecat for n=1 to 15 item_add 21,cat$(n) next n return
bk: n=item_index(17) if cpt$(n)="" then message "Sélection vide":return cbkc$(nc)=cpt$(n) gosub afi9 inactive 16:inactive 17:active 22:active 23:set_focus 23 return
oam: gosub afi5 a$=text$(15) if mrc$(nc)="CB" and a$="OUI" then message "il ne peut pas y avoir une OAM pour une Carte Bancaire":return if mrc$(nc)="ES" and a$="OUI" then message "il ne peut pas y avoir une OAM pour une opération en espèce":return oac$(nc)=left$(a$,1) afi6: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Sélectionnez le Compte adapté." print_locate 60,325:print "Si vous souhaitez que ce Code fonctionne sur tout les Comptes, sélectionnez [9T].(il se trouve en fin de liste)" return
op: a$=text$(13) if mrc$(nc)="CB" and a$="+" then message "L'opérateur pour une Carte Bancaire ne peut pas être +":return if mrc$(nc)="CH" and a$="+" then message "Attention: il s'agit d'une remise de Chèque" opc$(nc)=a$ afi5: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Indiquez par OUI ou NON si l'opération sera automatique tout les mois." print_locate 60,325:print "Cet élément du Code s'appelle OAM (Opération Automatique Mensuelle)." print_locate 60,345:print "Ex: vous payez votre loyer le 5 du mois par virement et son montant est fixe." return
mr: gosub afi3 a$=text$(11) if a$="CB" then message "Mode de règlement incorect":text 11,"":return mrc$(nc)=a$ inactive 10:inactive 11:active 16:active 17:set_focus 17 return
lib: a$=text$(8) return
veriflib: if len(a$)<2 then message "2 caractères minimum":text 8,"":return libc$(nc)=a$ active 10:inactive 8:hide 9 afi3: gosub efen print_locate 60,305:print "Choisissez le Mode de Règlement adapté." print_locate 60,325:print "Il sera possible de le changer par la suite" print_locate 60,365:print "CH => Chèque" print_locate 60,385:print "VI => Virement" print_locate 60,405:print "ES => Espèces" print_locate 60,425:print "AU => Autre mode de règlement" return
code: a$=upper$(text$(5)) hide 2:active 6 if len(a$)>3 then message "3 caractères maximum":text 5,"":return return
verifcode: if a$="" then message "1 caractères minimum":text 5,"":return b$=left$(a$,2) if b$<>"MG" then message "Un code pour Médecin doit commencer par MG":text 5,"MG":return if len(a$)<3 then message "Ajoutez un chiffre après SA":text 5,"MG":return gosub doublon if a$="" then text 5,"MG":return cdc$(nc)=a$ a$=text$(8):libc$(nc)=a$ gosub afi3 inactive 4:inactive 5:hide 6:active 10:active 11:set_focus 11 return
doublon: for n=1 to nc-1 if cdc$(n)=a$ then message "Ce Code existe déja":a$="":return next n return
efen: 2d_fill_color 240,235,235 2d_rectangle 50,300,900,440 return
aide: print_target_is 2 print_locate 10,10:print "Quelques Conseils pour créer ce Code:" print_locate 10,30:print "La pluparts des éléments de ce code sont déja crées, à vous de verifier et de complèter" print_locate 10,50:print "" print_locate 10,70:print "Pensez à vérifier (avant de créer votre Code) l'existence du nom du médecin car vous ne pourrez pas les créer dans cette section du programme." print_locate 10,90:print "" print_locate 10,110:print "" print_locate 10,130:print "" print_locate 10,160:print "" print_locate 10,180:print "" print_locate 10,220:print "Pour Démarrer, Cliquez dans le champ CODE et ajouter un chiffre de 0 à 9." print_target_is 0 return
afireste: gosub efen n=item_index(3) print_locate 60,310:print string$(100," ") print_locate 60,330:print string$(100," ") print_locate 60,310:print "Utilisateur du Code "+libc$(n)+": "+utilc$(n) print_locate 60,330:print "Destinataire/Emetteur du Code "+libc$(n)+": "+desc$(n) return
addlist: print_locate 7,22:print "CODE" print_locate 132,22:print "LIBELLE DU CODE" print_locate 346,22:print "MR +/-" print_locate 442,22:print "FAMILLE et CATEGORIE" print_locate 657,22:print "OAM" print_locate 690,22:print "BANQUE" print_locate 744,22:print "J/VAL" print_locate 790,22:print "MENSUALITE" print_locate 900,22:print "MONTANT" print_locate 980,22:print "N° Ligne" font_name 3,"Fixedsys" for n=1 to 99 c$="":a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 a$=cdc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=libc$(n):if len(a$)>36 then a$=left$(a$,36) ls=37:gosub strig c$=c$+" "+mrc$(n) if mrc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+opc$(n)+" |" a$=catc$(n):ls=32:gosub strig if oac$(n)=""then oac$(n)=" " c$=c$+" "+oac$(n)+" | " cbkcmod$=left$(cbkc$(n),2) if cbkc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+""+cbkcmod$+" | " a$=dvc$(n):ls=5:gosub strig a$=mecc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mefc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mtc$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:c$=c$+b$ a$=str$(n) if len(a$)=1 then b$="00"+a$ if len(a$)=2 then b$="0"+a$ if len(a$)=3 then b$=a$ c$=c$+b$ item_add 3,c$ next n return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 | ":return if val(a$)=0 then b$=" 0.00 | ":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$=""
pa: p=p+1 if p>lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$<>"." then goto pa e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1):f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" | ":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
strig: if a$="" then d$=string$(ls," ")+"|":c$=c$+d$:a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0:return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt:b$=left$(a$,lt)+string$(l," ")+"|" c$=c$+b$:a$="":b$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 return
chcptutil: nu$=str$(nu) fi$="cfplc" + nu$ + ".cfp" fe=file_exists (fi$) if fe=0 then message nomutil$+" Vous n'avez pas de compte ouvert":goto fin if fe=1 then gosub chargeliste:return return
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargeutil: file_open_read 1,"utilisateur.cfp" for n=1 to 10 file_readln 1,util$(n) file_readln 1,mdp$(n) file_readln 1,grad$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargedest: fi$= "cfpdest.cfp" file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,dest$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecat: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 15 file_readln 1,cat$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargefam: file_open_read 1,"cfplisfa.cfp" for n=1 to 20 file_readln 1,fifam$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecode: file_open_read 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,cdc$(n) file_readln 1,libc$(n) file_readln 1,mrc$(n) file_readln 1,opc$(n) file_readln 1,famc$(n) file_readln 1,catc$(n) file_readln 1,desc$(n) file_readln 1,utilc$(n) file_readln 1,oac$(n) file_readln 1,cbkc$(n) file_readln 1,dvc$(n) file_readln 1,mecc$(n) file_readln 1,mefc$(n) file_readln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvecode: file_open_write 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_writeln 1,cdc$(n) file_writeln 1,libc$(n) file_writeln 1,mrc$(n) file_writeln 1,opc$(n) file_writeln 1,famc$(n) file_writeln 1,catc$(n) file_writeln 1,desc$(n) file_writeln 1,utilc$(n) file_writeln 1,oac$(n) file_writeln 1,cbkc$(n) file_writeln 1,dvc$(n) file_writeln 1,mecc$(n) file_writeln 1,mefc$(n) file_writeln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 9,448:print "UTILISATEUR: "+nomutil$ print_locate 830,448:print date$ return
rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- quit: execute cfptrcod.exe fin: terminate
Dernière édition par Jean Claude le Dim 11 Oct 2009 - 15:32, édité 1 fois | |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Lun 21 Sep 2009 - 17:43 | |
| cfpviop2, en complément de cfpvisop, pour visualiser des fichiers d'opérations fermés. - Code:
rem cfpviop2
label tf,chargetf03,chargeliste,datfich,chargeoper,addlist,sauveoper,mt,pas,pa label quit,fin,verificour,rose,vert,afi1,recheche,selfich,datfic,moi
dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim cod$(111),nlig$(111),datoper$(111),lib$(111),mr$(111),op$(111),piece$(111),util$(111),dest$(111),fam$(111),cat$(111),dv$(111),mt$(111),sld$(111),ctr$(111) dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$ dim n,no,nu,ncpt,l,li,lt,lp,lc,lr,ls,p dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,an$,moi$,nu$,fi$,fil$,liba$,mec$,mef$,pcat$,pmt$,psld$ dim jou$
left 0,9:top 0,60:width 0,1270:height 0,850 gosub tf font_name 0,"Impact" font_size 0,9 gosub chargetf03:fil$=fi$:gosub chargeliste:gosub datfich caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Visualisation sur le Compte: "+lcpt$(ncpt)+" * "+a$+" *"
list 1 left 1,10:top 1,50:width 1,1190:height 1,550 color 1,190,255,255 on_click 1,afi1
button 2 left 2,10:top 2,630:width 2,100:height 2,25:caption 2,"RETOUR" on_click 2,quit
button 3 left 3,130:top 3,630:width 3,100:height 3,25:caption 3,"RECHERCHER" on_click 3,recheche
list 4 left 4,110:top 4,55:width 4,250:height 4,540 color 4,255,255,20 font_name 4,"Fixedsys" hide 4
gosub rose gosub verificour:gosub chargeoper:gosub addlist:no=n gosub vert end rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- recheche: clear 1:show 4 b$=cpt$(ncpt):c$=lcpt$(ncpt):caption 0," Recherche sur le compte: "+c$ a$=file_find_first$ if left$(a$,4)="£"+b$ then gosub moi:item_add 4,a$ while a$<>"_" a$=file_find_next$ if left$(a$,4)="£"+b$ then gosub moi:item_add 4,a$ end_while file_find_close on_click 4,selfich hide 3 return
moi: f$=mid$(a$,3,1) if f$="A" then return e$=a$:moi$=mid$(a$,7,2) gosub datfic d$=e$+ " "+a$:a$=d$ return
selfich: fi$=left$(item_index$(4),12) moi$=mid$(fi$,7,2) gosub datfic caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Visualisation sur le Compte: "+lcpt$(ncpt)+" * "+a$+" *" gosub chargeoper gosub addlist clear 4:hide 4:show 3 return
afi1: gosub vert no=item_index(1):a$=item_index$(1) print_locate 20,710:print "INFORMATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES DE LA LIGNE : "+nlig$(no)+" "+cod$(no)+" "+lib$(no) print_locate 20,730:print "UTILISATEUR : "+util$(no)+string$(16," ")+"DESTINATAIRE : "+dest$(no) print_locate 20,750:print "DATE DE VALEUR : "+dv$(no) print_locate 20,770:print "FAMILLE DE CATEGORIE : "+fam$(no) return
vert: print_target_is 0 print_locate 10,800:print " UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$+" " print_locate 1180,800:print " "+date$+" " 2d_fill_color 200,255,200 2d_rectangle 10,790,1200,700 return
rose: 2d_fill_color 255,235,235 2d_rectangle 10,15,1200,45 print_locate 24,20:print " LIGNE |" print_locate 64,20:print "DATE OPERATION |" print_locate 147,20:print " LIBELLE ou MOTIF |" print_locate 458,20:print " MR +/- |" print_locate 515,20:print "N ° de PIECE |" print_locate 605,18:print "MIN / MAX |" print_locate 754,18:print "Catégorie |" print_locate 904,18:print "MONTANT |" print_locate 1054,18:print " SOLDE |" print_locate 1134,18:print "CTR |" return
verificour: fi$=fec$(ncpt) n=file_exists(fi$) if n=0 then Message "Le fichier "+fi$+" n'existe pas.":goto fin if n=1 then return return
addlist: for n=1 to 111 font_name 1,"Fixedsys" if nlig$(n)="" then return lt=len(lib$(n)):li=36-lt:liba$=lib$(n) if lt>35 then liba$=left$(lib$(n),35):li=1 lt=len(piece$(n)):lp=10-lt if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)<>"/" then mec$="000":mef$="000" if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)="/" then mec$=left$(piece$(n),3):mef$=right$(piece$(n),3) pcat$=left$(cat$(n),23) lt=len(pcat$):lc=24-lt a$=mt$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:pmt$=b$ a$=sld$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:psld$=b$ lt=len(ctr$(n)):lr=5-lt a$=" "+nlig$(n)+" | "+datoper$(n)+" | "+liba$+string$(li," ")+"| "+mr$(n)+op$(n)+" | "+piece$(n)+string$(lp," ")+"| "+mec$+"/"+mef$+" |"+pcat$+string$(lc," ")+" | "+pmt$+ psld$+string$(lr," ")+ctr$(n)+" |" print_target_is 1 print a$ next n return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 | ":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$="" pa: p=p+1 if p>lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$<>"." then goto pa e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1) f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" | ":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
datfich: an$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),5,2):moi$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),7,2) datfic: if moi$="01" then a$="JANVIER / "+an$ if moi$="02" then a$="FEVRIER / "+an$ if moi$="03" then a$="MARS / "+an$ if moi$="04" then a$="AVRIL / "+an$ if moi$="05" then a$="MAI / "+an$ if moi$="06" then a$="JUIN / "+an$ if moi$="07" then a$="JUILLET / "+an$ if moi$="08" then a$="AOUT / "+an$ if moi$="09" then a$="SEPTEMBRE / "+an$ if moi$="10" then a$="OCTOBRE / "+an$ if moi$="11" then a$="NOVEMBBRE / "+an$ if moi$="12" then a$="DECEMBRE / "+an$ return
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargetf03: file_open_read 1,"cfptf03.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,fi$ file_readln 1,ncpt file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 return
chargeoper: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_readln 1,cod$(n) file_readln 1,nlig$(n) file_readln 1,datoper$(n) file_readln 1,lib$(n) file_readln 1,mr$(n) file_readln 1,op$(n) file_readln 1,piece$(n) file_readln 1,util$(n) file_readln 1,dest$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) file_readln 1,cat$(n) file_readln 1,dv$(n) file_readln 1,mt$(n) file_readln 1,sld$(n) file_readln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauveoper: file_open_write 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_writeln 1,cod$(n) file_writeln 1,nlig$(n) file_writeln 1,datoper$(n) file_writeln 1,lib$(n) file_writeln 1,mr$(n) file_writeln 1,op$(n) file_writeln 1,piece$(n) file_writeln 1,util$(n) file_writeln 1,dest$(n) file_writeln 1,fam$(n) file_writeln 1,cat$(n) file_writeln 1,dv$(n) file_writeln 1,mt$(n) file_writeln 1,sld$(n) file_writeln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
quit: execute "cfpvisop.exe" fin: terminate
Dernière édition par Jean Claude le Mer 23 Sep 2009 - 8:40, édité 2 fois | |
| | | Jean Claude
Nombre de messages : 5950 Age : 70 Localisation : 83 Var Date d'inscription : 07/05/2009
| Sujet: Re: CFP les codes Mar 22 Sep 2009 - 16:56 | |
| cfpeoanu, pour l'enregistrement des opérations sur compte épargne. - Code:
rem cfpeoanu
label quit,fin,jaune,bleu,rose,vert,tf,chargetf03,datfich,co,fen2,nouvfich label chargeliste,sauveliste,chargeoper,sauveoper,verificour,pasfich,addlist label mt,pa,pas,demar,chargecode,sauvecode,selcode,aficode,strig label scod,scod2,scod3,scod4,scod5,continue,ct,rec,piece,chekm,chargechequiers,chqprincip label chargecheque,rpcb,datoper,jour,mois,ans,confdat,atm,modidest,chargedest,seldest label minmax,adollar,montant,montan,monta,enregop,modilib,modlib,molib,modimr,modmr label modicat,selfam,cnb,chargefam,addfam,cont,chargecat,selcat,solde,gestioncheque,ctrchq label sauvechequiers,sauvecheque,visu,changemois,modich,visuch,vch,modic label preparvir,addvir,sauvevir
dim a,b,c,n,nb,n1c,nc,nf,nu,ncpt,l,lt,lp,l2,lc,ls,lr,p,li,no,nbch,pas,mt,nch,ncq dim a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,f$,fi$,fil$,fif$,an$,moi$,jou$,liba$,mec$,mef$,pcat$,pmt$,psld$,nu$,fic$,fik$ dim proga$,nomutil$,motutil$,gradutil$,cbkcmod$,afam$,nch$,vir$ dim cpt$(9),lcpt$(9),fec$(9),rec$(9),sldcpt$(9) dim cod$(111),nlig$(111),datoper$(111),lib$(111),mr$(111),op$(111),piece$(111),util$(111),dest$(111),fam$(111),cat$(111),dv$(111),mt$(111),sld$(111),ctr$(111) dim codv$(111),datoperv$(111),libv$(111),mrv$(111),opv$(111),piecev$(111),utilv$(111),destv$(111),famv$(111),catv$(111),dvv$(111),mtv$(111) dim cdc$(99),libc$(99),mrc$(99),opc$(99),famc$(99),catc$(99),desc$(99),utilc$(99),oac$(99),cbkc$(99),dvc$(99),mecc$(99),mefc$(99),mtc$(99) dim numchq$(10),bkchq$(10),utilchq$(10),typchq$(10),npchk$(10),ndchk$(10),sitchq$(10) dim nchk$(50),mtchk$(50),datoperchk$(50),datvalchk$(50),ordrechk$(50),sitchk$(50) dim fifam$(20)
left 0,9 top 0,60:width 0,1264:height 0,834
gosub tf:gosub chargetf03:fil$=fi$:gosub chargeliste:gosub datfich
caption 0,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Enregistrement d'une Opérations sur le Compte: "+lcpt$(ncpt)+" * "+a$+" *" font_name 0,"Impact" font_size 0,9
list 1 left 1,10:top 1,50:width 1,1180:height 1,300 color 1,190,255,255
picture 3 left 3,10:top 3,384:width 3,1180:height 3,50
combo 4 left 4,32:top 4,470:width 4,40 rem caption 4,"JOUR" for n=1 to 31 item_add 4,n next n
button 5 left 5,230:top 5,470 caption 5,"Motif"
button 6 left 6,340:top 6,470 caption 6,"MR"
button 2 left 2,420:top 2,470 caption 2,"N° de Chèque"
button 8 left 8,640:top 8,470 caption 8,"Destinataire"
button 9 left 9,725:top 9,470 caption 9,"Montant"
button 10 left 10,810:top 10,470:width 10,80 caption 10,"Date de Valeur" hide 10
button 11 left 11,15:top 11,354:width 11,150 caption 11,"Démarrer un Enregistrement" font_size 11,9 on_click 11,demar hide 11
combo 12 left 12,80:top 12,470:width 12,40 rem caption 12,"MOIS" for n=1 to 12 item_add 12,n next n
combo 13 left 13,130:top 13,470:width 13,40 rem caption 13,"ANS" for n=0 to 99 item_add 13,n next n
button 14 left 14,500:top 14,470 caption 14,"Catégorie"
button 15 left 15,315:top 15,530:width 15,150 caption 15,"Visualisation de la Page" on_click 15,visu
button 16 left 16,489:top 16,530:width 16,150 caption 16,"Changement d'année" on_click 16,changemois
button 17 left 17,665:top 17,530:width 17,150 caption 17,"Retour au Menu général" on_click 17,quit
list 18:top 18,600:left 18,80:width 18,1050:height 18,170 inactive 18 on_click 18,continue
edit 19:top 19,550:left 19,80:width 19,30:height 19,25 inactive 19 on_change 19,scod
alpha 20:top 20,530:left 20,54 caption 20,"Entrez la premiere lettre du code" inactive 20
button 21:top 21,552:left 21,120:width 21,20:height 21,20:caption 21,"OK" inactive 21 on_click 21,scod2
print_locate 10,780:print "UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$ print_locate 1190,780:print date$
gosub fen2:gosub verificour inactive 2:inactive 4:inactive 5:inactive 6:inactive 8:inactive 9 inactive 12:inactive 13:inactive 14
button 22 left 22,15:top 22,354:width 22,150 caption 22,"Recommencer" font_size 22,9 on_click 22,rec hide 22
edit 23:top 23,540:left 23,980:width 23,80:height 23,25 hide 23
button 24:top 24,544:left 24,1065:width 24,20:height 24,20:caption 24,"OK" hide 24
button 25:top 25,510:left 25,25:width 25,150:height 25,20:caption 25,"Confirmation Date Opération" hide 25
button 26 left 26,200:top 26,354:width 26,150 caption 26,"VALIDER l ' Opération" font_size 26,9 on_click 26,enregop hide 26
edit 27:top 27,650:left 27,155:width 27,225:height 27,20 hide 27
button 31:top 31,652:left 31,395:width 31,20:height 31,20:caption 31,"OK" hide 31
combo 32:top 32,650:left 32,155:width 32,50:height 32,20 item_add 32,"CB":item_add 32,"CH":item_add 32,"VI":item_add 32,"ES":item_add 32,"AU":item_add 32,"RG" hide 32
gosub bleu:gosub jaune:gosub rose gosub chargeoper:gosub addlist:no=n show 11:set_focus 11
end rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- modich: if mr$(no)<>"CH" then message "Le règlement n'est pas un Chèque":gosub jaune:return gosub visuch list 34:top 34,200:left 34,900:width 34,300:height 34,400 on_click 34,modic return
modic: hide 34:gosub bleu:gosub vert:gosub jaune nch$=left$(item_index$(34),6) nch=val(nch$) piece$(no)="N°"+nch$ print_locate 15,400:print " "+nlig$(no)+" | " print_locate 60,400:print datoper$(no)+" | " print_locate 130,400:print cod$(no)+" | " print_locate 160,400:print string$(110," ")+" | " print_locate 160,400:print lib$(no) print_locate 390,400:print string$(8," ")+" | " print_locate 390,400:print mr$(no)+op$(no) print_locate 415,400:print string$(57," ") print_locate 420,400:print piece$(no)+" | " print_locate 480,400:print string$(107," ") print_locate 485,400:print cat$(no)+" |" print_locate 645,400:print string$(50," ") print_locate 653,400:print dest$(no)+" | " return
visuch: combo 33:top 33,200:left 33,500:width 33,340 print_locate 15,80:print "Sélectionnez le Chèquier" for n1c=1 to 10 item_add 33,numchq$(n1c)+" "+bkchq$(n1c)+" "+typchq$(n1c)+" "+npchk$(n1c)+"/"+ndchk$(n1c)+" "+sitchq$(n1c) next n1c on_click 33,vch return
vch: n1c=item_index(33):ncq=n1c if numchq$(n1c)="" then message "Sélection Vide":return hide 33 rem print_locate 96,105:print "|N°CHEQUE| MONTANT | DATE OPER. | DATE VAL.. | ORDRE | SITUATION | |" fik$="cf"+nu$+"ch"+numchq$(n1c)+".cfp" a=val(npchk$(n1c)):b=val(ndchk$(n1c)):nbch=1+(b-a) gosub chargecheque for n1c=1 to nbch c$=nchk$(n1c)+" |" a$=mtchk$(n1c):ls=9:gosub mt:c$=c$+b$ a$=datoperchk$(n1c):ls=12:gosub strig a$=datvalchk$(n1c):ls=12:gosub strig a$=ordrechk$(n1c):ls=22:gosub strig a$=sitchk$(n1c):ls=14:gosub strig item_add 34,c$:c$="" next n1c return
changemois: execute "cfpnovan.exe":goto fin return
visu: execute "cfpvisop.exe":goto fin return
enregop: rem clear 1:n=0:gosub addlist hide 26:hide 2:hide 5:hide 6:hide 8:hide 9:hide 10:hide 14 gosub jaune gosub solde if mr$(no)="CH" then gosub gestioncheque mt$(no)=str$(mt) gosub preparvir if vir$="O" then gosub sauvevir gosub sauveoper gosub sauvecode gosub sauveliste if vir$="O" then execute "cfpvir.exe":goto fin if proga$="cfpprlv.exe" then execute proga$:goto fin print "Votre opération est enregistrée. Cliquez sur [ Recommencer ] ou [ Retour au Menu ]" return
preparvir: n=0:vir$="" if nlig$(no)="" then return if left$(cod$(no),2)="VI" then gosub addvir return
addvir: n=n+1:vir$="O" codv$(n)=cod$(no):datoperv$(n)=datoper$(no):libv$(n)=lib$(no):mrv$(n)=mr$(no):opv$(n)="+" piecev$(n)=piece$(no):utilv$(n)=util$(no):destv$(n)=dest$(no):famv$(n)=fam$(no) catv$(n)=cat$(no):dvv$(n)=dv$(no):mtv$(n)=mt$(no) return
gestioncheque: mtchk$(nch)=str$(mt):datoperchk$(nch)=datoper$(no):datvalchk$(nch)=dv$(no) ordrechk$(nch)=dest$(no):sitchk$(nch)="EMIS" if cod$(no)="CHA" then sitchk$(nch)="ANNULE" print numchq$(ncq)+" "+bkchq$(ncq)+" "+utilchq$(ncq)+" "+typchq$(ncq)+" "+npchk$(ncq)+" "+ndchk$(ncq)+" "+sitchq$(ncq) gosub ctrchq print nchk$(nch)+" "+mtchk$(nch)+" "+datoperchk$(nch)+" "+datvalchk$(nch)+" "+ordrechk$(nch)+" "+sitchk$(nch) gosub sauvechequiers gosub sauvecheque return
ctrchq: for n=1 to nbch if n>nbch then sitchq$(ncq)="PAS TOUT POINTE":typchq$(ncq)="SECONDAIRE":return if sitchk$(n)="BLANC" then sitchq$(ncq)="A FINIR": return next n
continue: gosub vert:gosub rose hide 20:hide 19:hide 21 inactive 15:inactive 16 a$=item_index$(18):b$=right$(a$,3):nc=val(b$) if left$(cbkc$(nc),2)="9T" then goto ct if cbkc$(nc)<>cpt$(ncpt) then message "Ce Code ne peut pas être utilisé sur ce Compte":return ct: if oac$(nc)="O" then message "Code réservé aux Opérations Automatiques":return: rem <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< a verifier gosub datoper cod$(no)=cdc$(nc):lib$(no)=libc$(nc):mr$(no)=mrc$(nc):op$(no)=opc$(nc) util$(no)=utilc$(nc):dest$(no)=desc$(nc):fam$(no)=famc$(nc):cat$(no)=catc$(nc):dv$(no)=dvc$(nc):mt$(no)=mtc$(nc) mt=val(mt$(no)) gosub minmax gosub piece print_locate 15,400:print " "+nlig$(no)+" | " print_locate 60,400:print datoper$(no)+" | " print_locate 130,400:print cod$(no)+" | " print_locate 160,400:print string$(110," ")+" | " print_locate 160,400:print lib$(no) print_locate 390,400:print string$(8," ")+" | " print_locate 390,400:print mr$(no)+op$(no) print_locate 415,400:print string$(57," ") print_locate 420,400:print piece$(no)+" | " print_locate 480,400:print string$(107," ") print_locate 485,400:print cat$(no)+" |" print_locate 645,400:print string$(50," ") print_locate 653,400:print dest$(no)+" | " if val(mt$(no))=0 then gosub montant print_locate 758,400:print string$(25," ") print_locate 758,400:print mt$(no)+" | " dv$(no)=datoper$(no) print_locate 780,400:print string$(20," ") print_locate 815,400:print " "+dv$(no)+" |" if mr$(no)="CH" then active 2 active 5:active 6:active 8:active 9:active 14 gosub vert:print_locate 60,600:print " Modifiez les éléments de l'opération avec les bouttons si nécéssaire, puis Valider ou Retour au Menu " show 26 gosub jaune on_click 9,montant on_click 5,modilib on_click 6,modimr on_click 8,modidest on_click 14,modicat on_click 2,modich return
solde: a= val(sldcpt$(ncpt)) if op$(no)="-" then c=a-mt if op$(no)="+" then c=a+mt a$=str$(c) sld$(no)=a$:sldcpt$(ncpt)=a$ gosub vert:print_locate 60,600:print "Nouveau Solde: "+sld$(no) return
modicat: list 33:left 33,830:top 33,520:width 33,170:height 33,250 gosub chargefam: gosub addfam on_click 33,selfam list 34:left 34,1010:top 34,520:width 34,190:height 34,250 on_click 34,selcat gosub rose return
selcat: n=item_index(34) a$=item_index$(34) if cat$(n)="" then message "Sélection Vide":return cat$(no)=a$ gosub jaune print_locate 480,400:print string$(62," ") print_locate 485,400:print cat$(no)+" |" hide 33:hide 34:inactive 14:gosub vert:gosub jaune return
selfam: pas=pas+1:if pas >1 then clear 34 n=item_index(33):nf=n a$=item_index$(33) if a$="" then message "Sélection Vide":return l=len(fam$(n)):afam$=left$(fam$(n),l-1):fif$=fifam$(nf) gosub chargecat for n=1 to 15 item_add 34,cat$(n) next n gosub cnb return
cnb: for n=1 to 15 nb=nb+1 if cat$(n)="" then nb=nb-1 next n return
addfam: nf=0 for n=1 to 20 if fam$(n)="" then goto cont l=len(fam$(n)):afam$=left$(fam$(n),l-1) nf=nf+1 cont: item_add 33,afam$ afam$="" next n return
modidest: gosub chargedest list 7:left 7,950:top 7,445:width 7,178:height 7,330 gosub rose:gosub vert:gosub jaune for n=1 to 99 item_add 7,dest$(n) next n on_click 7,seldest return
seldest: dest$(no)=item_index$(7) print_locate 635,400:print string$(40," ") print_locate 643,400:print dest$(no)+" |" hide 7:inactive 8:gosub vert:gosub jaune return
modimr: show 32:set_focus 32 on_click 32,modmr return
modmr: mr$(no)=text$(32) print_locate 390,400:print string$(7," ")+" | " print_locate 390,400:print mr$(no)+op$(no) hide 32:gosub vert gosub piece gosub jaune print_locate 415,400:print string$(17," ") print_locate 420,400:print piece$(no)+" | " rem <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if mr$(no)="CH" and op$(no)="-" then active 10 return
modilib: text 27,lib$(no) on_change 27,modlib show 27:set_focus 27 return
modlib: a$=text$(27) if len(a$)<3 then message "3 caractères Minimum":return if len(a$)>36 then message "36 caractères Maximum":return show 31 on_click 31,molib return
molib: lib$(no)=a$ gosub jaune print_locate 160,400:print string$(109," ")+" | " print_locate 160,400:print lib$(no) hide 27:hide 31:gosub vert:gosub jaune return
montant: if cod$(no)="CHA" then mt=0:mt$(no)="0.00":return show 23:set_focus 23 on_change 23,montan print_locate 980,520:print "Entrez le Montant" return
montan: a$=text$(23) if numeric(a$)=0 then text 23,"":return if len(a$)>10 then text 23,"":return show 24 on_click 24,monta return
monta: mt=val(a$) a$=str$(mt) mt$(no)=a$ gosub mt hide 23:hide 24 gosub jaune print_locate 980,520:print string$(41," ") print_locate 738,400:print string$(15," ") print_locate 743,400:print mt$(no) return
minmax: a=val(mecc$(nc)):b=val(mefc$(nc)) if b=0 then return if b>0 then a=a+1 a$=str$(a):gosub adollar b$=mefc$(nc) mecc$(nc)=a$ if a>b then piece$(no)="Terminé":mt=0:mt$(no)="0,00" piece$(no)=a$+"/"+b$ return
adollar: a=val(a$) if a<10 then a$="00"+a$:return if a>9 and a<100 then a$="0"+a$:return return
piece: if cod$(no)="CHA" then piece$(no)="ANNULE":ctr$(no)="CHA" if mid$(piece$(no),4,1)="/" then return if mr$(no)="CH" and op$(no)="-" then gosub chekm:return if mr$(no)="CH" and op$(no)="+" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="ES" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="ES" and op$(no)="+" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="VI" or mr$(no)="AU" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="VI" or mr$(no)="AU" and op$(no)="+" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="CB" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="DB" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):return if mr$(no)="RG" and op$(no)="-" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):ctr$(no)="REG":return if mr$(no)="RG" and op$(no)="+" then piece$(no)=datoper$(no):ctr$(no)="REG":return return
datoper: active 4:active 12:active 13:show 22:show 25:hide 18:gosub vert:gosub rose on_click 4,jour on_click 12,mois on_click 13,ans on_click 25,confdat print_locate 60,600:print " Modifier si nécéssaire la date d'opération, puis confirmer " gosub atm return
jour: jou$=text$(4) if val(jou$)<10 then jou$="0"+jou$ gosub atm return mois: moi$=text$(12) if val(moi$)<10 then moi$="0"+moi$ gosub atm return ans: an$=text$(13) if val(an$)<10 then an$="0"+an$ gosub atm return
confdat: a$=jou$:b$=moi$:c$=an$ datoper$(no)=a$+"/"+b$+"/"+c$ inactive 4:inactive 12:inactive 13:hide 25:gosub vert:gosub jaune print_locate 415,400:print string$(27," ")+" | " return
atm: a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto atm return
chekm: nu$=str$(nu) fic$="cfp"+nu$+"chq.cfp" n=0:gosub chargechequiers n=0:gosub chqprincip if numchq$(1)="" then message "il n'y a aucun chèquiers ouvert. vous devez le créer.":execute "cfpgchq.exe":goto fin a=val(npchk$(n)):b=val(ndchk$(n)):nbch=1+(b-a) ncq=n fik$="cf"+nu$+"ch"+a$+".cfp" gosub chargecheque a$="":gosub rpcb piece$(no)="N°"+a$ nch=n gosub jaune return
rpcb: for n=1 to nbch if n>nbch then message "il n'y a plus de Chèque sur le chèquier "+fik$+" Vous allez être redirigé vers la gestion des chèques.":execute "cfpgchq.exe":goto fin if sitchk$(n)="BLANC" then a$=nchk$(n): return next n return
chqprincip: for n= 1 to 10 if n>10 then message "il n'y a pas de chèquier principale. vous ne pouvez continuer.":execute "cfpgchq.exe":goto fin if typchq$(n)="PRINCIPAL" then a$=numchq$(n):return next n return
demar: inactive 11:active 18 print_target_is 0 if no<10 then nlig$(no)="00"+str$(no) if no>9 and no<100 then nlig$(no)="0"+str$(no) if no>100 then nlig$(no)=str$(no) print_locate 15,400:print " "+nlig$(no)+" | " jou$=left$(date$,2):moi$=mid$(date$,4,2):an$=mid$(date$,9,2):datoper$(no)=jou$+"/"+moi$+"/"+an$ text 4,jou$:text 12,moi$:text 13,an$ print_locate 60,400:print datoper$(no)+" | " gosub chargecode:gosub selcode gosub vert:gosub rose return
selcode: nc=1:gosub aficode active 20:active 19 font_name 19,"Courier New" set_focus 19 return
scod: active 21:set_focus 21 return scod2: a$=upper$(text$(19)) gosub scod3 return
scod3: nc=0:n=0:b$="" scod4: n=n+1 if n>99 then b$="":n=1:goto scod5 b$=mid$(cdc$(n),1,1) if b$="" then goto scod4 if b$=a$ then goto scod5 goto scod4
scod5: if b$="" then message "Pas de Code Qui Commence par "+a$ clear 18 nc=n:gosub aficode set_focus 18 hide 20:hide 19:hide 21 return
aficode: font_name 18,"Fixedsys" for n=nc to 99-(nc+1) c$="":a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 a$=cdc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=libc$(n):if len(a$)>36 then a$=left$(a$,36) ls=37:gosub strig c$=c$+" "+mrc$(n) if mrc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+opc$(n)+" |" a$=catc$(n):ls=32:gosub strig if oac$(n)=""then oac$(n)=" " c$=c$+" "+oac$(n)+" | " cbkcmod$=left$(cbkc$(n),2) if cbkc$(n)="" then c$=c$+" " c$=c$+""+cbkcmod$+" | " a$=dvc$(n):ls=5:gosub strig a$=mecc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mefc$(n):ls=4:gosub strig a$=mtc$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:c$=c$+b$ a$=str$(n) if len(a$)=1 then b$="00"+a$ if len(a$)=2 then b$="0"+a$ if len(a$)=3 then b$=a$ c$=c$+b$ item_add 18,c$ next n return
strig: if a$="" then d$=string$(ls," ")+"|":c$=c$+d$:a$="":b$="":d$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0:return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt:b$=left$(a$,lt)+string$(l," ")+"|" c$=c$+b$:a$="":b$="":lt=0:l=0:ls=0 return
addlist: for n=1 to 111 font_name 1,"Fixedsys" if nlig$(n)="" then return lt=len(lib$(n)):li=36-lt:liba$=lib$(n) if lt>35 then liba$=left$(lib$(n),35):li=1 lt=len(piece$(n)):lp=9-lt if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)<>"/" then mec$="000":mef$="000" if mid$(piece$(n),4,1)="/" then mec$=left$(piece$(n),3):mef$=right$(piece$(n),3) pcat$=left$(cat$(n),23) lt=len(pcat$):lc=24-lt a$=mt$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:pmt$=b$ a$=sld$(n):ls=9:gosub mt:psld$=b$ lt=len(ctr$(n)):lr=5-lt a$=" "+nlig$(n)+" | "+datoper$(n)+" | "+liba$+string$(li," ")+"| "+mr$(n)+op$(n)+" | "+piece$(n)+string$(lp," ")+"| "+mec$+"/"+mef$+" |"+pcat$+string$(lc," ")+" | "+pmt$+ psld$+string$(lr," ")+ctr$(n)+" |" print_target_is 1 print a$ next n return
rose: 2d_fill_color 255,235,235 2d_rectangle 10,15,1190,45 print_locate 24,20:print " LIGNE |" print_locate 64,20:print "DATE OPERATION |" print_locate 147,20:print " LIBELLE ou MOTIF |" print_locate 458,20:print " MR +/- |" print_locate 515,20:print "N ° de PIECE |" print_locate 605,18:print "MIN / MAX |" print_locate 754,18:print "Catégorie |" print_locate 904,18:print "MONTANT |" print_locate 1054,18:print " SOLDE |" print_locate 1134,18:print "CTR |" return
mt: lt=0:l=0:p=0:d$="":b$="" if a$="" then b$=" 0.00 | ":return lt=len(a$):l=ls-lt if lt=1 then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return gosub pas return
pas: p=0:d$="":b$="":e$="" pa: p=p+1 if p>lt then b$=string$(l," ")+a$+".00 | ":return d$=mid$(a$,p,1) if d$<>"." then goto pa e$=mid$(a$,p+1,1) f$=mid$(a$,p+2,1) if e$="" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+1," ")+a$+"00 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$="" then b$=string$(l+2," ")+a$+"0 | ":return if e$<>"" and f$<>"" then b$=string$(l+3," ")+a$+" | ":return message "Cas non prévu à l'etiquette pa":terminate
datfich: an$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),5,4) a$=an$ return
co: hide 28:hide 29:hide 30 print_target_is 0 command_target_is 0 inactive 5:inactive 6:inactive 8:inactive 9:inactive 11:inactive 12:inactive 13:inactive 14:inactive 15 cod$(1)="DEP":nlig$(1)="001" jou$=left$(date$,2):moi$=mid$(date$,4,2):an$=mid$(date$,9,2):datoper$(1)=jou$+"/"+moi$+"/"+an$ lib$(1)="Démarrage du Compte":mr$(1)="AU":op$(1)="§":piece$(1)="Dépard":util$(1)=nomutil$ dest$(1)="":fam$(1)="FONCTION":cat$(1)="FONCTION: Neutre":dv$(1)=datoper$(1):mt$(1)="0.00" sld$(1)=sldcpt$(ncpt):ctr$(1)="DEP" for n=2 to 111 nlig$(n)="" next n gosub nouvfich return
nouvfich: a$=left$(fec$(ncpt),4) an$=mid$(fec$(ncpt),5,4) fi$=a$+an$+".cfp" fec$(ncpt)=fi$ print_locate 50,600:print fec$(ncpt) gosub sauveliste gosub sauveoper execute "cfpeoanu.exe" return
vert: 2d_fill_color 200,255,200 2d_rectangle 10,580,1190,780 return
jaune: 2d_fill_color 240,245,120 2d_rectangle 10,500,1190,440 print_locate 30,446:print " JOUR / MOIS / ANNEE" return
bleu: 2d_fill_color 140,235,255 2d_rectangle 310,562,820,522 return rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- pasfich: show 30 print_target_is 30 print_locate 350,10:print "Le fichier "+fi$+" n'existe pas" print_locate 10,50:print "1er CAS:" print_locate 30,90:print "Si vous enregistrez une Opération pour la première fois, c'est normal." print_locate 10,350:print "2ème CAS:" print_locate 30,380:print "Ce n'est pas normal, Cliquez sur [Abandon] pour rechercher l'erreur" show 28:show 29 end return
verificour: fi$=fec$(ncpt) n=file_exists(fi$) if n=0 then Message "Le fichier "+fi$+" n'existe pas. Suivez les instrutions qui vous seront données.":gosub pasfich:return if n=1 then return return rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sauvevir: file_open_write 1,"cfpvir.cfp" for n=1 to 111 file_writeln 1,codv$(n) file_writeln 1,datoperv$(n) file_writeln 1,libv$(n) file_writeln 1,mrv$(n) file_writeln 1,opv$(n) file_writeln 1,piecev$(n) file_writeln 1,utilv$(n) file_writeln 1,destv$(n) file_writeln 1,famv$(n) file_writeln 1,catv$(n) file_writeln 1,dvv$(n) file_writeln 1,mtv$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeoper: file_open_read 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_readln 1,cod$(n) file_readln 1,nlig$(n) file_readln 1,datoper$(n) file_readln 1,lib$(n) file_readln 1,mr$(n) file_readln 1,op$(n) file_readln 1,piece$(n) file_readln 1,util$(n) file_readln 1,dest$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) file_readln 1,cat$(n) file_readln 1,dv$(n) file_readln 1,mt$(n) file_readln 1,sld$(n) file_readln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauveoper: file_open_write 1,fi$ for n=1 to 111 file_writeln 1,cod$(n) file_writeln 1,nlig$(n) file_writeln 1,datoper$(n) file_writeln 1,lib$(n) file_writeln 1,mr$(n) file_writeln 1,op$(n) file_writeln 1,piece$(n) file_writeln 1,util$(n) file_writeln 1,dest$(n) file_writeln 1,fam$(n) file_writeln 1,cat$(n) file_writeln 1,dv$(n) file_writeln 1,mt$(n) file_writeln 1,sld$(n) file_writeln 1,ctr$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargeliste: file_open_read 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_readln 1,cpt$(n) file_readln 1,lcpt$(n) file_readln 1,fec$(n) file_readln 1,rec$(n) file_readln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauveliste: file_open_write 1,fil$ for n=1 to 9 file_writeln 1,cpt$(n) file_writeln 1,lcpt$(n) file_writeln 1,fec$(n) file_writeln 1,rec$(n) file_writeln 1,sldcpt$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargetf03: file_open_read 1,"cfptf03.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,fi$ file_readln 1,ncpt file_close 1 return
tf: file_open_read 1,"cfptf01.cfp" file_readln 1,proga$ file_readln 1,nu file_readln 1,nomutil$ file_readln 1,motutil$ file_readln 1,gradutil$ file_close 1 print_locate 10,780:print "UTILISATEUR : "+nomutil$ print_locate 1190,780:print date$ return
chargecode: file_open_read 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,cdc$(n) file_readln 1,libc$(n) file_readln 1,mrc$(n) file_readln 1,opc$(n) file_readln 1,famc$(n) file_readln 1,catc$(n) file_readln 1,desc$(n) file_readln 1,utilc$(n) file_readln 1,oac$(n) file_readln 1,cbkc$(n) file_readln 1,dvc$(n) file_readln 1,mecc$(n) file_readln 1,mefc$(n) file_readln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvecode: file_open_write 1,"cfpcodes.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_writeln 1,cdc$(n) file_writeln 1,libc$(n) file_writeln 1,mrc$(n) file_writeln 1,opc$(n) file_writeln 1,famc$(n) file_writeln 1,catc$(n) file_writeln 1,desc$(n) file_writeln 1,utilc$(n) file_writeln 1,oac$(n) file_writeln 1,cbkc$(n) file_writeln 1,dvc$(n) file_writeln 1,mecc$(n) file_writeln 1,mefc$(n) file_writeln 1,mtc$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargechequiers: file_open_read 1,fic$ for n=1 to 10 file_readln 1,numchq$(n) file_readln 1,bkchq$(n) file_readln 1,utilchq$(n) file_readln 1,typchq$(n) file_readln 1,npchk$(n) file_readln 1,ndchk$(n) file_readln 1,sitchq$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvechequiers: file_open_write 1,fic$ for n=1 to 10 file_writeln 1,numchq$(n) file_writeln 1,bkchq$(n) file_writeln 1,utilchq$(n) file_writeln 1,typchq$(n) file_writeln 1,npchk$(n) file_writeln 1,ndchk$(n) file_writeln 1,sitchq$(n) next n file_close 1 return
sauvecheque: file_open_write 1,fik$ for n=1 to 50 file_writeln 1,nchk$(n) file_writeln 1,mtchk$(n) file_writeln 1,datoperchk$(n) file_writeln 1,datvalchk$(n) file_writeln 1,ordrechk$(n) file_writeln 1,sitchk$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecheque: file_open_read 1,fik$ for n=1 to 50 file_readln 1,nchk$(n) file_readln 1,mtchk$(n) file_readln 1,datoperchk$(n) file_readln 1,datvalchk$(n) file_readln 1,ordrechk$(n) file_readln 1,sitchk$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargedest: file_open_read 1,"cfpdest.cfp" for n=1 to 99 file_readln 1,dest$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargecat: file_open_read 1,fif$ for n=1 to 15 file_readln 1,cat$(n) next n file_close 1 return
chargefam: file_open_read 1,"cfplisfa.cfp" for n=1 to 20 file_readln 1,fifam$(n) file_readln 1,fam$(n) next n file_close 1 return
rem --------------------------------
fen2: form 30 top 30,100:left 30,150:width 30,1040:height 30,600 caption 30,"COMPTE FAMILIALE * Enregistrement d'une Opérations sur le Compte: "+lcpt$(ncpt)+" * "+a$+" *" color 30,200,240,255 font_name 30,"Fixedsys" hide 30 command_target_is 30 button 28 left 28,315:top 28,500:width 28,150 caption 28,"Continuer" on_click 28,co hide 28 button 29 left 29,580:top 29,500:width 29,150 caption 29,"Abandon" on_click 29,quit hide 29 command_target_is 0 return
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rec: execute "cfpeomen.exe":goto fin return
quit: execute "cfpmenug.exe" fin: terminate
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